page--front.html.twig 9.5 KB

  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Default theme implementation to display a single page.
  5. *
  6. * The doctype, html, head and body tags are not in this template. Instead they
  7. * can be found in the html.html.twig template in this directory.
  8. *
  9. * Available variables:
  10. *
  11. * General utility variables:
  12. * - base_path: The base URL path of the Drupal installation. Will usually be
  13. * "/" unless you have installed Drupal in a sub-directory.
  14. * - is_front: A flag indicating if the current page is the front page.
  15. * - logged_in: A flag indicating if the user is registered and signed in.
  16. * - is_admin: A flag indicating if the user has permission to access
  17. * administration pages.
  18. *
  19. * Site identity:
  20. * - front_page: The URL of the front page. Use this instead of base_path when
  21. * linking to the front page. This includes the language domain or prefix.
  22. *
  23. * Page content (in order of occurrence in the default page.html.twig):
  24. * - messages: Status and error messages. Should be displayed prominently.
  25. * - node: Fully loaded node, if there is an automatically-loaded node
  26. * associated with the page and the node ID is the second argument in the
  27. * page's path (e.g. node/12345 and node/12345/revisions, but not
  28. * comment/reply/12345).
  29. *
  30. * Regions:
  31. * - page.header: Items for the header region.
  32. * - page.primary_menu: Items for the primary menu region.
  33. * - page.secondary_menu: Items for the secondary menu region.
  34. * - page.highlighted: Items for the highlighted content region.
  35. * - Dynamic help text, mostly for admin pages.
  36. * - page.content: The main content of the current page.
  37. * - page.sidebar_first: Items for the first sidebar.
  38. * - page.sidebar_second: Items for the second sidebar.
  39. * - page.footer: Items for the footer region.
  40. * - page.breadcrumb: Items for the breadcrumb region.
  41. *
  42. * @see template_preprocess_page()
  43. * @see html.html.twig
  44. *
  45. * @ingroup themeable
  46. */
  47. #}
  48. <div class="layout-container">
  49. <header role="banner" class="front container-fluid">
  50. {{ page.header }}
  51. </header>
  52. {{ page.primary_menu }}
  53. {{ page.secondary_menu }}
  54. {{ page.breadcrumb }}
  55. {{ page.highlighted }}
  56. {{ }}
  57. <main role="main" class="d-flex container home">
  58. <a id="main-content" tabindex="-1"></a>{# link is in html.html.twig #}
  59. <div class="layout-content">
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  199. </div>
  200. <div id="content-ontop">
  201. <div>
  202. {{ page.content }}
  203. </div>
  204. </div>
  205. </div>{# /.layout-content #}
  206. {% if page.sidebar_second %}
  207. <aside class="layout-sidebar-second col-2" role="complementary">
  208. {{ page.sidebar_second }}
  209. </aside>
  210. {% endif %}
  211. </main>
  212. {% if page.footer %}
  213. <footer role="contentinfo" class="container-fluid">
  214. {{ page.footer }}
  215. </footer>
  216. {% endif %}
  217. </div>{# /.layout-container #}