# CSScomb Core CSScomb Core is a framework for writing postprocessors. It provides you with a nice set of features: 1. Parser with support of preprocessors 1. API to create and use options 1. API to process files and directories ## Usage ```js var Comb = require('csscomb-core'); // Constructor accepts a list of options to use and list of acceptable syntaxes. var comb = new Comb(options, 'css'); ``` For a simple example of usage take a look [at a template project](https://github.com/csscomb/core-template). Feel free to fork it and modify. ## List of public methods There are a number of methods that become available once you create an instance. ### comb.use(option) Use a plugin. - Params: *{Object}* Option's plugin - Return: *{CombCore}* Instance's object ### comb.configure(config) Load configuration from JSON. Activate and configure needed options. - Params: *{Object}* Config - Return: *{CombCore}* Instance's object ### comb.getOptionsOrder() Get list of available options in exact order they will be processed. Can be used for testing purpose. - Return: *{Array}* List of options' names ### comb.getValue(optionName) Get option's value. Can be used inside plugin's `process` method. - Params: *{String}* Option's name - Return: Value set by user for this option ### comb.getSyntax() Get name of syntax that is currently being used. Can be used inside plugin's `process` method. - Return: *{String}* Syntax name ### comb.processPath(path) Process a file or a directory. - Params: *{String}* Path to file or directory - Return: *{Promise}* ### comb.processDirectory(path) Process all files in a directory. - Params: *{String}* Path to directory - Return: *{Promise}* ### comb.processFile(path) Process a single file. - Params: *{String}* Path to file - Return: *{Promise}* ### comb.processString(string, options) Process a string. - Params: *{String}* Code to process *{{context: String, filename: String, syntax: String}}* Options (optional) where *context* is Gonzales PE rule, *filename* is a file's name that is used to display errors and *syntax* is syntax name with `css` being a default value. - Return: *{String}* Processed string ## Writing a plugin A plugin is a JavaScript object that has methods to set value and process AST nodes. Take a look at [Flip Comb](https://github.com/csscomb/core-template/blob/master/lib/options/flip-comments.js) for an example. There are some fields you should take care of. ### name Option's name as it should be used in config. - Required: yes - Acceptable value: *{String}* - Example: `"flip-comments"` ### syntax List of syntaxes the option supports. This depends on parser possibilities. Currently the following work fine: `css`, `less`, `sass` and `scss`. - Required: yes - Acceptable value: *{Array}* - Example: `['css']` ### accepts In order to tell CSScomb Core which values are acceptable, plugin should have either `accepts` or `setValue` field. `accepts` should be used to provide patterns, while `setValue` is good for modifying value before using it. You can use one or several of the following: – `boolean: [true]` – `boolean: [false]` – `boolean: [true, false]` – `string: /regexp/` – `number: true` - Required: no, but if this field is missed, `setValue` must be set - Acceptable value: *{Object}* - Example: `{ boolean: [true] }` ### setValue Function to modify option's value before using it. This field overrides `accepts` field if it's set in the plugin too. - Required: no, but if this field is missed, `accepts` must be set - Acceptable value: *{Function}* - Example: ` function(value) { return value * 4; }` ### runBefore Run the plugin before another option. - Required: no - Acceptable value: *{String}* Another option's name - Example: `"block-indent"` ### process Modify AST nodes. - Required: yes - Acceptable value: *{Function}* - Example:
function(nodeType, nodeContent) {
        if (nodeType === 'commentML') node[0] = ' (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ';