## gulp-sourcemaps [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![build status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Test coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] ### Branching __2.X now supports node 0.10+ due to switching out a dependency.__ ### Usage #### Write inline source maps Inline source maps are embedded in the source file. Example: ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var plugin1 = require('gulp-plugin1'); var plugin2 = require('gulp-plugin2'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); gulp.task('javascript', function() { gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` All plugins between `sourcemaps.init()` and `sourcemaps.write()` need to have support for `gulp-sourcemaps`. You can find a list of such plugins in the [wiki](https://github.com/gulp-sourcemaps/gulp-sourcemaps/wiki/Plugins-with-gulp-sourcemaps-support). #### Write external source map files To write external source map files, pass a path relative to the destination to `sourcemaps.write()`. Example: ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var plugin1 = require('gulp-plugin1'); var plugin2 = require('gulp-plugin2'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); gulp.task('javascript', function() { gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` #### Load existing source maps To load existing source maps, pass the option `loadMaps: true` to `sourcemaps.init()`. Example: ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var plugin1 = require('gulp-plugin1'); var plugin2 = require('gulp-plugin2'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); gulp.task('javascript', function() { gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true})) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` #### Handle large files To handle large files, pass the option `largeFile: true` to `sourcemaps.init()`. Example: ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var plugin1 = require('gulp-plugin1'); var plugin2 = require('gulp-plugin2'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); gulp.task('javascript', function() { gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init({largeFile: true})) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` #### Handle source files from different directories Use the `base` option on `gulp.src` to make sure all files are relative to a common base directory. Example: ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var plugin1 = require('gulp-plugin1'); var plugin2 = require('gulp-plugin2'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); gulp.task('javascript', function() { gulp.src(['src/test.js', 'src/testdir/test2.js'], { base: 'src' }) .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps')) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` #### Alter `sources` property on sourcemaps The exported `mapSources` method gives full control over the source paths. It takes a function that is called for every source and receives the default source path as a parameter and the original vinyl file. Example: ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) // be careful with the sources returned otherwise contents might not be loaded properly .pipe(sourcemaps.mapSources(function(sourcePath, file) { // source paths are prefixed with '../src/' return '../src/' + sourcePath; })) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps') .pipe(gulp.dest('public/scripts')); }); ``` #### Generate Identity Sourcemap The exported `identityMap` method allows you to generate a full valid source map encoding no changes (slower, only for Javascript and CSS) instead of the default empty source map (no mappings, fast). __Use this option if you get missing or incorrect mappings, e.g. when debugging.__ Example: ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) // An identity sourcemap will be generated at this step .pipe(sourcemaps.identityMap()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps') .pipe(gulp.dest('public/scripts')); }); ``` ### Init Options - `loadMaps` Set to true to load existing maps for source files. Supports the following: - inline source maps - source map files referenced by a `sourceMappingURL=` comment - source map files with the same name (plus .map) in the same directory - `identityMap` __This option is deprecated. Upgrade to use our [`sourcemap.identityMap`](#generate-identity-sourcemap) API.__ ### Write Options - `addComment` By default a comment containing / referencing the source map is added. Set this to `false` to disable the comment (e.g. if you want to load the source maps by header). Example: ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps', {addComment: false})) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` - `includeContent` By default the source maps include the source code. Pass `false` to use the original files. Including the content is the recommended way, because it "just works". When setting this to `false` you have to host the source files and set the correct `sourceRoot`. - `sourceRoot` Set the location where the source files are hosted (use this when `includeContent` is set to `false`). This is usually a URL (or an absolute URL path), not a local file system path. By default the source root is '' or in case `destPath` is set, the relative path from the source map to the source base directory (this should work for many dev environments). If a relative path is used (empty string or one starting with a `.