var Node = require('../node'); var NodeType = require('../node-types'); var TokenType = require('../token-types'); module.exports = (function() { var tokens, tokensLength, pos, needInfo; var rules = { 'arguments': function() { return checkArguments(pos) && getArguments(); }, 'atkeyword': function() { return checkAtkeyword(pos) && getAtkeyword(); }, 'atruleb': function() { return checkAtruleb(pos) && getAtruleb(); }, 'atruler': function() { return checkAtruler(pos) && getAtruler(); }, 'atrulerq': function() { return checkAtrulerq(pos) && getAtrulerq(); }, 'atrulers': function() { return checkAtrulers(pos) && getAtrulers(); }, 'atrules': function() { return checkAtrules(pos) && getAtrules(); }, 'attrib': function() { return checkAttrib(pos) && getAttrib(); }, 'attrselector': function() { return checkAttrselector(pos) && getAttrselector(); }, 'block': function() { return checkBlock(pos) && getBlock(); }, 'braces': function() { return checkBraces(pos) && getBraces(); }, 'class': function() { return checkClass(pos) && getClass(); }, 'combinator': function() { return checkCombinator(pos) && getCombinator(); }, 'commentML': function() { return checkCommentML(pos) && getCommentML(); }, 'commentSL': function() { return checkCommentSL(pos) && getCommentSL(); }, 'condition': function() { return checkCondition(pos) && getCondition(); }, 'declaration': function() { return checkDeclaration(pos) && getDeclaration(); }, 'declDelim': function() { return checkDeclDelim(pos) && getDeclDelim(); }, 'delim': function() { return checkDelim(pos) && getDelim(); }, 'dimension': function() { return checkDimension(pos) && getDimension(); }, 'escapedString': function() { return checkEscapedString(pos) && getEscapedString(); }, 'filter': function() { return checkFilter(pos) && getFilter(); }, 'filterv': function() { return checkFilterv(pos) && getFilterv(); }, 'functionExpression': function() { return checkFunctionExpression(pos) && getFunctionExpression(); }, 'function': function() { return checkFunction(pos) && getFunction(); }, 'ident': function() { return checkIdent(pos) && getIdent(); }, 'important': function() { return checkImportant(pos) && getImportant(); }, 'include': function() { return checkInclude(pos) && getInclude(); }, 'interpolatedVariable': function() { return checkInterpolatedVariable(pos) && getInterpolatedVariable(); }, 'mixin': function() { return checkMixin(pos) && getMixin(); }, 'namespace': function() { return checkNamespace(pos) && getNamespace(); }, 'nth': function() { return checkNth(pos) && getNth(); }, 'nthselector': function() { return checkNthselector(pos) && getNthselector(); }, 'number': function() { return checkNumber(pos) && getNumber(); }, 'operator': function() { return checkOperator(pos) && getOperator(); }, 'parentselector': function() { return checkParentSelector(pos) && getParentSelector(); }, 'percentage': function() { return checkPercentage(pos) && getPercentage(); }, 'progid': function() { return checkProgid(pos) && getProgid(); }, 'property': function() { return checkProperty(pos) && getProperty(); }, 'propertyDelim': function() { return checkPropertyDelim(pos) && getPropertyDelim(); }, 'pseudoc': function() { return checkPseudoc(pos) && getPseudoc(); }, 'pseudoe': function() { return checkPseudoe(pos) && getPseudoe(); }, 'ruleset': function() { return checkRuleset(pos) && getRuleset(); }, 's': function() { return checkS(pos) && getS(); }, 'selector': function() { return checkSelector(pos) && getSelector(); }, 'shash': function() { return checkShash(pos) && getShash(); }, 'simpleselector': function() { return checkSimpleSelector(pos) && getSimpleSelector(); }, 'string': function() { return checkString(pos) && getString(); }, 'stylesheet': function() { return checkStylesheet(pos) && getStylesheet(); }, 'unary': function() { return checkUnary(pos) && getUnary(); }, 'uri': function() { return checkUri(pos) && getUri(); }, 'value': function() { return checkValue(pos) && getValue(); }, 'variable': function () { return checkVariable(pos) && getVariable(); }, 'variableslist': function () { return checkVariablesList(pos) && getVariablesList(); }, 'vhash': function() { return checkVhash(pos) && getVhash(); } }; /** * Stop parsing and display error * @param {Number=} i Token's index number */ function throwError(i) { var ln = tokens[i].ln; throw {line: ln, syntax: 'less'}; } /** * @param {Object} exclude * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkExcluding(exclude, i) { var start = i; while(i < tokensLength) { if (exclude[tokens[i++].type]) break; } return i - start - 2; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} finish * @returns {String} */ function joinValues(start, finish) { var s = ''; for (var i = start; i < finish + 1; i++) { s += tokens[i].value; } return s; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} num * @returns {String} */ function joinValues2(start, num) { if (start + num - 1 >= tokensLength) return; var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { s += tokens[start + i].value; } return s; } ///////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAny(i) { var l; if (l = checkBraces(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 1; else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 2; else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 3; else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 4; else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 5; else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 6; else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 7; else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 8; else if (l = checkFunctionExpression(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 9; else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 10; else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 11; else if (l = checkClass(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 12; else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 13; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getAny() { var childType = tokens[pos].any_child; if (childType === 1) return getBraces(); if (childType === 2) return getString(); if (childType === 3) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 4) return getVariable(); if (childType === 5) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 6) return getDimension(); if (childType === 7) return getNumber(); if (childType === 8) return getUri(); if (childType === 9) return getFunctionExpression(); if (childType === 10) return getFunction(); if (childType === 11) return getIdent(); if (childType === 12) return getClass(); if (childType === 13) return getUnary(); } /** * Check if token is part of mixin's arguments. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkArguments(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; while (i < tokens[start].right) { if (l = checkArgument(i)) i +=l; else return 0; } return tokens[start].right - start + 1; } /** * Check if token is valid to be part of arguments list. * @param i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkArgument(i) { var l; if (l = checkEscapedString(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 1; else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 2; else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 3; else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 4; else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 5; else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 6; else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 7; else if (l = checkDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 8; else if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 9; else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 10; else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 11; else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 12; else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 13; else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 14; else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 15; else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 