root . '/composer.json')); $lock = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->root . '/composer.lock'), TRUE); $this->assertSame($content_hash, $lock['content-hash']); // @see \Composer\Repository\PathRepository::initialize() $core_lock_file_hash = ''; $options = []; foreach ($lock['packages'] as $package) { if ($package['name'] === 'drupal/core') { $core_lock_file_hash = $package['dist']['reference']; $options = $package['transport-options'] ?? []; break; } } $core_content_hash = sha1(file_get_contents($this->root . '/core/composer.json') . serialize($options)); $this->assertSame($core_content_hash, $core_lock_file_hash); } /** * Tests composer.json versions. * * @param string $path * Path to a composer.json to test. * * @dataProvider providerTestComposerJson */ public function testComposerTilde($path) { $content = json_decode(file_get_contents($path), TRUE); $composer_keys = array_intersect(['require', 'require-dev'], array_keys($content)); if (empty($composer_keys)) { $this->markTestSkipped("$path has no keys to test"); } foreach ($composer_keys as $composer_key) { foreach ($content[$composer_key] as $dependency => $version) { // We allow tildes if the dependency is a Symfony component. // @see if (strpos($dependency, 'symfony/') === 0) { continue; } $this->assertStringNotContainsString('~', $version, "Dependency $dependency in $path contains a tilde, use a caret."); } } } /** * Data provider for all the composer.json provided by Drupal core. * * @return array */ public function providerTestComposerJson() { $data = []; $composer_json_finder = $this->getComposerJsonFinder(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../')); foreach ($composer_json_finder->getIterator() as $composer_json) { $data[] = [$composer_json->getPathname()]; } return $data; } /** * Tests core's composer.json replace section. * * Verify that all core modules are also listed in the 'replace' section of * core's composer.json. */ public function testAllModulesReplaced() { // Assemble a path to core modules. $module_path = $this->root . '/core/modules'; // Grab the 'replace' section of the core composer.json file. $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->root . '/core/composer.json')); $composer_replace_packages = (array) $json->replace; // Get a list of all the files in the module path. $folders = scandir($module_path); // Make sure we only deal with directories that aren't . or .. $module_names = []; $discard = ['.', '..']; foreach ($folders as $file_name) { if ((!in_array($file_name, $discard)) && is_dir($module_path . '/' . $file_name)) { $module_names[] = $file_name; } } // Assert that each core module has a corresponding 'replace' in // composer.json. foreach ($module_names as $module_name) { $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'drupal/' . $module_name, $composer_replace_packages, 'Unable to find ' . $module_name . ' in replace list of composer.json' ); } } /** * Data provider for the scaffold files test for Drupal core. * * @return array */ public function providerTestExpectedScaffoldFiles() { return [ ['.editorconfig', 'assets/scaffold/files/editorconfig', '[project-root]'], ['.gitattributes', 'assets/scaffold/files/gitattributes', '[project-root]'], ['.csslintrc', 'assets/scaffold/files/csslintrc'], ['.eslintignore', 'assets/scaffold/files/eslintignore'], ['.eslintrc.json', 'assets/scaffold/files/eslintrc.json'], ['.ht.router.php', 'assets/scaffold/files/ht.router.php'], ['.htaccess', 'assets/scaffold/files/htaccess'], ['example.gitignore', 'assets/scaffold/files/example.gitignore'], ['index.php', 'assets/scaffold/files/index.php'], ['INSTALL.txt', 'assets/scaffold/files/drupal.INSTALL.txt'], ['README.txt', 'assets/scaffold/files/drupal.README.txt'], ['robots.txt', 'assets/scaffold/files/robots.txt'], ['update.php', 'assets/scaffold/files/update.php'], ['web.config', 'assets/scaffold/files/web.config'], ['sites/README.txt', 'assets/scaffold/files/sites.README.txt'], ['sites/', 'assets/scaffold/files/'], ['sites/example.settings.local.php', 'assets/scaffold/files/example.settings.local.php'], ['sites/example.sites.php', 'assets/scaffold/files/example.sites.php'], ['sites/default/', 'assets/scaffold/files/'], ['sites/default/default.settings.php', 'assets/scaffold/files/default.settings.php'], ['modules/README.txt', 'assets/scaffold/files/modules.README.txt'], ['profiles/README.txt', 'assets/scaffold/files/profiles.README.txt'], ['themes/README.txt', 'assets/scaffold/files/themes.README.txt'], ]; } /** * Tests core's composer.json extra drupal-scaffold file-mappings section. * * Verify that every file listed in file-mappings exists in its destination * path (mapping key) and also at its source path (mapping value), and that * both of these files have exactly the same content. * * In Drupal 9, the files at the destination path will be removed. For the * remainder of the Drupal 8 development cycle, these files will remain in * order to maintain backwards compatibility with sites based on the template * project drupal-composer/drupal-project. * * See * * @param string $destRelPath * Path to scaffold file destination location * @param string $sourceRelPath * Path to scaffold file source location * @param string $expectedDestination * Named location to the destination path of the scaffold file * * @dataProvider providerTestExpectedScaffoldFiles */ public function testExpectedScaffoldFiles($destRelPath, $sourceRelPath, $expectedDestination = '[web-root]') { // Grab the 'file-mapping' section of the core composer.json file. $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->root . '/core/composer.json')); $scaffold_file_mapping = (array) $json->extra->{'drupal-scaffold'}->{'file-mapping'}; // Assert that the 'file-mapping' section has the expected entry. $this->assertArrayHasKey("$expectedDestination/$destRelPath", $scaffold_file_mapping); $this->assertEquals($sourceRelPath, $scaffold_file_mapping["$expectedDestination/$destRelPath"]); // Assert that the source file exists. $this->assertFileExists($this->root . '/core/' . $sourceRelPath); // Assert that the destination file exists and has the same contents as // the source file. Note that in Drupal 9, the destination file will be // removed. $this->assertFileExists($this->root . '/' . $destRelPath); $this->assertFileEquals($this->root . '/core/' . $sourceRelPath, $this->root . '/' . $destRelPath, 'Scaffold source and destination files must have the same contents.'); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart /** * The following method is copied from \Composer\Package\Locker. * * @see */ /** * Returns the md5 hash of the sorted content of the composer file. * * @param string $composerFileContents The contents of the composer file. * * @return string */ protected static function getContentHash($composerFileContents) { $content = json_decode($composerFileContents, true); $relevantKeys = array( 'name', 'version', 'require', 'require-dev', 'conflict', 'replace', 'provide', 'minimum-stability', 'prefer-stable', 'repositories', 'extra', ); $relevantContent = array(); foreach (array_intersect($relevantKeys, array_keys($content)) as $key) { $relevantContent[$key] = $content[$key]; } if (isset($content['config']['platform'])) { $relevantContent['config']['platform'] = $content['config']['platform']; } ksort($relevantContent); return md5(json_encode($relevantContent)); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd }