Gonzales changelog ================== xx.xx.201x, Version 3.0.0 ------------------------- AST: - Rename `interpolatedVariable` to `interpolation` - Rename `functionBody` to `arguments` - New node type `conditionalStatement` - Remove unused node types Parsing rules: - Interpolations are ok as arguments, inside nth selector and within identifiers - Functions are ok as arguments - Spaces are optional after declDelim - Check for unary operator in arguments - Parse operators inside arguments (#16) - Remove spaces from the end of includes - Every argument can be escaped string - Braces around arguments are ok - Equality and inequality signs are ok as operators API: - srcToAST({src: 'string', syntax: 'css', needInfo: true, rule: 'stylesheet'}) - astToSrc() - astToString() Tests: - Add more tests - Place test files inside rule directory - Use 'min' reporter instead of 'spec' - Add Travis config - Divide log and test scripts 29.12.2013, Version 2.0.2 ------------------------- - Sass includes can have both arguments list and content block, i.e. `@include nani() { color: tomato }` is valid syntax. 18.11.2013, Version 2.0.1 ------------------------- - Bring back lost whitespaces and comments 11.11.2013, Version 2.0.0 ------------------------- - Support preprocessors: Sass (both SCSS and indented syntax), LESS. - New node types: - `arguments` (less and sass only) - `commentML` - `commentSL` (less and sass only) - `condition` (sass only) - `default` (sass only) - `escapedString` (less only) - `include` (less and sass only) - `loop` (sass only) - `mixin` (less and sass only) - `parentselector` (less and sass only) - `placeholder` (sass only) - `propertyDelim` - `variable` (less and sass only) - `varialeList` (less and sass only) - Rename methods: - `srcToCSSP` -> `cssToAST` - `csspToSrc` -> `astToCSS` - `csspToTree` -> `astToTree` - Pass all arguments as one object: - `gonzales.cssToAST({css: a, syntax: b, rule: c, needInfo: d})` - `gonzales.astToCSS({ast: ast, syntax: syntax})` - Remove built files from VCS - Move test command from `make` to `npm` - Build files before running tests - Divide tests into groups according to syntax - Add script to test one specific css string - Add token's index number to info object 11.02.2013, Version 1.0.7 ------------------------- - Identifiers like `_0` are identifiers now. - Throw error instead of console.error: https://github.com/css/csso/issues/109 25.11.2012, Version 1.0.6 ------------------------- - Typo fix (global variable leak): https://github.com/css/csso/pull/110 - Attribute selectors extended by `|`. - `not(..)` pseudo-class special support: https://github.com/css/csso/issues/111 28.10.2012, Version 1.0.5 ------------------------- - Better error line numbering: https://github.com/css/gonzales/issues/2 11.10.2012, Version 1.0.4 ------------------------- - CSSO issue (@page inside @media error): https://github.com/css/csso/issues/90 10.10.2012, Version 1.0.3 ------------------------- - Both .t-1 and .t-01 should be idents: https://github.com/css/gonzales/issues/1 08.10.2012, Version 1.0.2 ------------------------- - CSSO issue (filter + important breaks csso v1.3.1): https://github.com/css/csso/issues/87 08.10.2012, Version 1.0.1 ------------------------- - CSSO issue ("filter" IE property breaks CSSO v1.3.0): https://github.com/css/csso/issues/86 03.10.2012, Version 1.0.0 ------------------------- - First revision.