/** * @file * Defines JavaScript behaviors for the media type form. */ (function($, Drupal) { /** * Behaviors for setting summaries on media type form. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches summary behaviors on media type edit forms. */ Drupal.behaviors.mediaTypeFormSummaries = { attach(context) { const $context = $(context); // Provide the vertical tab summaries. $context.find('#edit-workflow').drupalSetSummary(context => { const vals = []; $(context) .find('input[name^="options"]:checked') .parent() .each(function() { vals.push( Drupal.checkPlain( $(this) .find('label') .text(), ), ); }); if ( !$(context) .find('#edit-options-status') .is(':checked') ) { vals.unshift(Drupal.t('Not published')); } return vals.join(', '); }); $(context) .find('#edit-language') .drupalSetSummary(context => { const vals = []; vals.push( $(context) .find( '.js-form-item-language-configuration-langcode select option:selected', ) .text(), ); $(context) .find('input:checked') .next('label') .each(function() { vals.push(Drupal.checkPlain($(this).text())); }); return vals.join(', '); }); }, }; })(jQuery, Drupal);