getValues(). * * @var array */ public $exposed_data = []; /** * An array of input values from exposed forms. * * @var array */ protected $exposed_input = []; /** * Exposed widget input directly from the $form_state->getValues(). * * @var array */ public $exposed_raw_input = []; /** * Used to store views that were previously running if we recurse. * * @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable[] */ public $old_view = []; /** * To avoid recursion in views embedded into areas. * * @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable[] */ public $parent_views = []; /** * Whether this view is an attachment to another view. * * @var bool */ public $is_attachment = NULL; /** * Identifier of the current display. * * @var string */ public $current_display; /** * Where the $query object will reside. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\query\QueryPluginBase */ public $query = NULL; /** * The used pager plugin used by the current executed view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\pager\PagerPluginBase */ public $pager = NULL; /** * The current used display plugin. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase */ public $display_handler; /** * The list of used displays of the view. * * An array containing Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase * objects. * * @var \Drupal\views\DisplayPluginCollection */ public $displayHandlers; /** * The current used style plugin. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\style\StylePluginBase */ public $style_plugin; /** * The current used row plugin, if the style plugin supports row plugins. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\row\RowPluginBase */ public $rowPlugin; /** * Stores the current active row while rendering. * * @var int */ public $row_index; /** * Allow to override the url of the current view. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Url */ public $override_url; /** * Allow to override the path used for generated urls. * * @var string */ public $override_path = NULL; /** * Allow to override the used database which is used for this query. * * @var bool */ public $base_database = NULL; // Handlers which are active on this view. /** * Stores the field handlers which are initialized on this view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase[] */ public $field; /** * Stores the argument handlers which are initialized on this view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\argument\ArgumentPluginBase[] */ public $argument; /** * Stores the sort handlers which are initialized on this view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\sort\SortPluginBase[] */ public $sort; /** * Stores the filter handlers which are initialized on this view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\FilterPluginBase[] */ public $filter; /** * Stores the relationship handlers which are initialized on this view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\relationship\RelationshipPluginBase[] */ public $relationship; /** * Stores the area handlers for the header which are initialized on this view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\area\AreaPluginBase[] */ public $header; /** * Stores the area handlers for the footer which are initialized on this view. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\area\AreaPluginBase[] */ public $footer; /** * Stores the area handlers for the empty text which are initialized on this view. * * An array containing Drupal\views\Plugin\views\area\AreaPluginBase objects. * * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\area\AreaPluginBase[] */ public $empty; /** * Stores the current response object. * * @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ protected $response = NULL; /** * Stores the current request object. * * @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request */ protected $request; /** * Does this view already have loaded its handlers. * * @todo Group with other static properties. * * @var bool */ public $inited; /** * The rendered output of the exposed form. * * @var string */ public $exposed_widgets; /** * If this view has been previewed. * * @var bool */ public $preview; /** * Force the query to calculate the total number of results. * * @todo Move to the query. * * @var bool */ public $get_total_rows; /** * Indicates if the sorts have been built. * * @todo Group with other static properties. * * @var bool */ public $build_sort; /** * Stores the many-to-one tables for performance. * * @var array */ public $many_to_one_tables; /** * A unique identifier which allows to update multiple views output via js. * * @var string */ public $dom_id; /** * A render array container to store render related information. * * For example you can alter the array and attach some asset library or JS * settings via the #attached key. This is the required way to add custom * CSS or JS. * * @var array * * @see \Drupal\Core\Render\AttachmentsResponseProcessorInterface::processAttachments() */ public $element = [ '#attached' => [ 'library' => ['views/views.module'], 'drupalSettings' => [], ], '#cache' => [], ]; /** * The current user. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface */ protected $user; /** * Should the admin links be shown on the rendered view. * * @var bool */ protected $showAdminLinks; /** * The views data. * * @var \Drupal\views\ViewsData */ protected $viewsData; /** * The route provider. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteProviderInterface */ protected $routeProvider; /** * The entity type of the base table, if available. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface|false */ protected $baseEntityType; /** * Holds all necessary data for proper unserialization. * * @var array */ protected $serializationData; /** * Constructs a new ViewExecutable object. * * @param \Drupal\views\ViewEntityInterface $storage * The view config entity the actual information is stored on. * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $user * The current user. * @param \Drupal\views\ViewsData $views_data * The views data. * @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteProviderInterface $route_provider * The route provider. */ public function __construct(ViewEntityInterface $storage, AccountInterface $user, ViewsData $views_data, RouteProviderInterface $route_provider) { // Reference the storage and the executable to each other. $this->storage = $storage; $this->storage->set('executable', $this); $this->user = $user; $this->viewsData = $views_data; $this->routeProvider = $route_provider; } /** * Returns the identifier. * * @return string|null * The entity identifier, or NULL if the object does not yet have an * identifier. */ public function id() { return $this->storage->id(); } /** * Saves the view. */ public function save() { $this->storage->save(); } /** * Sets the arguments for the view. * * @param array $args * The arguments passed to the view. */ public function setArguments(array $args) { // The array keys of the arguments will be incorrect if set by // views_embed_view() or \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable:preview(). $this->args = array_values($args); } /** * Expands the list of used cache contexts for the view. * * @param string $cache_context * The additional cache context. * * @return $this */ public function addCacheContext($cache_context) { $this->element['#cache']['contexts'][] = $cache_context; return $this; } /** * Sets the current page for the pager. * * @param int $page * The current page. */ public function setCurrentPage($page) { $this->current_page = $page; // Calls like ::unserialize() might call this method without a proper $page. // Also check whether the element is pre rendered. At that point, the cache // keys cannot longer be manipulated. if ($page !== NULL && empty($this->element['#pre_rendered'])) { $this->element['#cache']['keys'][] = 'page:' . $page; } // If the pager is already initialized, pass it through to the pager. if (!empty($this->pager)) { return $this->pager->setCurrentPage($page); } } /** * Gets the current page from the pager. * * @return int * The current page. */ public function getCurrentPage() { // If the pager is already initialized, pass it through to the pager. if (!empty($this->pager)) { return $this->pager->getCurrentPage(); } if (isset($this->current_page)) { return $this->current_page; } } /** * Gets the items per page from the pager. * * @return int * The items per page. */ public function getItemsPerPage() { // If the pager is already initialized, pass it through to the pager. if (!empty($this->pager)) { return $this->pager->getItemsPerPage(); } if (isset($this->items_per_page)) { return $this->items_per_page; } } /** * Sets the items per page on the pager. * * @param int $items_per_page * The items per page. */ public function setItemsPerPage($items_per_page) { // Check whether the element is pre rendered. At that point, the cache keys // cannot longer be manipulated. if (empty($this->element['#pre_rendered'])) { $this->element['#cache']['keys'][] = 'items_per_page:' . $items_per_page; } $this->items_per_page = $items_per_page; // If the pager is already initialized, pass it through to the pager. if (!empty($this->pager)) { $this->pager->setItemsPerPage($items_per_page); } } /** * Gets the pager offset from the pager. * * @return int * The pager offset. */ public function getOffset() { // If the pager is already initialized, pass it through to the pager. if (!empty($this->pager)) { return $this->pager->getOffset(); } if (isset($this->offset)) { return $this->offset; } } /** * Sets the offset on the pager. * * @param int $offset * The pager offset. */ public function setOffset($offset) { // Check whether the element is pre rendered. At that point, the cache keys // cannot longer be manipulated. if (empty($this->element['#pre_rendered'])) { $this->element['#cache']['keys'][] = 'offset:' . $offset; } $this->offset = $offset; // If the pager is already initialized, pass it through to the pager. if (!empty($this->pager)) { $this->pager->setOffset($offset); } } /** * Determines if the view uses a pager. * * @return bool * TRUE if the view uses a pager, FALSE otherwise. */ public function usePager() { if (!empty($this->pager)) { return $this->pager->usePager(); } } /** * Sets whether or not AJAX should be used. * * If AJAX is used, paging, table sorting, and exposed filters will be fetched * via an AJAX call rather than a page refresh. * * @param bool $ajax_enabled * TRUE if AJAX should be used, FALSE otherwise. */ public function setAjaxEnabled($ajax_enabled) { $this->ajaxEnabled = (bool) $ajax_enabled; } /** * Determines whether or not AJAX should be used. * * @return bool * TRUE if AJAX is enabled, FALSE otherwise. */ public function ajaxEnabled() { return $this->ajaxEnabled; } /** * Sets the exposed filters input to an array. * * @param string[] $filters * The values taken from the view's exposed filters and sorts. */ public function setExposedInput($filters) { $this->exposed_input = $filters; } /** * Figures out what the exposed input for this view is. * * They will be taken from \Drupal::request()->query or from * something previously set on the view. * * @return string[] * An array containing the exposed input values keyed by the filter and sort * name. * * @see self::setExposedInput() */ public function getExposedInput() { // Fill our input either from \Drupal::request()->query or from something // previously set on the view. if (empty($this->exposed_input)) { // Ensure that we can call the method at any point in time. $this->initDisplay(); $this->exposed_input = \Drupal::request()->query->all(); // unset items that are definitely not our input: foreach (['page', 'q'] as $key) { if (isset($this->exposed_input[$key])) { unset($this->exposed_input[$key]); } } // If we have no input at all, check for remembered input via session. // If filters are not overridden, store the 'remember' settings on the // default display. If they are, store them on this display. This way, // multiple displays in the same view can share the same filters and // remember settings. $display_id = ($this->display_handler->isDefaulted('filters')) ? 'default' : $this->current_display; if (empty($this->exposed_input) && !empty($_SESSION['views'][$this->storage->id()][$display_id])) { $this->exposed_input = $_SESSION['views'][$this->storage->id()][$display_id]; } } return $this->exposed_input; } /** * Sets the display for this view and initializes the display handler. * * @return true * Always returns TRUE. */ public function initDisplay() { if (isset($this->current_display)) { return TRUE; } // Initialize the display cache array. $this->displayHandlers = new DisplayPluginCollection($this, Views::pluginManager('display')); $this->current_display = 'default'; $this->display_handler = $this->displayHandlers->get('default'); return TRUE; } /** * Gets the first display that is accessible to the user. * * @param array|string $displays * Either a single display id or an array of display ids. * * @return string * The first accessible display id, at least default. */ public function chooseDisplay($displays) { if (!is_array($displays)) { return $displays; } $this->initDisplay(); foreach ($displays as $display_id) { if ($this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->access($this->user)) { return $display_id; } } return 'default'; } /** * Gets the current display plugin. * * @return \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase * The current display plugin. */ public function getDisplay() { if (!isset($this->display_handler)) { $this->initDisplay(); } return $this->display_handler; } /** * Sets the current display. * * @param string $display_id * The ID of the display to mark as current. * * @return bool * TRUE if the display was correctly set, FALSE otherwise. */ public function setDisplay($display_id = NULL) { // If we have not already initialized the display, do so. if (!isset($this->current_display)) { // This will set the default display and instantiate the default display // plugin. $this->initDisplay(); } // If no display ID is passed, we either have initialized the default or // already have a display set. if (!isset($display_id)) { return TRUE; } $display_id = $this->chooseDisplay($display_id); // Ensure the requested display exists. if (!$this->displayHandlers->has($display_id)) { trigger_error(new FormattableMarkup('setDisplay() called with invalid display ID "@display".', ['@display' => $display_id]), E_USER_WARNING); return FALSE; } // Reset if the display has changed. It could be called multiple times for // the same display, especially in the UI. if ($this->current_display != $display_id) { // Set the current display. $this->current_display = $display_id; // Reset the style and row plugins. $this->style_plugin = NULL; $this->plugin_name = NULL; $this->rowPlugin = NULL; } if ($display = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)) { // Set a shortcut. $this->display_handler = $display; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Creates a new display and a display handler instance for it. * * @param string $plugin_id * (optional) The plugin type from the Views plugin annotation. Defaults to * 'page'. * @param string $title * (optional) The title of the display. Defaults to NULL. * @param string $id * (optional) The ID to use, e.g., 'default', 'page_1', 'block_2'. Defaults * to NULL. * * @return \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase * A new display plugin instance if executable is set, the new display ID * otherwise. */ public function newDisplay($plugin_id = 'page', $title = NULL, $id = NULL) { $this->initDisplay(); $id = $this->storage->addDisplay($plugin_id, $title, $id); $this->displayHandlers->addInstanceId($id); $display = $this->displayHandlers->get($id); $display->newDisplay(); return $display; } /** * Gets the current style plugin. * * @return \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\style\StylePluginBase * The current style plugin. */ public function getStyle() { if (!isset($this->style_plugin)) { $this->initStyle(); } return $this->style_plugin; } /** * Finds and initializes the style plugin. * * Note that arguments may have changed which style plugin we use, so * check the view object first, then ask the display handler. * * @return bool * TRUE if the style plugin was or could be initialized, FALSE otherwise. */ public function initStyle() { if (isset($this->style_plugin)) { return TRUE; } $this->style_plugin = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('style'); if (empty($this->style_plugin)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Acquires and attaches all of the handlers. */ public function initHandlers() { $this->initDisplay(); if (empty($this->inited)) { foreach ($this::getHandlerTypes() as $key => $info) { $this->_initHandler($key, $info); } $this->inited = TRUE; } } /** * Gets the current pager plugin. * * @return \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\pager\PagerPluginBase * The current pager plugin. */ public function getPager() { if (!isset($this->pager)) { $this->initPager(); } return $this->pager; } /** * Initializes the pager. * * Like style initialization, pager initialization is held until late to allow * for overrides. */ public function initPager() { if (!isset($this->pager)) { $this->pager = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('pager'); if ($this->usePager()) { $this->pager->setCurrentPage($this->current_page); } // These overrides may have been set earlier via $view->set_* // functions. if (isset($this->items_per_page)) { $this->pager->setItemsPerPage($this->items_per_page); } if (isset($this->offset)) { $this->pager->setOffset($this->offset); } } } /** * Renders the pager, if necessary. * * @param string[] $exposed_input * The input values from the exposed forms and sorts of the view. * * @return array|string * The render array of the pager if it's set, blank string otherwise. */ public function renderPager($exposed_input) { if ($this->usePager()) { return $this->pager->render($exposed_input); } return ''; } /** * Creates a list of base tables to be used by the view. * * This is used primarily for the UI. The display must be already initialized. * * @return array * An array of base tables to be used by the view. */ public function getBaseTables() { $base_tables = [ $this->storage->get('base_table') => TRUE, '#global' => TRUE, ]; foreach ($this->display_handler->getHandlers('relationship') as $handler) { $base_tables[$handler->definition['base']] = TRUE; } return $base_tables; } /** * Returns the entity type of the base table, if available. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType|false * The entity type of the base table, or FALSE if none exists. */ public function getBaseEntityType() { if (!isset($this->baseEntityType)) { $view_base_table = $this->storage->get('base_table'); $views_data = $this->viewsData->get($view_base_table); if (!empty($views_data['table']['entity type'])) { $entity_type_id = $views_data['table']['entity type']; $this->baseEntityType = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getDefinition($entity_type_id); } else { $this->baseEntityType = FALSE; } } return $this->baseEntityType; } /** * Runs the preQuery() on all active handlers. */ protected function _preQuery() { foreach ($this::getHandlerTypes() as $key => $info) { $handlers = &$this->$key; $position = 0; foreach ($handlers as $id => $handler) { $handlers[$id]->position = $position; $handlers[$id]->preQuery(); $position++; } } } /** * Runs