animation.scss 2.4 KB

  1. /* Link the SVG file */
  2. body {
  3. /* background-image: url('../images/fond-ronds.svg'); */
  4. /* Add other background properties as needed */
  5. width: 100%;
  6. height: 100vh; /* Adjust as needed */
  7. background-size: cover; /* Adjust as needed */
  8. }
  9. @keyframes pulse {
  10. 0% {transform: scale(0);}
  11. 100% {transform: scale(.5);}
  12. }
  13. @keyframes slidein {
  14. from {transform: translateX(20%);}
  15. to {transform: translateX(70%);}
  16. }
  17. @keyframes dropDown {
  18. from {transform: translateY(20%);}
  19. to {transform: translateY(70%);}
  20. }
  21. @keyframes translateAnimation {
  22. 0% {transform: translateX(0); /* Start translation */}
  23. 50% {transform: translateX(200);}
  24. 100% {transform: translateX(500px); /* End translation */}
  25. }
  26. @keyframes changeColor {
  27. 0% {fill: #b9ce00; /* Initial fill color */}
  28. 100% {fill: #ff804d; /* Final fill color */}
  29. }
  30. @keyframes changeColor2 {
  31. 0% {fill: #038788; /* Initial fill color */}
  32. 100% {fill: #349a84; /* Final fill color */}
  33. }
  34. /* Apply styles to the SVG paths
  35. #circle_pop_trans,
  36. #circle_pop_trans-2,
  37. /* Add other SVG IDs or classes here */
  38. #circle_orange{
  39. /* Add styles to your SVG paths */
  40. /* Example animation */
  41. /* animation: pulse 2s infinite alternate; */
  42. /* animation: dropDown 2s infinite alternate; */
  43. /* animation: pulse 2s infinite alternate; */
  44. }
  45. #cercle_vert_erable-4-3{
  46. animation: changeColor2 2s forwards;
  47. }
  48. /* Apply styles to the SVG paths */
  49. #circle_vert_clair_erable-3-1
  50. {
  51. animation: changeColor 2s forwards;
  52. /* animation: slidein 2s infinite alternate; */
  53. }
  54. #circle_orange-7{
  55. /* animation: changeColor 2s infinite alternate; */
  56. }
  57. #circle_orange-6 {
  58. /* Main animation for the football */
  59. animation: football-motion 2s linear infinite;
  60. }
  61. #circle_orange-6-bis {
  62. /* Trailing effect animation */
  63. filter: url("#blur");
  64. animation: trace-motion 2s linear infinite;
  65. filter: url("#blur");
  66. }
  67. @keyframes football-motion {
  68. 0% {
  69. transform: translateX(0) translateY(0);
  70. }
  71. 100% {
  72. transform: translateX(100px) ;
  73. }
  74. }
  75. @keyframes trace-motion {
  76. 0% {
  77. opacity: 0.5; /* Adjust the opacity to control the visibility of the trace */
  78. /* Additional properties for the trailing effect */
  79. transform: translateX(0px) translateY(0); /* Adjust as needed */
  80. }
  81. 100% {
  82. opacity: 0.3; /* Make the trace disappear at the end */
  83. /* Additional properties for the trailing effect */
  84. transform: translateX(100px) ; /* Adjust as needed */
  85. }
  86. }