var assert = require('assert'), fs = require('fs'), exists = fs.existsSync, join = require('path').join, read = fs.readFileSync, sass = process.env.NODESASS_COV ? require('../lib-cov') : require('../lib'), readYaml = require('read-yaml'), mergeWith = require('lodash.mergewith'), assign = require('lodash.assign'), glob = require('glob'), specPath = require('sass-spec').dirname.replace(/\\/g, '/'), impl = 'libsass', version = 3.5; var normalize = function(str) { // This should be /\r\n/g, '\n', but there seems to be some empty line issues return str.replace(/\s+/g, ''); }; var inputs = glob.sync(specPath + '/**/input.*'); var initialize = function(inputCss, options) { var testCase = {}; var folders = inputCss.split('/'); var folder = join(inputCss, '..'); testCase.folder = folder; = folders[folders.length - 2]; testCase.inputPath = inputCss; testCase.expectedPath = join(folder, 'expected_output.css'); testCase.errorPath = join(folder, 'error'); testCase.statusPath = join(folder, 'status'); testCase.optionsPath = join(folder, 'options.yml'); if (exists(testCase.optionsPath)) { options = mergeWith(assign({}, options), readYaml.sync(testCase.optionsPath), customizer); } testCase.includePaths = [ folder, join(folder, 'sub') ]; testCase.precision = parseFloat(options[':precision']) || 5; testCase.outputStyle = options[':output_style'] ? options[':output_style'].replace(':', '') : 'nested'; testCase.todo = options[':todo'] !== undefined && options[':todo'] !== null && options[':todo'].indexOf(impl) !== -1; testCase.only = options[':only_on'] !== undefined && options[':only_on'] !== null && options[':only_on']; testCase.warningTodo = options[':warning_todo'] !== undefined && options[':warning_todo'] !== null && options[':warning_todo'].indexOf(impl) !== -1; testCase.startVersion = parseFloat(options[':start_version']) || 0; testCase.endVersion = parseFloat(options[':end_version']) || 99; testCase.options = options; testCase.result = false; // Probe filesystem once and cache the results testCase.shouldFail = exists(testCase.statusPath) && !fs.statSync(testCase.statusPath).isDirectory(); testCase.verifyStderr = exists(testCase.errorPath) && !fs.statSync(testCase.errorPath).isDirectory(); return testCase; }; var runTest = function(inputCssPath, options) { var test = initialize(inputCssPath, options); it(, function(done) { if (test.todo || test.warningTodo) { this.skip('Test marked with TODO'); } else if (test.only && test.only.indexOf(impl) === -1) { this.skip('Tests marked for only: ' + test.only.join(', ')); } else if (version < test.startVersion) { this.skip('Tests marked for newer Sass versions only'); } else if (version > test.endVersion) { this.skip('Tests marked for older Sass versions only'); } else { var expected = normalize(read(test.expectedPath, 'utf8')); sass.render({ file: test.inputPath, includePaths: test.includePaths, precision: test.precision, outputStyle: test.outputStyle }, function(error, result) { if (test.shouldFail) { // Replace 1, with parseInt(read(test.statusPath, 'utf8')) pending // assert.equal(error.status, 1); } else if (test.verifyStderr) { var expectedError = read(test.errorPath, 'utf8'); if (error === null) { // Probably a warning assert.ok(expectedError, 'Expected some sort of warning, but found none'); } else { // The error messages seem to have some differences in areas // like line numbering, so we'll check the first line for the // general errror message only assert.equal( error.formatted.toString().split('\n')[0], expectedError.toString().split('\n')[0], 'Should Error.\nOptions' + JSON.stringify(test.options)); } } else if (expected) { assert.equal( normalize(result.css.toString()), expected, 'Should equal with options ' + JSON.stringify(test.options) ); } done(); }); } }); }; var specSuite = { name: specPath.split('/').slice(-1)[0], folder: specPath, tests: [], suites: [], options: {} }; function customizer(objValue, srcValue) { if (Array.isArray(objValue)) { return objValue.concat(srcValue); } } var executeSuite = function(suite, tests) { var suiteFolderLength = suite.folder.split('/').length; var optionsFile = join(suite.folder, 'options.yml'); if (exists(optionsFile)) { suite.options = mergeWith(assign({}, suite.options), readYaml.sync(optionsFile), customizer); } // Push tests in the current suite tests = tests.filter(function(test) { var testSuiteFolder = test.split('/'); var inputSass = testSuiteFolder[suiteFolderLength + 1]; // Add the test if the specPath matches the testname if (inputSass === 'input.scss' || inputSass === 'input.sass') { suite.tests.push(test); } else { return test; } }); if (tests.length !== 0) { var prevSuite = tests[0].split('/')[suiteFolderLength]; var suiteName = ''; var prevSuiteStart = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { var test = tests[i]; suiteName = test.split('/')[suiteFolderLength]; if (suiteName !== prevSuite) { suite.suites.push( executeSuite( { name: prevSuite, folder: suite.folder + '/' + prevSuite, tests: [], suites: [], options: assign({}, suite.options), }, tests.slice(prevSuiteStart, i) ) ); prevSuite = suiteName; prevSuiteStart = i; } } suite.suites.push( executeSuite( { name: suiteName, folder: suite.folder + '/' + suiteName, tests: [], suites: [], options: assign({}, suite.options), }, tests.slice(prevSuiteStart, tests.length) ) ); } return suite; }; var allSuites = executeSuite(specSuite, inputs); var runSuites = function(suite) { describe(, function(){ suite.tests.forEach(function(test){ runTest(test, suite.options); }); suite.suites.forEach(function(subsuite) { runSuites(subsuite); }); }); }; runSuites(allSuites);