16; else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 17; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} Node that is part of arguments list. */ function getArgument() { var childType = tokens[pos].argument_child; if (childType === 1) return getEscapedString(); if (childType === 2) return getDeclaration(); if (childType === 3) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 4) return getVariable(); if (childType === 5) return getSC(); if (childType === 6) return getUnary(); if (childType === 7) return getOperator(); if (childType === 8) return getDelim(); if (childType === 9) return getDeclDelim(); if (childType === 10) return getString(); if (childType === 11) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 12) return getDimension(); if (childType === 13) return getNumber(); if (childType === 14) return getUri(); if (childType === 15) return getFunction(); if (childType === 16) return getIdent(); if (childType === 17) return getVhash(); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-word (e.g. `@import`, `@include`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtkeyword(i) { var l; // Check that token is `@`: if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; return (l = checkIdent(i)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with @-word * @returns {Array} `['atkeyword', ['ident', x]]` where `x` is * an identifier without * `@` (e.g. `import`, `include`) */ function getAtkeyword() { var startPos = pos, token = tokens[pos++], content = [getIdent()]; return new Node(NodeType.AtkeywordType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of an attribute selector (e.g. `[attr]`, * `[attr='panda']`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAttrib(i) { if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftSquareBracket || !tokens[i].right) return 0; return tokens[i].right - i + 1; } /** * Get node with an attribute selector * @returns {Array} `['attrib', ['ident', x], ['attrselector', y]*, [z]*]` * where `x` is attribute's name, `y` is operator (if there is any) * and `z` is attribute's value (if there is any) */ function getAttrib() { if (checkAttrib1(pos)) return getAttrib1(); if (checkAttrib2(pos)) return getAttrib2(); } /** * Check if token is part of an attribute selector of the form `[attr='value']` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAttrib1(i) { var start = i, l; if (i++ >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttrselector(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i) || checkString(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket ? i - start : 0; } /** * Get node with an attribute selector of the form `[attr='value']` * @returns {Array} `['attrib', ['ident', x], ['attrselector', y], [z]]` * where `x` is attribute's name, `y` is operator and `z` is attribute's * value */ function getAttrib1() { var startPos = pos++; var content = [] .concat(getSC()) .concat([getIdent()]) .concat(getSC()) .concat([getAttrselector()]) .concat(getSC()) .concat([checkString(pos)? getString() : getIdent()]) .concat(getSC()); pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AttribType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of an attribute selector of the form `[attr]` * Attribute can not be empty, e.g. `[]`. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAttrib2(i) { var start = i, l; if (i++ >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket ? i - start : 0; } /** * Get node with an attribute selector of the form `[attr]` * @returns {Array} `['attrib', ['ident', x]]` where `x` is attribute's name */ function getAttrib2() { var startPos = pos++; var content = [] .concat(getSC()) .concat([getIdent()]) .concat(getSC()); pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AttribType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of an attribute selector operator (`=`, `~=`, * `^=`, `$=`, `*=` or `|=`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of operator (`0` if token is not part of an * operator, `1` or `2` if it is). */ function checkAttrselector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 1; // TODO: Add example or remove if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine && (!tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.EqualsSign)) return 1; if (!tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.EqualsSign) return 0; switch(tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.Tilde: case TokenType.CircumflexAccent: case TokenType.DollarSign: case TokenType.Asterisk: case TokenType.VerticalLine: return 2; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an attribute selector operator (`=`, `~=`, `^=`, `$=`, * `*=` or `|=`) * @returns {Array} `['attrselector', x]` where `x` is an operator. */ function getAttrselector() { var startPos = pos, content = tokens[pos++].value; if (tokens[pos] && tokens[pos].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) content += tokens[pos++].value; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AttrselectorType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a part of an @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of @-rule */ function checkAtrule(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // If token already has a record of being part of an @-rule, // return the @-rule's length: if (tokens[i].atrule_l !== undefined) return tokens[i].atrule_l; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's type to token: if (l = checkAtruler(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 1; // @-rule with ruleset else if (l = checkAtruleb(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 2; // block @-rule else if (l = checkAtrules(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 3; // single-line @-rule else return 0; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's length to token: tokens[i].atrule_l = l; return l; } /** * Get node with @-rule * @returns {Array} */ function getAtrule() { switch (tokens[pos].atrule_type) { case 1: return getAtruler(); // @-rule with ruleset case 2: return getAtruleb(); // block @-rule case 3: return getAtrules(); // single-line @-rule } } /** * Check if token is part of a block @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruleb(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l; else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a block @-rule * @returns {Array} `['atruleb', ['atkeyword', x], y, ['block', z]]` */ function getAtruleb() { var startPos = pos; var content = [getAtkeyword()] .concat(getTsets()) .concat([getBlock()]); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AtrulebType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-rule with ruleset * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruler(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkAtrulerq(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) i++; else return 0; if (l = checkAtrulers(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) i++; else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an @-rule with ruleset * @returns {Array} ['atruler', ['atkeyword', x], y, z] */ function getAtruler() { var startPos = pos; var content = [getAtkeyword(), getAtrulerq()]; pos++; content.push(getAtrulers()); pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AtrulerType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtrulerq(i) { return checkTsets(i); } /** * @returns {Array} `['atrulerq', x]` */ function getAtrulerq() { var startPos = pos, content = getTsets(); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AtrulerqType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtrulers(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 1; else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 2; else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 3; else break; i += l; } tokens[i].atrulers_end = 1; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['atrulers', x]` */ function getAtrulers() { var startPos = pos, content = getSC(); while (!tokens[pos].atrulers_end) { var childType = tokens[pos].atrulers_child; if (childType === 1) content = content.concat(getSC()); else if (childType === 2) content.push(getAtrule()); else if (childType === 3) content.push(getRuleset()); } content = content.concat(getSC()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AtrulersType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtrules(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['atrules', ['atkeyword', x], y]` */ function getAtrules() { var startPos = pos, content = [getAtkeyword()].concat(getTsets()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.AtrulesType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a block (e.g. `{...}`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the block */ function checkBlock(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket ? tokens[i].right - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a block * @returns {Array} `['block', x]` */ function getBlock() { var startPos = pos, end = tokens[pos++].right, content = []; while (pos < end) { if (checkBlockdecl(pos)) content = content.concat(getBlockdecl()); else throwError(pos); } pos = end + 1; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.BlockType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkBlockdecl(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkBlockdecl1(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 1; else if (l = checkBlockdecl2(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 2; else if (l = checkBlockdecl3(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 3; else if (l = checkBlockdecl4(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 4; else return 0; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl() { switch (tokens[pos].bd_type) { case 1: return getBlockdecl1(); case 2: return getBlockdecl2(); case 3: return getBlockdecl3(); case 4: return getBlockdecl4(); } } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl1(i) { var start = i, l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkCondition(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1; else if (l = checkFilter(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3; else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4; else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5; else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6; else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2; else return 0; i += l; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkDeclDelim(i))) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; else return 0; return i - start; } /** * sc*:s0 (atrule | ruleset | filter | declaration):x declDelim:y sc*:s1 -> concat(s0, [x], [y], s1) * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl1() { var sc = getSC(), x; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: x = getCondition(); break; case 2: x = getInclude(); break; case 3: x = getFilter(); break; case 4: x = getDeclaration(); break; case 5: x = getAtrule(); break; case 6: x = getRuleset(); break; } return sc .concat([x]) .concat([getDeclDelim()]) .concat(getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl2(i) { var start = i, l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkCondition(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1; else if (l = checkFilter(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3; else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4; else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5; else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6; else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2; else return 0; i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl2() { var sc = getSC(), x; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: x = getCondition(); break; case 2: x = getInclude(); break; case 3: x = getFilter(); break; case 4: x = getDeclaration(); break; case 5: x = getAtrule(); break; case 6: x = getRuleset(); break; } return sc .concat([x]) .concat(getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl3(i) { var start = i, l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `[s0, ['declDelim'], s1]` where `s0` and `s1` are * are optional whitespaces. */ function getBlockdecl3() { return getSC() .concat([getDeclDelim()]) .concat(getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl4(i) { return checkSC(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl4() { return getSC(); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside parentheses or square brackets * (e.g. `(1)`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBraces(i) { if (i >= tokensLength || (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftSquareBracket)) return 0; return tokens[i].right - i + 1; } /** * Get node with text inside parentheses or square brackets (e.g. `(1)`) * @returns {Array} `['braces', l, r, x*]` where `l` is a left bracket * (e.g. `'('`), `r` is a right bracket (e.g. `')'`) and `x` is * parsed text inside those brackets (if there is any) * (e.g. `['number', '1']`) */ function getBraces() { var startPos = pos, left = pos, right = tokens[pos++].right; var content = [tokens[left].value, tokens[right].value] .concat(getTsets()); pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.BracesType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a class selector (e.g. `.abc`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the class selector */ function checkClass(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].class_l) return tokens[i].class_l; if (tokens[i++].type === TokenType.FullStop) { if (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i)) tokens[i].class_child = 1; else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].class_child = 2; else return 0; tokens[i].class_l = l + 1; return l + 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with a class selector * @returns {Array} `['class', ['ident', x]]` where x is a class's * identifier (without `.`, e.g. `abc`). */ function getClass() { var startPos = pos++; var content = []; var childType = tokens[pos].class_child; if (childType === 1) content.push(getInterpolatedVariable()); else content.push(getIdent()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ClassType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a combinator (`+`, `>` or `~`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the combinator */ function checkCombinator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; switch (tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.PlusSign: case TokenType.GreaterThanSign: case TokenType.Tilde: return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with a combinator (`+`, `>` or `~`) * @returns {Array} `['combinator', x]` where `x` is a combinator * converted to string. */ function getCombinator() { var startPos = pos, content = tokens[pos++].value; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.CombinatorType, content, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a multiline comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a multiline comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentML(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentML ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a multiline comment * @returns {Array} `['commentML', x]` where `x` * is the comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getCommentML() { var startPos = pos, s = tokens[pos].value.substring(2), l = s.length; if (s.charAt(l - 2) === '*' && s.charAt(l - 1) === '/') s = s.substring(0, l - 2); pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.CommentMLType, s, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a single-line comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a single-line comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentSL(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentSL ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a single-line comment. * @returns {Array} */ function getCommentSL() { var startPos = pos, x = tokens[pos++].value.substring(2); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.CommentSLType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a condition. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the condition */ function checkCondition(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if ((l = checkIdent(i)) && tokens[i].value === 'when') i += l; else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkBlock(i)) { tokens[i].condition_child = 0; break; } else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 1; else if (l = checkBraces(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 2; else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 3; else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 4; else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 5; else if (l = checkDelim(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 6; else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 7; else if (l = checkCombinator(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 8; else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 9; else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 10; else return 0; i += l; } return i - start; } /** * Get node with a condition. * @returns {Array} `['condition', x]` */ function getCondition() { var startPos = pos, x = []; x.push(getIdent()); while (pos < tokensLength) { var childType = tokens[pos].condition_child; if (childType === 0) break; else if (childType === 1) x.push(getFunction()); else if (childType === 2) x.push(getBraces()); else if (childType === 3) x.push(getVariable()); else if (childType === 4) x.push(getIdent()); else if (childType === 5) x.push(getNumber()); else if (childType === 6) x.push(getDelim()); else if (childType === 7) x.push(getOperator()); else if (childType === 8) x.push(getCombinator()); else if (childType === 9) x = x.concat(getSC()); else if (childType === 10) x.push(getString()); } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ConditionType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkDeclaration(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkValue(i)) i += l; else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @returns {Array} `['declaration', ['property', x], ['propertyDelim'], * ['value', y]]` */ function getDeclaration() { var startPos = pos; var x = [getProperty()] .concat(getSC()) .concat([getPropertyDelim()]) .concat(getSC()) .concat([getValue()]); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.DeclarationType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a semicolon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a semicolon, otherwise `0` */ function checkDeclDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Semicolon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a semicolon * @returns {Array} `['declDelim']` */ function getDeclDelim() { var startPos = pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.DeclDelimType, ';', token.ln, token.col); } function checkDeepSelector(i) { if (tokens[i + 2] && tokens[i].value + tokens[i + 1].value + tokens[i + 2].value === '/deep/') { return 3; } } function getDeepSelector() { var _pos = pos++; var ident = getIdent(); ident.content = '/deep/'; ident.start.column -= 1; pos = _pos + 3; return ident; } /** * Check if token is a comma * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a comma, otherwise `0` */ function checkDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Comma ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a comma * @returns {Array} `['delim']` */ function getDelim() { var startPos = pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.DelimType, ',', token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a number with dimension unit (e.g. `10px`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkDimension(i) { var ln = checkNumber(i), li; if (i >= tokensLength || !ln || i + ln >= tokensLength) return 0; return (li = checkNmName2(i + ln)) ? ln + li : 0; } /** * Get node of a number with dimension unit * @returns {Array} `['dimension', ['number', x], ['ident', y]]` where * `x` is a number converted to string (e.g. `'10'`) and `y` is * a dimension unit (e.g. `'px'`). */ function getDimension() { var startPos = pos, x = [getNumber()], token = tokens[pos]; ident = new Node(NodeType.IdentType, getNmName2(), token.ln, token.col); x.push(ident); token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.DimensionType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of an escaped string (e.g. `~"ms:something"`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Numer} Length of the string (including `~` and quotes) */ function checkEscapedString(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Tilde && (l = checkString(i + 1))) return i + l - start; else return 0; } /** * Get node with an escaped string * @returns {Array} `['escapedString', ['string', x]]` where `x` is a string * without `~` but with quotes */ function getEscapedString() { var startPos = pos++; var x = tokens[pos++].value; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.EscapedStringType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFilter(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkFilterp(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Colon) i++; else return 0; if (l = checkFilterv(i)) i += l; else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['filter', x, y]` */ function getFilter() { var startPos = pos, x = [getFilterp()]; pos++; x.push(getFilterv()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.FilterType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFilterp(i) { var start = i, l, x; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === 'filter') l = 1; else { x = joinValues2(i, 2); if (x === '-filter' || x === '_filter' || x === '*filter') l = 2; else { x = joinValues2(i, 4); if (x === '-ms-filter') l = 4; else return 0; } } tokens[start].filterp_l = l; i += l; if (checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getFilterp() { var startPos = pos, token = tokens[startPos], x; var identValue = joinValues2(pos, token.filterp_l); ident = new Node(NodeType.IdentType, identValue, token.ln, token.col); pos += tokens[pos].filterp_l; x = [ident].concat(getSC()); return new Node(NodeType.PropertyType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFilterv(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkProgid(i) || checkEscapedString(i)) i += l; else return 0; while (l = checkProgid(i) || checkEscapedString(i)) { i += l; } tokens[start].last_progid = i; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkSC(i))) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkImportant(i))) i += l; return i - start; } /** * progid+:x -> [#filterv].concat(x) * @returns {Array} */ function getFilterv() { var startPos = pos, last_progid = tokens[pos].last_progid, x = getSC(); while (pos < last_progid) { x.push(checkProgid(pos) ? getProgid() : getEscapedString()); } if (checkSC(pos)) x = x.concat(getSC()); if (pos < tokensLength && checkImportant(pos)) x.push(getImportant()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.FiltervType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFunctionExpression(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].value !