`), it is interpreted as a path relative to the destination. The plugin rewrites it to a path relative to each source map. Example: ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write({includeContent: false, sourceRoot: '/src'})) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` Example (using a function): ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write({ includeContent: false, sourceRoot: function(file) { return '/src'; } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` Example (relative path): ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {includeContent: false, sourceRoot: '../src'})) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` In this case for a file written to `dist/subdir/example.js`, the source map is written to `dist/subdir/example.js.map` and the sourceRoot will be `../../src` (resulting in the full source path `../../src/subdir/example.js`). - `destPath` Set the destination path (the same you pass to `gulp.dest()`). If the source map destination path is not a sub path of the destination path, this is needed to get the correct path in the `file` property of the source map. In addition, it allows to automatically set a relative `sourceRoot` if none is set explicitly. - `sourceMappingURLPrefix` Specify a prefix to be prepended onto the source map URL when writing external source maps. Relative paths will have their leading dots stripped. Example: ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps', { sourceMappingURLPrefix: 'https://asset-host.example.com/assets' })) .pipe(gulp.dest('public/scripts')); }); ``` This will result in a source mapping URL comment like `sourceMappingURL=https://asset-host.example.com/assets/maps/helloworld.js.map`. - `sourceMappingURL` If you need full control over the source map URL you can pass a function to this option. The output of the function must be the full URL to the source map (in function of the output file). Example: ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps', { sourceMappingURL: function(file) { return 'https://asset-host.example.com/' + file.relative + '.map'; } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('public/scripts')); }); ``` This will result in a source mapping URL comment like `sourceMappingURL=https://asset-host.example.com/helloworld.js.map`. - `mapFile` This option allows to rename the map file. It takes a function that is called for every map and receives the default map path as a parameter. Example: ```javascript gulp.task('javascript', function() { var stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js') .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin1()) .pipe(plugin2()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('../maps', { mapFile: function(mapFilePath) { // source map files are named *.map instead of *.js.map return mapFilePath.replace('.js.map', '.map'); } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('public/scripts')); }); ``` - `mapSources` __This option is deprecated. Upgrade to use our [`sourcemap.mapSources`](#alter-sources-property-on-sourcemaps) API.__ - `charset` Sets the charset for inline source maps. Default: `utf8` - `clone` Clones the original file for creation of the map file. Could be important if file history is important. See [file.clone()](https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl#filecloneoptions) for possible options. Default: `{deep:false, contents:false}` ### Plugin developers only: - **How to add source map support to plugins** - Generate a source map for the transformation the plugin is applying - **Important**: Make sure the paths in the generated source map (`file` and `sources`) are relative to `file.base` (e.g. use `file.relative`). - Apply this source map to the vinyl `file`. E.g. by using [vinyl-sourcemaps-apply](https://github.com/gulp-sourcemaps/vinyl-sourcemaps-apply). This combines the source map of this plugin with the source maps coming from plugins further up the chain. - Add your plugin to the [wiki page](https://github.com/gulp-sourcemaps/gulp-sourcemaps/wiki/Plugins-with-gulp-sourcemaps-support) #### Example: ```js var through = require('through2'); var applySourceMap = require('vinyl-sourcemaps-apply'); var myTransform = require('myTransform'); module.exports = function(options) { function transform(file, encoding, callback) { // generate source maps if plugin source-map present if (file.sourceMap) { options.makeSourceMaps = true; } // do normal plugin logic var result = myTransform(file.contents, options); file.contents = new Buffer(result.code); // apply source map to the chain if (file.sourceMap) { applySourceMap(file, result.map); } this.push(file); callback(); } return through.obj(transform); }; ``` - **Verify sourcemaps are working** See example below or refer to [test/write.js](./test/write.js) #### Example: ```js var stream = plugin(); var init = sourcemaps.init(); var write = sourcemaps.write(); init.pipe(stream).pipe(write); write.on('data', function (file) { assert(...); cb(); }); init.write(new gutil.File(...)); init.end(); ``` ### Debugging All debugging output relies on [visionmedia/debug](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug). Follow the directions to set the environment variable `$DEBUG`. For a few examples of debug you could use: ```sh DEBUG='gulp-sourcemaps:*' #everything DEBUG='gulp-sourcemaps:init' #init/index.js DEBUG='gulp-sourcemaps:init:*' #init/index.internals.js DEBUG='gulp-sourcemaps:write:' #write/index.js DEBUG='gulp-sourcemaps:write:*' #write/index.internals.js DEBUG='gulp-sourcemaps:write:,gulp-sourcemaps:init:**' #write/index.internals.js and init/index.internals.js ``` [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/gulp-sourcemaps.svg [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-sourcemaps [travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/gulp-sourcemaps/gulp-sourcemaps.svg [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/gulp-sourcemaps/gulp-sourcemaps [coveralls-image]: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/gulp-sourcemaps/gulp-sourcemaps.svg [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/gulp-sourcemaps/gulp-sourcemaps?branch=master