the postExecute() on all active handlers. */ protected function _postExecute() { foreach ($this::getHandlerTypes() as $key => $info) { $handlers = &$this->$key; foreach ($handlers as $id => $handler) { $handlers[$id]->postExecute($this->result); } } } /** * Attaches the views handler for the specific type. * * @param string $key * One of 'argument', 'field', 'sort', 'filter', 'relationship'. * @param array $info * An array of views handler types use in the view with additional * information about them. */ protected function _initHandler($key, $info) { // Load the requested items from the display onto the object. $this->$key = &$this->display_handler->getHandlers($key); // This reference deals with difficult PHP indirection. $handlers = &$this->$key; // Run through and test for accessibility. foreach ($handlers as $id => $handler) { if (!$handler->access($this->user)) { unset($handlers[$id]); } } } /** * Builds all the arguments. * * @return bool * TRUE if the arguments were built successfully, FALSE otherwise. */ protected function _buildArguments() { // Initially, we want to build sorts and fields. This can change, though, // if we get a summary view. if (empty($this->argument)) { return TRUE; } // build arguments. $position = -1; $substitutions = []; $status = TRUE; // Get the title. $title = $this->display_handler->getOption('title'); // Iterate through each argument and process. foreach ($this->argument as $id => $arg) { $position++; $argument = $this->argument[$id]; if ($argument->broken()) { continue; } $argument->setRelationship(); $arg = isset($this->args[$position]) ? $this->args[$position] : NULL; $argument->position = $position; if (isset($arg) || $argument->hasDefaultArgument()) { if (!isset($arg)) { $arg = $argument->getDefaultArgument(); // make sure default args get put back. if (isset($arg)) { $this->args[$position] = $arg; } // remember that this argument was computed, not passed on the URL. $argument->is_default = TRUE; } // Set the argument, which ensures that the argument is valid and // possibly transforms the value. if (!$argument->setArgument($arg)) { $status = $argument->validateFail($arg); break; } if ($argument->isException()) { $arg_title = $argument->exceptionTitle(); } else { $arg_title = $argument->getTitle(); $argument->query($this->display_handler->useGroupBy()); } // Add this argument's substitution. $substitutions["{{ arguments.$id }}"] = $arg_title; // Since argument validator plugins can potentially transform the value, // use whatever value the argument handler now has, not the raw value. $substitutions["{{ raw_arguments.$id }}"] = strip_tags(Html::decodeEntities($argument->getValue())); // Test to see if we should use this argument's title if (!empty($argument->options['title_enable']) && !empty($argument->options['title'])) { $title = $argument->options['title']; } } else { // determine default condition and handle. $status = $argument->defaultAction(); break; } // Be safe with references and loops: unset($argument); } // set the title in the build info. if (!empty($title)) { $this->build_info['title'] = $title; } // Store the arguments for later use. $this->build_info['substitutions'] = $substitutions; return $status; } /** * Gets the current query plugin. * * @return \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\query\QueryPluginBase * The current query plugin. */ public function getQuery() { if (!isset($this->query)) { $this->initQuery(); } return $this->query; } /** * Initializes the query object for the view. * * @return true * Always returns TRUE. */ public function initQuery() { if (!empty($this->query)) { $class = get_class($this->query); if ($class && $class != 'stdClass') { // return if query is already initialized. return TRUE; } } // Create and initialize the query object. $views_data = Views::viewsData()->get($this->storage->get('base_table')); $this->storage->set('base_field', !empty($views_data['table']['base']['field']) ? $views_data['table']['base']['field'] : ''); if (!empty($views_data['table']['base']['database'])) { $this->base_database = $views_data['table']['base']['database']; } $this->query = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('query'); return TRUE; } /** * Builds the query for the view. * * @param string $display_id * The display ID of the view. * * @return bool|null * TRUE if the view build process was successful, FALSE if setting the * display fails or NULL if the view has been built already. */ public function build($display_id = NULL) { if (!empty($this->built)) { return; } if (empty($this->current_display) || $display_id) { if (!