== 'expression' || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getFunctionExpression() { var startPos = pos++, x; x = joinValues(pos + 1, tokens[pos].right - 1); pos = tokens[pos].right + 1; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.FunctionExpressionType, [x], token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFunction(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i +=l; else return 0; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis ? tokens[i].right - start + 1 : 0; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getFunction() { var startPos = pos, token = tokens[pos], ident = getIdent(), x = [ident], body; body = ident.content === 'not' ? getNotArguments() : getArguments(); x.push(body); return new Node(NodeType.FunctionType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getArguments() { var startPos = pos, x = [], body; pos++; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (checkDeclaration(pos)) x.push(getDeclaration()); else if (checkArgument(pos)) { body = getArgument(); if (typeof body.content === 'string') x.push(body); else x = x.concat(body); } else if (checkClass(pos)) x.push(getClass()); else throwError(pos); } pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ArgumentsType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getNotArguments() { var startPos = pos++, x = []; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (checkSimpleSelector(pos)) x.push(getSimpleSelector()); else throwError(pos); } pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ArgumentsType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of an identifier * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the identifier */ function checkIdent(i) { var start = i, wasIdent, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Check if token is part of an identifier starting with `_`: if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LowLine) return checkIdentLowLine(i); // If token is a character, `-`, `$` or `*`, skip it & continue: if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier || tokens[i].type === TokenType.DollarSign || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++; else return 0; // Remember if previous token's type was identifier: wasIdent = tokens[i - 1].type === TokenType.Identifier; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) break; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber || !wasIdent)) break; else wasIdent = true; } } if (!wasIdent && tokens[start].type !== TokenType.Asterisk) return 0; tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of an identifier starting with `_` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the identifier */ function checkIdentLowLine(i) { var start = i; if (i++ >= tokensLength) return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier) break; } // Save index number of the last token of the identifier: tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an identifier * @returns {Array} `['ident', x]` where `x` is identifier's name */ function getIdent() { var startPos = pos, x = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ident_last); pos = tokens[pos].ident_last + 1; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.IdentType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of `!important` word * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkImportant(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return tokens[i].value === 'important' ? i - start + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with `!important` word * @returns {Array} `['important', sc]` where `sc` is optional whitespace */ function getImportant() { var startPos = pos++, x = getSC(); if (!x || !x.length) x = ''; pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ImportantType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of an include (`@include` or `@extend` directive). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInclude(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkInclude1(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 1; else if (l = checkInclude2(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 2; return l; } /** * Get node with included mixin * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude() { switch (tokens[pos].include_type) { case 1: return getInclude1(); case 2: return getInclude2(); } } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInclude1(i) { var start = i, l; if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i)) i += l; else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i) || checkSC(i)) i += l; else if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.GreaterThanSign) i++; else break; } if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkSC(i))) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkImportant(i))) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude1() { var startPos = pos, x = []; x.push(checkClass(pos) ? getClass() : getShash()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkClass(pos)) x.push(getClass()); else if (checkShash(pos)) x.push(getShash()); else if (checkSC(pos)) x = x.concat(getSC()); else if (checkOperator(pos)) x.push(getOperator()); else break; } x.push(getArguments()); x = x.concat(getSC()); if (checkImportant(pos)) x.push(getImportant()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.IncludeType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInclude2(i) { var start = i, l; if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i)) i += l; else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i) || checkSC(i)) i += l; else if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.GreaterThanSign) i++; else break; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude2() { var startPos = pos, x = []; x.push(checkClass(pos) ? getClass() : getShash()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkClass(pos)) x.push(getClass()); else if (checkShash(pos)) x.push(getShash()); else if (checkSC(pos)) x = x.concat(getSC()); else if (checkOperator(pos)) x.push(getOperator()); else break; } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.IncludeType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkIncludeSelector(i) { var start = i, l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSimpleSelector2(i)) i += l; else break; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getIncludeSelector() { var startPos = pos, x = [], t; while (pos < tokensLength && checkSimpleSelector2(pos)) { t = getSimpleSelector2(); if (t.content === 'string') x.push(t); else x = x.concat(t); } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.SimpleselectorType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of LESS interpolated variable * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInterpolatedVariable(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt || !tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) return 0; i += 2; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l; else return 0; return tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket ? i - start + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with LESS interpolated variable * @returns {Array} `['interpolatedVariable', x]` */ function getInterpolatedVariable() { var startPos = pos, x = []; // Skip `@{`: pos += 2; x.push(getIdent()); // Skip `}`: pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.InterpolatedVariableType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a LESS mixin * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the mixin */ function checkMixin(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i)) i +=l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l; else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a mixin * @returns {Array} `['mixin', x]` */ function getMixin() { var startPos = pos, x = []; x.push(checkClass(pos) ? getClass() : getShash()); x = x.concat(getSC()); if (checkArguments(pos)) x.push(getArguments()); x = x.concat(getSC()); if (checkBlock(pos)) x.push(getBlock()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.MixinType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a namespace sign (`|`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is `|`, `0` if not */ function checkNamespace(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a namespace sign * @returns {Array} `['namespace']` */ function getNamespace() { var startPos = pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.NamespaceType, '|', token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNmName(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // start char / word if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i].type === TokenType.LowLine || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier || tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++; else return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].nm_name_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * @returns {String} */ function getNmName() { var s = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].nm_name_last); pos = tokens[pos].nm_name_last + 1; return s; } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNmName2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) return 1; else if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) return 0; i++; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier ? 2 : 1; } /** * @returns {String} */ function getNmName2() { var s = tokens[pos].value; if (tokens[pos++].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type === TokenType.Identifier) s += tokens[pos++].value; return s; } /** * Check if token is part of an nth-selector's identifier (e.g. `2n+1`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNth(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; return checkNth1(i) || checkNth2(i); } /** * Check if token is part of an nth-selector's identifier in the form of * sequence of decimals and n-s (e.g. `3`, `n`, `2n+1`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNth1(i) { var start = i; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i].value !== 'n') break; } if (i !== start) tokens[start].nth_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get node for nth-selector's identifier (e.g. `2n+1`) * @returns {Array} `['nth', x]` where `x` is identifier's text */ function getNth() { var startPos = pos, x; if (tokens[pos].nth_last) { x = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].nth_last); pos = tokens[pos].nth_last + 1; } else { x = tokens[pos++].value; } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.NthType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of `even` or `odd` nth-selector's identifier * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNth2(i) { return tokens[i].value === 'even' || tokens[i].value === 'odd' ? 1 : 0; } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNthf(i) { var start = i, l = 0; if (tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; // There was `:`: l++; if (tokens[i++].value !== 'nth' || tokens[i++].value !== '-') return 0; // There was either `nth-` or `last-`: l += 2; if ('child' === tokens[i].value) { l += 1; } else if ('last-child' === tokens[i].value + tokens[i + 1].value + tokens[i + 2].value) { l += 3; } else if ('of-type' === tokens[i].value + tokens[i + 1].value + tokens[i + 2].value) { l += 3; } else if ('last-of-type' === tokens[i].value + tokens[i + 1].value + tokens[i + 2].value + tokens[i + 3].value + tokens[i + 4].value) { l += 5; } else return 0; tokens[start + 1].nthf_last = start + l - 1; return l; } /** * @returns {String} */ function getNthf() { pos++; var s = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].nthf_last); pos = tokens[pos].nthf_last + 1; return s; } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNthselector(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkNthf(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis || !tokens[i].right) return 0; l++; var rp = tokens[i++].right; while (i < rp) { if (l = checkSC(i) || checkUnary(i) || checkNth(i)) i += l; else return 0; } return rp - start + 1; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getNthselector() { var startPos = pos, token = tokens[pos], nthf = new Node(NodeType.IdentType, getNthf(), token.ln, token.col), x = []; x.push(nthf); pos++; while (tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (checkSC(pos)) x = x.concat(getSC()); else if (checkUnary(pos)) x.push(getUnary()); else if (checkNth(pos)) x.push(getNth()); } pos++; return new Node(NodeType.NthselectorType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a number * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of number */ function checkNumber(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].number_l) return tokens[i].number_l; // `10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && (!tokens[i + 1] || (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.FullStop))) return (tokens[i].number_l = 1, tokens[i].number_l); // `10.`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && (!tokens[i + 2] || (tokens[i + 2].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber))) return (tokens[i].number_l = 2, tokens[i].number_l); // `.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) return (tokens[i].number_l = 2, tokens[i].number_l); // `10.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 2] && tokens[i + 2].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) return (tokens[i].number_l = 3, tokens[i].number_l); return 0; } /** * Get node with number * @returns {Array} `['number', x]` where `x` is a number converted * to string. */ function getNumber() { var x = '', startPos = pos, l = tokens[pos].number_l; for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) { x += tokens[pos + j].value; } pos += l; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.NumberType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is an operator (`/`, `,`, `:`, `=`, `>`, `<` or `*`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is an operator, otherwise `0` */ function checkOperator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; switch(tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.Solidus: case TokenType.Comma: case TokenType.Colon: case TokenType.EqualsSign: case TokenType.LessThanSign: case TokenType.GreaterThanSign: case TokenType.Asterisk: return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an operator * @returns {Array} `['operator', x]` where `x` is an operator converted * to string. */ function getOperator() { var startPos = pos, x = tokens[pos++].value; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.OperatorType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector (`&`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkParentSelector(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Ampersand ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a parent selector * @returns {Array} `['parentSelector']` */ function getParentSelector() { var startPos = pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ParentSelectorType, '&', token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a number with percent sign (e.g. `10%`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPercentage(i) { var x; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; x = checkNumber(i); if (!x || i + x >= tokensLength) return 0; return tokens[i + x].type === TokenType.PercentSign ? x + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node of number with percent sign * @returns {Array} `['percentage', ['number', x]]` where `x` is a number * (without percent sign) converted to string. */ function getPercentage() { var startPos = pos, x = getNumber(); pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.PercentageType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkProgid(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (joinValues2(i, 6) === 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.') i += 6; else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l; else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { tokens[start].progid_end = tokens[i].right; i = tokens[i].right + 1; } else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getProgid() { var startPos = pos, progid_end = tokens[pos].progid_end, x; x = [] .concat(getSC()) .concat([_getProgid(progid_end)]) .concat(getSC()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ProgidType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} progid_end * @returns {Array} */ function _getProgid(progid_end) { var startPos = pos, x = joinValues(pos, progid_end); pos = progid_end + 1; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.RawType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i) || checkIdent(i)) i += l; else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a property * @returns {Array} `['property', x]` */ function getProperty() { var startPos = pos, x = []; if (checkVariable(pos)) x.push(getVariable()); else x.push(getIdent()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.PropertyType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a colon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a colon, otherwise `0` */ function checkPropertyDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Colon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a colon * @returns {Array} `['propertyDelim']` */ function getPropertyDelim() { var startPos = pos++; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.PropertyDelimType, ':', token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudo(i) { return checkPseudoe(i) || checkPseudoc(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getPseudo() { if (checkPseudoe(pos)) return getPseudoe(); if (checkPseudoc(pos)) return getPseudoc(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudoe(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.Colon || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; return (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i) || checkIdent(i)) ? l + 2 : 0; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getPseudoe() { var startPos = pos, x = []; pos += 2; x.push(checkInterpolatedVariable(pos) ? getInterpolatedVariable() : getIdent()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.PseudoeType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudoc(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; return (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i) || checkFunction(i) || checkIdent(i)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getPseudoc() { var startPos = pos, x = []; pos ++; if (checkInterpolatedVariable(pos)) x.push(getInterpolatedVariable()); else if (checkFunction(pos)) x.push(getFunction()); else x.push(getIdent()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.PseudocType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkRuleset(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[start].ruleset_l) return tokens[start].ruleset_l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkBlock(i)) {i += l; break;} else if (l = checkSelector(i)) i += l; else return 0; } tokens[start].ruleset_l = i - start; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getRuleset() { var startPos = pos, x = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkBlock(pos)) {x.push(getBlock()); break;} else if (checkSelector(pos)) x.push(getSelector()); else break; } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.RulesetType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is marked as a space (if it's a space or a tab * or a line break). * @param i * @returns {Number} Number of spaces in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkS(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].ws ? tokens[i].ws_last - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with spaces * @returns {Array} `['s', x]` where `x` is a string containing spaces */ function getS() { var startPos = pos, x = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ws_last); pos = tokens[pos].ws_last + 1; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.SType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is a space or a comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Number of similar (space or comment) tokens * in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkSC(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l, lsc = 0, ln = tokens[i].ln; while (i < tokensLength) { if (!(l = checkS(i)) && !(l = checkCommentML(i)) && !(l = checkCommentSL(i))) break; i += l; lsc += l; } return lsc || 0; } /** * Get node with spaces and comments * @returns {Array} Array containing nodes with spaces (if there are any) * and nodes with comments (if there are any): * `[['s', x]*, ['comment', y]*]` where `x` is a string of spaces * and `y` is a comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getSC() { var sc = [], ln; if (pos >= tokensLength) return sc; ln = tokens[pos].ln; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkS(pos)) sc.push(getS()); else if (checkCommentML(pos)) sc.push(getCommentML()); else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) sc.push(getCommentSL()); else break; } return sc; } /** * Check if token is part of a selector * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the selector */ function checkSelector(i) { var start = i, l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSimpleSelector(i) || checkDelim(i)) i += l; else break; } if (i !== start) tokens[start].selector_end = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getSelector() { var startPos = pos, x = [], selector_end = tokens[pos].selector_end; while (pos <= selector_end) { x.push(checkDelim(pos) ? getDelim() : getSimpleSelector()); } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.SelectorType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * a simple selector * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkShash(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.NumberSign) return 0; return (l = checkNmName(i + 1)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside a simple * selector * @returns {Array} `['shash', x]` where `x` is a hexadecimal number * converted to string (without `#`, e.g. `fff`) */ function getShash() { var startPos = pos, x = []; pos++; x.push(getNmName()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ShashType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkSimpleSelector(i) { var start = i, l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSimpleSelector1(i)) i += l; else break; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getSimpleSelector() { var startPos = pos, x = [], t; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (!checkSimpleSelector1(pos)) break; t = getSimpleSelector1(); if ((needInfo && typeof t[1] === 'string') || typeof t[0] === 'string') x.push(t); else x = x.concat(t); } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.SimpleselectorType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkSimpleSelector1(i) { var l; if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 1; else if (l = checkNthselector(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 2; else if (l = checkCombinator(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 3; else if (l = checkAttrib(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 4; else if (l = checkPseudo(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 5; else if (l = checkShash(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 6; else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 7; else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 8; else if (l = checkNamespace(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 9; else if (l = checkDeepSelector(i)) tokens[i].simpleselector1_child = 10; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getSimpleSelector1() { var childType = tokens[pos].simpleselector1_child; if (childType === 1) return getParentSelector(); else if (childType === 2) return getNthselector(); else if (childType === 3) return getCombinator(); else if (childType === 4) return getAttrib(); else if (childType === 5) return getPseudo(); else if (childType === 6) return getShash(); else if (childType === 7) return getAny(); else if (childType === 8) return getSC(); else if (childType === 9) return getNamespace(); else if (childType === 10) return getDeepSelector(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkSimpleSelector2(i) { return checkParentSelector(i) || checkNthselector(i) || checkAttrib(i) || checkPseudo(i) || checkShash(i) || checkIdent(i) || checkClass(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getSimpleSelector2() { if (checkParentSelector(pos)) return getParentSelector(); else if (checkNthselector(pos)) return getNthselector(); else if (checkAttrib(pos)) return getAttrib(); else if (checkPseudo(pos)) return getPseudo(); else if (checkShash(pos)) return getShash(); else if (checkIdent(pos)) return getIdent(); else if (checkClass(pos)) return getClass(); } /** * Check if token is part of a string (text wrapped in quotes) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is part of a string, `0` if not */ function checkString(i) { return i < tokensLength && (tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringSQ || tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringDQ) ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get string's node * @returns {Array} `['string', x]` where `x` is a string (including * quotes). */ function getString() { var startPos = pos, x = tokens[pos++].value; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.StringType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Validate stylesheet: it should consist of any number (0 or more) of * rulesets (sets of rules with selectors), @-rules, whitespaces or * comments. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkStylesheet(i) { var start = i, l; // Check every token: while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i) || checkDeclaration(i) || checkDeclDelim(i) || checkInclude(i) || checkMixin(i) || checkAtrule(i) || checkRuleset(i)) i += l; else throwError(i); } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['stylesheet', x]` where `x` is all stylesheet's * nodes. */ function getStylesheet() { var startPos = pos, x = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkSC(pos)) x = x.concat(getSC()); else if (checkAtrule(pos)) x.push(getAtrule()); else if (checkRuleset(pos)) x.push(getRuleset()); else if (checkInclude(pos)) x.push(getInclude()); else if (checkMixin(pos)) x.push(getMixin()); else if (checkDeclaration(pos)) x.push(getDeclaration()); else if (checkDeclDelim(pos)) x.push(getDeclDelim()); else throwError(pos); } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.StylesheetType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkTset(i) { return checkVhash(i) || checkAny(i) || checkSC(i) || checkOperator(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getTset() { if (checkVhash(pos)) return getVhash(); else if (checkAny(pos)) return getAny(); else if (checkSC(pos)) return getSC(); else if (checkOperator(pos)) return getOperator(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkTsets(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (l = checkTset(i)) { i += l; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getTsets() { var x = [], t; while (t = getTset()) { if ((needInfo && typeof t[1] === 'string') || typeof t[0] === 'string') x.push(t); else x = x.concat(t); } return x; } /** * Check if token is an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is an unary sign, `0` if not */ function checkUnary(i) { return i < tokensLength && (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @returns {Array} `['unary', x]` where `x` is an unary sign * converted to string. */ function getUnary() { var startPos = pos, x = tokens[pos++].value; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.UnaryType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkUnknown(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentSL ? 1 : 0; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getUnknown() { var startPos = pos, x = tokens[pos++].value; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.UnknownType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of URI (e.g. `url('/css/styles.css')`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of URI */ function checkUri(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].value !== 'url' || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * Get node with URI * @returns {Array} `['uri', x]` where `x` is URI's nodes (without `url` * and braces, e.g. `['string', ''/css/styles.css'']`). */ function getUri() { var startPos = pos, uriExcluding = {}, uri, token, l, raw; pos += 2; uriExcluding[TokenType.Space] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.Tab] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.Newline] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.LeftParenthesis] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.RightParenthesis] = 1; if (checkUri1(pos)) { uri = [] .concat(getSC()) .concat([getString()]) .concat(getSC()); pos++; } else { uri = getSC(), l = checkExcluding(uriExcluding, pos), token = tokens[pos]; raw = new Node(NodeType.RawType, joinValues (pos, pos + l), token.ln, token.col); uri.push(raw); pos += l + 1; uri = uri.concat(getSC()); pos++; } token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.UriType, uri, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkUri1(i) { var start = i, l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.StringDQ && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.StringSQ) return 0; i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of a value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the value */ function checkValue(i) { var start = i, l, s, _i; while (i < tokensLength) { s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkValue(_i)) i += l + s; if (!l || checkBlock(_i)) break; } return i - start; } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function _checkValue(i) { return checkEscapedString(i) || checkInterpolatedVariable(i) || checkVariable(i) || checkVhash(i) || checkBlock(i) || checkAny(i) || checkAtkeyword(i) || checkOperator(i) || checkImportant(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getValue() { var startPos = pos, x = [], s, _pos; while (pos < tokensLength) { s = checkSC(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (!_checkValue(_pos)) break; if (s) x = x.concat(getSC()); x.push(_getValue()); } var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.ValueType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function _getValue() { if (checkEscapedString(pos)) return getEscapedString(); else if (checkInterpolatedVariable(pos)) return getInterpolatedVariable(); else if (checkVariable(pos)) return getVariable(); else if (checkVhash(pos)) return getVhash(); else if (checkBlock(pos)) return getBlock(); else if (checkAny(pos)) return getAny(); else if (checkAtkeyword(pos)) return getAtkeyword(); else if (checkOperator(pos)) return getOperator(); else if (checkImportant(pos)) return getImportant(); } /** * Check if token is part of LESS variable * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the variable */ function checkVariable(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; if (tokens[i - 1] && tokens[i - 1].type === TokenType.CommercialAt && tokens[i - 2] && tokens[i - 2].type === TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; return (l = checkVariable(i + 1) || checkIdent(i + 1)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a variable * @returns {Array} `['variable', ['ident', x]]` where `x` is * a variable name. */ function getVariable() { var startPos = pos, x = []; pos++; if (checkVariable(pos)) x.push(getVariable()); else x.push(getIdent()); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.VariableType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a variables list (e.g. `@rest...`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkVariablesList(i) { var d = 0, // number of dots l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i)) i+= l; else return 0; while (tokens[i] && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) { d++; i++; } return d === 3 ? l + d : 0; } /** * Get node with a variables list * @returns {Array} `['variableslist', ['variable', ['ident', x]]]` where * `x` is a variable name. */ function getVariablesList() { var startPos = pos, x = [getVariable()]; pos += 3; var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.VariablesListType, x, token.ln, token.col); } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * some value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkVhash(i) { var l; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.NumberSign) return 0; return (l = checkNmName2(i + 1)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside some value * @returns {Array} `['vhash', x]` where `x` is a hexadecimal number * converted to string (without `#`, e.g. `'fff'`). */ function getVhash() { var startPos = pos, x; pos++; x = getNmName2(); var token = tokens[startPos]; return new Node(NodeType.VhashType, x, token.ln, token.col); } return function(_tokens, rule, _needInfo) { tokens = _tokens; needInfo = _needInfo; tokensLength = tokens.length; pos = 0; return rules[rule](); }; })();