status_file = CACHE_DIR . $this::PROBLEMS_PREFIX . $cache->getKey() . '.json'; } public function load() { if ($this->statusFileExists()) { $json = file_get_contents($this->status_file); $data = json_decode($json, true); foreach ($data as $problem) { $class = $problem['class']; $this->problems[] = new $class($problem); } } } public function getStatusFile() { return $this->status_file; } public function statusFileExists() { return file_exists($this->status_file); } public function storeStatusFile() { $problems = $this->getProblemsSerializable(); $json = json_encode($problems); file_put_contents($this->status_file, $json); } public function check($problems_dir) { $problems = []; $problems_found = false; foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($problems_dir) as $file) { if ($file->isDot() || $file->isDir()) { continue; } $classname = 'Grav\\Plugin\\Problems\\' . $file->getBasename('.php'); /** @var Problem $problem */ $problem = new $classname(); $problems[$problem->getId()] = $problem; } // Fire event to allow other plugins to add problems Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onProblemsInitialized', new Event(['problems' => $problems])); // Get the problems in order usort($problems, function($a, $b) { return $b->getOrder() - $a->getOrder(); }); // run the process methods in new order foreach ($problems as $problem) { $problem->process(); if ($problem->getStatus() === false && $problem->getLevel() === Problem::LEVEL_CRITICAL) { $problems_found = true; } } $this->problems = $problems; return $problems_found; } public function getProblems() { if (empty($this->problems)) { $this->check(); } $problems = $this->problems; // Put the failed ones first usort($problems, function($a, $b) { return $a->getStatus() - $b->getStatus(); }); return $problems; } public function getProblemsSerializable() { if (empty($this->problems)) { $this->getProblems(); } $problems = []; foreach ($this->problems as $problem) { $problems[] = $problem->toArray(); } return $problems; } }