lastErrorNumber = $error_number; $this->lastErrorMessage = $error_message; } /** * Tests that errors are correctly handled when a __toString() fails. * * @covers ::__toString */ public function testToString() { $translation = $this->createMock(TranslationInterface::class); $string = 'May I have an exception please?'; $text = $this->getMockBuilder(TranslatableMarkup::class) ->setConstructorArgs([$string, [], [], $translation]) ->setMethods(['_die']) ->getMock(); $text ->expects($this->once()) ->method('_die') ->willReturn(''); $translation ->method('translateString') ->with($text) ->willReturnCallback(function () { throw new \Exception('Yes you may.'); }); // We set a custom error handler because of set_error_handler([$this, 'errorHandler']); // We want this to trigger an error. (string) $text; restore_error_handler(); $this->assertEquals(E_USER_ERROR, $this->lastErrorNumber); $this->assertRegExp('/Exception thrown while calling __toString on a .*Mock_TranslatableMarkup_.* object in .*TranslatableMarkupTest.php on line [0-9]+: Yes you may./', $this->lastErrorMessage); } /** * @covers ::__construct */ public function testIsStringAssertion() { $translation = $this->getStringTranslationStub(); $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$string ("foo") must be a string.'); new TranslatableMarkup(new TranslatableMarkup('foo', [], [], $translation)); } /** * @covers ::__construct */ public function testIsStringAssertionWithFormattableMarkup() { $formattable_string = new FormattableMarkup('@bar', ['@bar' => 'foo']); $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$string ("foo") must be a string.'); new TranslatableMarkup($formattable_string); } }