/** * @file * Defines vertical tabs functionality. * * This file replaces core/misc/vertical-tabs.js to fix some bugs in the * original implementation, as well as makes minor changes to enable Claro * designs: * 1. Replaces hard-coded markup and adds 'js-' prefixed CSS classes for the * JavaScript functionality (https://www.drupal.org/node/3081489). * - The original Drupal.behavior and Drupal.verticalTab object hard-code * markup of the tab list and (the outermost) wrapper of the vertical tabs * component. * - The original Drupal.verticalTab object is built on the same (unprefixed) * CSS classes that should be used only for theming the component: * - .vertical-tabs__pane - replaced by .js-vertical-tabs-pane; * - .vertical-tabs__menu-item - replaced by .js-vertical-tabs-menu-item; * - .vertical-tab--hidden - replaced by .js-vertical-tab-hidden. * 2. Fixes accessibility bugs (https://www.drupal.org/node/3081500): * - The original Drupal.verticalTab object doesn't take care of the right * aria attributes. Every details summary element is described with * aria-expanded="false" and aria-pressed="false". * - The original Drupal.verticalTab object uses a non-unique CSS id * '#active-vertical-tab' for the marker of the active menu tab. This leads * to broken behavior on filter format and editor configuration form where * multiple vertical tabs may appear * (/admin/config/content/formats/manage/basic_html). * - Auto-focus bug: if the vertical tab is activated by pressing enter on * the vertical tab menu link, the original Drupal.verticalTab object tries * to focus the first visible :input element in a vertical tab content. The * implementation doesn't work in all scenarios. For example, on the * 'Filter format and editor' form * (/admin/config/content/formats/manage/basic_html), if the user presses * the enter key on the last vertical tabs element's menu link ('Filter * settings'), the focused element will be the first vertical tabs * ('CKEditor plugin settings') active input, and not the expected one. * 3. Consistency between browsers (https://www.drupal.org/node/3081508): * We have to display the setting summary on the 'accordion look' as well. * Using the original file, these are displayed only on browsers without * HTML5 details support, where core's built-in core/misc/collapse.js HTML5 * details polyfill is in action. * 4. Help fulfill our custom needs (https://www.drupal.org/node/3081519): * The original behavior applies its features only when the actual screen * width is bigger than 640 pixels (or the value of the * drupalSettings.widthBreakpoint). But we want to switch between the * 'accordion look' and 'tab look' dynamically, right after the browser * viewport was resized, and not only on page load. * This would be possible even by defining drupalSettings.widthBreakpoint * with '0' value. But since the name of this configuration does not suggest * that it is (and will be) used only by vertical tabs, it is much cleaner * to remove the unneeded condition from the functionality. */ /** * Triggers when form values inside a vertical tab changes. * * This is used to update the summary in vertical tabs in order to know what * are the important fields' values. * * @event summaryUpdated */ (($, Drupal) => { /** * Show the parent vertical tab pane of a targeted page fragment. * * In order to make sure a targeted element inside a vertical tab pane is * visible on a hash change or fragment link click, show all parent panes. * * @param {jQuery.Event} e * The event triggered. * @param {jQuery} $target * The targeted node as a jQuery object. */ const handleFragmentLinkClickOrHashChange = (e, $target) => { $target.parents('.js-vertical-tabs-pane').each((index, pane) => { $(pane) .data('verticalTab') .focus(); }); }; /** * This script transforms a set of details into a stack of vertical tabs. * * Each tab may have a summary which can be updated by another * script. For that to work, each details element has an associated * 'verticalTabCallback' (with jQuery.data() attached to the details), * which is called every time the user performs an update to a form * element inside the tab pane. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches behaviors for vertical tabs. */ Drupal.behaviors.claroVerticalTabs = { attach(context) { /** * Binds a listener to handle fragment link clicks and URL hash changes. */ $('body') .once('vertical-tabs-fragments') .on( 'formFragmentLinkClickOrHashChange.verticalTabs', handleFragmentLinkClickOrHashChange, ); $(context) .find('[data-vertical-tabs-panes]') .once('vertical-tabs') .each(function initializeVerticalTabs() { const $this = $(this).addClass('vertical-tabs__items--processed'); const focusID = $this.find(':hidden.vertical-tabs__active-tab').val(); let tabFocus; // Check if there are some details that can be converted to // vertical-tabs. const $details = $this.find('> details'); if ($details.length === 0) { return; } // Create the tab column. const tabList = $(Drupal.theme.verticalTabListWrapper()); $this .wrap( $(Drupal.theme.verticalTabsWrapper()).addClass( 'js-vertical-tabs', ), ) .before(tabList); // Transform each details into a tab. $details.each(function initializeVerticalTabItems() { const $that = $(this); /* eslint-disable new-cap */ const verticalTab = new Drupal.verticalTab({ title: $that.find('> summary').text(), details: $that, }); /* eslint-enable new-cap */ tabList.append(verticalTab.item); $that // prop() can't be used on browsers not supporting details // element, the style won't apply to them if prop() is used. .removeAttr('open') .addClass('js-vertical-tabs-pane') .data('verticalTab', verticalTab); if (this.id === focusID) { tabFocus = $that; } }); if (!tabFocus) { // If the current URL has a fragment and one of the tabs contains an // element that matches the URL fragment, activate that tab. const $locationHash = $this.find(window.location.hash); if (window.location.hash && $locationHash.length) { tabFocus = $locationHash.is('.js-vertical-tabs-pane') ? $locationHash : $locationHash.closest('.js-vertical-tabs-pane'); } else { tabFocus = $this.find('> .js-vertical-tabs-pane').eq(0); } } if (tabFocus.length) { tabFocus.data('verticalTab').focus(false); } }); }, }; /** * The vertical tab object represents a single tab within a tab group. * * @constructor * * @param {object} settings * Settings object. * @param {string} settings.title * The name of the tab. * @param {jQuery} settings.details * The jQuery object of the details element that is the tab pane. * * @fires event:summaryUpdated * * @listens event:summaryUpdated */ Drupal.verticalTab = function verticalTab(settings) { const self = this; $.extend(this, settings, Drupal.theme('verticalTab', settings)); this.item.addClass('js-vertical-tabs-menu-item'); this.link.attr('href', `#${settings.details.attr('id')}`); this.detailsSummaryDescription = $( Drupal.theme.verticalTabDetailsDescription(), ).appendTo(this.details.find('> summary')); this.link.on('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); self.focus(); }); this.details.on('toggle', event => { // We will control this by summary clicks. event.preventDefault(); }); // Open the tab for every browser, with or without details support. this.details .find('> summary') .on('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); self.details.attr('open', true); if (self.details.hasClass('collapse-processed')) { setTimeout(() => { self.focus(); }, 10); } else { self.focus(); } }) .on('keydown', event => { if (event.keyCode === 13) { // Set focus on the first input field of the current visible details/tab // pane. setTimeout(() => { self.details .find(':input:visible:enabled') .eq(0) .trigger('focus'); }, 10); } }); // Keyboard events added: // Pressing the Enter key will open the tab pane. this.link.on('keydown', event => { if (event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); self.focus(); // Set focus on the first input field of the current visible details/tab // pane. self.details .find(':input:visible:enabled') .eq(0) .trigger('focus'); } }); this.details .on('summaryUpdated', () => { self.updateSummary(); }) .trigger('summaryUpdated'); }; Drupal.verticalTab.prototype = { /** * Displays the tab's content pane. * * @param {bool} triggerFocus * Whether focus should be triggered for the summary element. */ focus(triggerFocus = true) { this.details .siblings('.js-vertical-tabs-pane') .each(function closeOtherTabs() { const tab = $(this).data('verticalTab'); if (tab.details.attr('open')) { tab.details .removeAttr('open') .find('> summary') .attr({ 'aria-expanded': 'false', 'aria-pressed': 'false', }); tab.item.removeClass('is-selected'); } }) .end() .siblings(':hidden.vertical-tabs__active-tab') .val(this.details.attr('id')); this.details .attr('open', true) .find('> summary') .attr({ 'aria-expanded': 'true', 'aria-pressed': 'true', }) .closest('.js-vertical-tabs') .find('.js-vertical-tab-active') .remove(); if (triggerFocus) { const $summary = this.details.find('> summary'); if ($summary.is(':visible')) { $summary.trigger('focus'); } } this.item.addClass('is-selected'); // Mark the active tab for screen readers. this.title.after( $(Drupal.theme.verticalTabActiveTabIndicator()).addClass( 'js-vertical-tab-active', ), ); }, /** * Updates the tab's summary. */ updateSummary() { const summary = this.details.drupalGetSummary(); this.detailsSummaryDescription.html(summary); this.summary.html(summary); }, /** * Shows a vertical tab pane. * * @return {Drupal.verticalTab} * The verticalTab instance. */ tabShow() { // Display the tab. this.item.removeClass('vertical-tabs__menu-item--hidden').show(); // Show the vertical tabs. this.item.closest('.js-form-type-vertical-tabs').show(); // Display the details element. this.details .removeClass('vertical-tab--hidden js-vertical-tab-hidden') .show(); // Update first and last CSS classes for details. this.details .parent() .children('.js-vertical-tabs-pane') .removeClass('vertical-tabs__item--first vertical-tabs__item--last') .filter(':visible') .eq(0) .addClass('vertical-tabs__item--first'); this.details .parent() .children('.js-vertical-tabs-pane') .filter(':visible') .eq(-1) .addClass('vertical-tabs__item--last'); // Make tab active, but without triggering focus. this.focus(false); return this; }, /** * Hides a vertical tab pane. * * @return {Drupal.verticalTab} * The verticalTab instance. */ tabHide() { // Hide this tab. this.item.addClass('vertical-tabs__menu-item--hidden').hide(); // Hide the details element. this.details .addClass('vertical-tab--hidden js-vertical-tab-hidden') .hide(); // Update first and last CSS classes for details. this.details .parent() .children('.js-vertical-tabs-pane') .removeClass('vertical-tabs__item--first vertical-tabs__item--last') .filter(':visible') .eq(0) .addClass('vertical-tabs__item--first'); this.details .parent() .children('.js-vertical-tabs-pane') .filter(':visible') .eq(-1) .addClass('vertical-tabs__item--last'); // Focus the first visible tab (if there is one). const $firstTab = this.details .siblings('.js-vertical-tabs-pane:not(.js-vertical-tab-hidden)') .eq(0); if ($firstTab.length) { $firstTab.data('verticalTab').focus(false); } // Hide the vertical tabs (if no tabs remain). else { this.item.closest('.js-form-type-vertical-tabs').hide(); } return this; }, }; /** * Theme function for a vertical tab. * * @param {object} settings * An object with the following keys: * @param {string} settings.title * The name of the tab. * * @return {object} * This function has to return an object with at least these keys: * - item: The root tab jQuery element * - link: The anchor tag that acts as the clickable area of the tab * (jQuery version) * - summary: The jQuery element that contains the tab summary */ Drupal.theme.verticalTab = settings => { const tab = {}; tab.item = $( '
  • ', ).append( (tab.link = $('').append( $('') .append( (tab.title = $( '', ).text(settings.title)), ) .append( (tab.summary = $( '', )), ), )), ); return tab; }; /** * Wrapper of the menu and the panes. * * @return {string} * A string representing the DOM fragment. */ Drupal.theme.verticalTabsWrapper = () => '
    '; /** * The wrapper of the vertical tab menu items. * * @return {string} * A string representing the DOM fragment. */ Drupal.theme.verticalTabListWrapper = () => ''; /** * The wrapper of the details summary message added to the summary element. * * @return {string} * A string representing the DOM fragment. */ Drupal.theme.verticalTabDetailsDescription = () => ''; /** * Themes the active vertical tab menu item message. * * @return {string} * A string representing the DOM fragment. */ Drupal.theme.verticalTabActiveTabIndicator = () => `${Drupal.t('(active tab)')}`; })(jQuery, Drupal);