# vinyl [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Coveralls Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/wearefractal/vinyl.png?theme=shields.io)](https://david-dm.org/wearefractal/vinyl) ## Information
Description A virtual file format
Node Version >= 0.9
## What is this? Read this for more info about how this plays into the grand scheme of things https://medium.com/@eschoff/3828e8126466 ## File ```javascript var File = require('vinyl'); var coffeeFile = new File({ cwd: "/", base: "/test/", path: "/test/file.coffee", contents: new Buffer("test = 123") }); ``` ### constructor(options) #### options.cwd Type: `String` Default: `process.cwd()` #### options.base Used for relative pathing. Typically where a glob starts. Type: `String` Default: `options.cwd` #### options.path Full path to the file. Type: `String` Default: `null` #### options.stat The result of an fs.stat call. See [fs.Stats](http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats) for more information. Type: `fs.Stats` Default: `null` #### options.contents File contents. Type: `Buffer, Stream, or null` Default: `null` ### isBuffer() Returns true if file.contents is a Buffer. ### isStream() Returns true if file.contents is a Stream. ### isNull() Returns true if file.contents is null. ### clone() Returns a new File object with all attributes cloned. Custom attributes are deep-cloned. ### pipe(stream[, opt]) If file.contents is a Buffer, it will write it to the stream. If file.contents is a Stream, it will pipe it to the stream. If file.contents is null, it will do nothing. If opt.end is false, the destination stream will not be ended (same as node core). Returns the stream. ### inspect() Returns a pretty String interpretation of the File. Useful for console.log. ### relative Returns path.relative for the file base and file path. Example: ```javascript var file = new File({ cwd: "/", base: "/test/", path: "/test/file.coffee" }); console.log(file.relative); // file.coffee ``` [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/vinyl [npm-image]: https://badge.fury.io/js/vinyl.png [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/wearefractal/vinyl [travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/wearefractal/vinyl.png?branch=master [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/wearefractal/vinyl [coveralls-image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/wearefractal/vinyl/badge.png [depstat-url]: https://david-dm.org/wearefractal/vinyl [depstat-image]: https://david-dm.org/wearefractal/vinyl.png