links.html.twig 2.1 KB

  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Theme override for a set of links.
  5. *
  6. * Available variables:
  7. * - attributes: Attributes for the UL containing the list of links.
  8. * - links: Links to be output.
  9. * Each link will have the following elements:
  10. * - title: The link text.
  11. * - href: The link URL. If omitted, the 'title' is shown as a plain text
  12. * item in the links list. If 'href' is supplied, the entire link is passed
  13. * to l() as its $options parameter.
  14. * - attributes: (optional) HTML attributes for the anchor, or for the <span>
  15. * tag if no 'href' is supplied.
  16. * - heading: (optional) A heading to precede the links.
  17. * - text: The heading text.
  18. * - level: The heading level (e.g. 'h2', 'h3').
  19. * - attributes: (optional) A keyed list of attributes for the heading.
  20. * If the heading is a string, it will be used as the text of the heading and
  21. * the level will default to 'h2'.
  22. *
  23. * Headings should be used on navigation menus and any list of links that
  24. * consistently appears on multiple pages. To make the heading invisible use
  25. * the 'visually-hidden' CSS class. Do not use 'display:none', which
  26. * removes it from screen readers and assistive technology. Headings allow
  27. * screen reader and keyboard only users to navigate to or skip the links.
  28. * See and
  29. * for more information.
  30. *
  31. * @see template_preprocess_links()
  32. */
  33. #}
  34. {% if links -%}
  35. {%- if heading -%}
  36. {%- if heading.level -%}
  37. <{{ heading.level }}{{ heading.attributes }}>{{ heading.text }}</{{ heading.level }}>
  38. {%- else -%}
  39. <h2{{ heading.attributes }}>{{ heading.text }}</h2>
  40. {%- endif -%}
  41. {%- endif -%}
  42. <ul{{ attributes }}>
  43. {%- for item in links -%}
  44. <li{{ item.attributes }}>
  45. {%- if -%}
  46. {{ }}
  47. {%- elseif item.text_attributes -%}
  48. <span{{ item.text_attributes }}>{{ item.text }}</span>
  49. {%- else -%}
  50. {{ item.text }}
  51. {%- endif -%}
  52. </li>
  53. {%- endfor -%}
  54. </ul>
  55. {%- endif %}