$this->setDisplay($display_id)) { return FALSE; } } // Let modules modify the view just prior to building it. $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler(); $module_handler->invokeAll('views_pre_build', [$this]); // Attempt to load from cache. // @todo Load a build_info from cache. $start = microtime(TRUE); // If that fails, let's build! $this->build_info = [ 'query' => '', 'count_query' => '', 'query_args' => [], ]; $this->initQuery(); // Call a module hook and see if it wants to present us with a // pre-built query or instruct us not to build the query for // some reason. // @todo: Implement this. Use the same mechanism Panels uses. // Run through our handlers and ensure they have necessary information. $this->initHandlers(); // Let the handlers interact with each other if they really want. $this->_preQuery(); if ($this->display_handler->usesExposed()) { /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\exposed_form\ExposedFormPluginInterface $exposed_form */ $exposed_form = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('exposed_form'); $this->exposed_widgets = $exposed_form->renderExposedForm(); if (!empty($this->build_info['abort'])) { $this->built = TRUE; // Don't execute the query, $form_state, but rendering will still be executed to display the empty text. $this->executed = TRUE; return empty($this->build_info['fail']); } } // Build all the relationships first thing. $this->_build('relationship'); // Set the filtering groups. if (!empty($this->filter)) { $filter_groups = $this->display_handler->getOption('filter_groups'); if ($filter_groups) { $this->query->setGroupOperator($filter_groups['operator']); foreach ($filter_groups['groups'] as $id => $operator) { $this->query->setWhereGroup($operator, $id); } } } // Build all the filters. $this->_build('filter'); $this->build_sort = TRUE; // Arguments can, in fact, cause this whole thing to abort. if (!$this->_buildArguments()) { $this->build_time = microtime(TRUE) - $start; $this->attachDisplays(); return $this->built; } // Initialize the style; arguments may have changed which style we use, // so waiting as long as possible is important. But we need to know // about the style when we go to build fields. if (!$this->initStyle()) { $this->build_info['fail'] = TRUE; return FALSE; } if ($this->style_plugin->usesFields()) { $this->_build('field'); } // Build our sort criteria if we were instructed to do so. if (!empty($this->build_sort)) { // Allow the style handler to deal with sorting. if ($this->style_plugin->buildSort()) { $this->_build('sort'); } // allow the plugin to build second sorts as well. $this->style_plugin->buildSortPost(); } // Allow area handlers to affect the query. $this->_build('header'); $this->_build('footer'); $this->_build('empty'); // Allow display handler to affect the query: $this->display_handler->query($this->display_handler->useGroupBy()); // Allow style handler to affect the query: $this->style_plugin->query($this->display_handler->useGroupBy()); // Allow exposed form to affect the query: if (isset($exposed_form)) { $exposed_form->query(); } if (\Drupal::config('views.settings')->get('sql_signature')) { $this->query->addSignature($this); } // Let modules modify the query just prior to finalizing it. $this->query->alter($this); // Only build the query if we weren't interrupted. if (empty($this->built)) { // Build the necessary info to execute the query. $this->query->build($this); } $this->built = TRUE; $this->build_time = microtime(TRUE) - $start; // Attach displays $this->attachDisplays(); // Let modules modify the view just after building it. $module_handler->invokeAll('views_post_build', [$this]); return TRUE; } /** * Builds an individual set of handlers. * * This is an internal method. * * @todo Some filter needs this function, even it is internal. * * @param string $key * The type of handlers (filter etc.) which should be iterated over to build * the relationship and query information. */ public function _build($key) { $handlers = &$this->$key; foreach ($handlers as $id => $data) { if (!empty($handlers[$id]) && is_object($handlers[$id])) { $multiple_exposed_input = [0 => NULL]; if ($handlers[$id]->multipleExposedInput()) { $multiple_exposed_input = $handlers[$id]->groupMultipleExposedInput($this->exposed_data); } foreach ($multiple_exposed_input as $group_id) { // Give this handler access to the exposed filter input. if (!empty($this->exposed_data)) { if ($handlers[$id]->isAGroup()) { $converted = $handlers[$id]->convertExposedInput($this->exposed_data, $group_id); $handlers[$id]->storeGroupInput($this->exposed_data, $converted); if (!$converted) { continue; } } $rc = $handlers[$id]->acceptExposedInput($this->exposed_data); $handlers[$id]->storeExposedInput($this->exposed_data, $rc); if (!$rc) { continue; } } $handlers[$id]->setRelationship(); $handlers[$id]->query($this->display_handler->useGroupBy()); } } } } /** * Executes the view's query. * * @param string $display_id * The machine name of the display, which should be executed. * * @return bool * TRUE if the view execution was successful, FALSE otherwise. For example, * an argument could stop the process. */ public function execute($display_id = NULL) { if (empty($this->built)) { if (!$this->build($display_id)) { return FALSE; } } if (!empty($this->executed)) { return TRUE; } // Don't allow to use deactivated displays, but display them on the live preview. if (!$this->display_handler->isEnabled() && empty($this->live_preview)) { $this->build_info['fail'] = TRUE; return FALSE; } // Let modules modify the view just prior to executing it. $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler(); $module_handler->invokeAll('views_pre_execute', [$this]); // Check for already-cached results. /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\cache\CachePluginBase $cache */ if (!empty($this->live_preview)) { $cache = Views::pluginManager('cache')->createInstance('none'); } else { $cache = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('cache'); } if ($cache->cacheGet('results')) { if ($this->usePager()) { $this->pager->total_items = $this->total_rows; $this->pager->updatePageInfo(); } } else { $this->query->execute($this); // Enforce the array key rule as documented in // views_plugin_query::execute(). $this->result = array_values($this->result); $this->_postExecute(); $cache->cacheSet('results'); } // Let modules modify the view just after executing it. $module_handler->invokeAll('views_post_execute', [$this]); return $this->executed = TRUE; } /** * Renders this view for a certain display. * * Note: You should better use just the preview function if you want to * render a view. * * @param string $display_id * The machine name of the display, which should be rendered. * * @return array|null * A renderable array containing the view output or NULL if the build * process failed. */ public function render($display_id = NULL) { $this->execute($display_id); // Check to see if the build failed. if (!empty($this->build_info['fail'])) { return; } if (!empty($this->build_info['denied'])) { return; } /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\exposed_form\ExposedFormPluginInterface $exposed_form */ $exposed_form = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('exposed_form'); $exposed_form->preRender($this->result); $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler(); // @TODO In the longrun, it would be great to execute a view without // the theme system at all. See $active_theme = \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme(); $themes = array_keys($active_theme->getBaseThemeExtensions()); $themes[] = $active_theme->getName(); // Check for already-cached output. /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\cache\CachePluginBase $cache */ if (!empty($this->live_preview)) { $cache = Views::pluginManager('cache')->createInstance('none'); } else { $cache = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('cache'); } // Run preRender for the pager as it might change the result. if (!empty($this->pager)) { $this->pager->preRender($this->result); } // Initialize the style plugin. $this->initStyle(); if (!isset($this->response)) { // Set the response so other parts can alter it. $this->response = new Response('', 200); } // Give field handlers the opportunity to perform additional queries // using the entire resultset prior to rendering. if ($this->style_plugin->usesFields()) { foreach ($this->field as $id => $handler) { if (!empty($this->field[$id])) { $this->field[$id]->preRender($this->result); } } } $this->style_plugin->preRender($this->result); // Let each area handler have access to the result set. $areas = ['header', 'footer']; // Only call preRender() on the empty handlers if the result is empty. if (empty($this->result)) { $areas[] = 'empty'; } foreach ($areas as $area) { foreach ($this->{$area} as $handler) { $handler->preRender($this->result); } } // Let modules modify the view just prior to rendering it. $module_handler->invokeAll('views_pre_render', [$this]); // Let the themes play too, because prerender is a very themey thing. foreach ($themes as $theme_name) { $function = $theme_name . '_views_pre_render'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($this); } } $this->display_handler->output = $this->display_handler->render(); $exposed_form->postRender($this->display_handler->output); $cache->postRender($this->display_handler->output); // Let modules modify the view output after it is rendered. $module_handler->invokeAll('views_post_render', [$this, &$this->display_handler->output, $cache]); // Let the themes play too, because post render is a very themey thing. foreach ($themes as $theme_name) { $function = $theme_name . '_views_post_render'; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($this, $this->display_handler->output, $cache); } } return $this->display_handler->output; } /** * Gets the cache tags associated with the executed view. * * Note: The cache plugin controls the used tags, so you can override it, if * needed. * * @return string[] * An array of cache tags. */ public function getCacheTags() { $this->initDisplay(); /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\cache\CachePluginBase $cache */ $cache = $this->display_handler->getPlugin('cache'); return $cache->getCacheTags(); } /** * Builds the render array outline for the given display. * * This render array has a #pre_render callback which will call * ::executeDisplay in order to actually execute the view and then build the * final render array structure. * * @param string $display_id * The display ID. * @param array $args * An array of arguments passed along to the view. * @param bool $cache * (optional) Should the result be render cached. * * @return array|null * A renderable array with #type 'view' or NULL if the display ID was * invalid. */ public function buildRenderable($display_id = NULL, $args = [], $cache = TRUE) { // @todo Extract that into a generic method. if (empty($this->current_display) || $this->current_display != $this->chooseDisplay($display_id)) { if (!$this->setDisplay($display_id)) { return NULL; } } return $this->display_handler->buildRenderable($args, $cache); } /** * Executes the given display, with the given arguments. * * To be called externally by whatever mechanism invokes the view, * such as a page callback, hook_block, etc. * * This function should NOT be used by anything external as this * returns data in the format specified by the display. It can also * have other side effects that are only intended for the 'proper' * use of the display, such as setting page titles. * * If you simply want to view the display, use View::preview() instead. * * @param string $display_id * The display ID of the view to be executed. * @param string[] $args * The arguments to be passed to the view. * * @return array|null * A renderable array containing the view output or NULL if the display ID * of the view to be executed doesn't exist. */ public function executeDisplay($display_id = NULL, $args = []) { if (empty($this->current_display) || $this->current_display != $this->chooseDisplay($display_id)) { if (!$this->setDisplay($display_id)) { return NULL; } } $this->preExecute($args); // Execute the view $output = $this->display_handler->execute(); $this->postExecute(); return $output; } /** * Previews the given display, with the given arguments. * * To be called externally, probably by an AJAX handler of some flavor. * Can also be called when views are embedded, as this guarantees * normalized output. * * This function does not do any access checks on the view. It is the * responsibility of the caller to check $view->access() or implement other * access logic. To render the view normally with access checks, use * views_embed_view() instead. * * @return array|null * A renderable array containing the view output or NULL if the display ID * of the view to be executed doesn't exist. */ public function preview($display_id = NULL, $args = []) { if (empty($this->current_display) || ((!empty($display_id)) && $this->current_display != $display_id)) { if (!$this->setDisplay($display_id)) { return FALSE; } } $this->preview = TRUE; $this->preExecute($args); // Preview the view. $output = $this->display_handler->preview(); $this->postExecute(); return $output; } /** * Runs attachments and lets the display do what it needs to before running. * * @param array $args * An array of arguments from the URL that can be used by the view. */ public function preExecute($args = []) { $this->old_view[] = views_get_current_view(); views_set_current_view($this); $display_id = $this->current_display; // Prepare the view with the information we have, but only if we were // passed arguments, as they may have been set previously. if ($args) { $this->setArguments($args); } // Let modules modify the view just prior to executing it. \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('views_pre_view', [$this, $display_id, &$this->args]); // Allow hook_views_pre_view() to set the dom_id, then ensure it is set. $this->dom_id = !empty($this->dom_id) ? $this->dom_id : hash('sha256', $this->storage->id() . REQUEST_TIME . mt_rand()); // Allow the display handler to set up for execution $this->display_handler->preExecute(); } /** * Unsets the current view, mostly. */ public function postExecute() { // unset current view so we can be properly destructed later on. // Return the previous value in case we're an attachment. if ($this->old_view) { $old_view = array_pop($this->old_view); } views_set_current_view(isset($old_view) ? $old_view : FALSE); } /** * Runs attachment displays for the view. */ public function attachDisplays() { if (!empty($this->is_attachment)) { return; } if (!$this->display_handler->acceptAttachments()) { return; } $this->is_attachment = TRUE; // Find out which other displays attach to the current one. foreach ($this->display_handler->getAttachedDisplays() as $id) { $display_handler = $this->displayHandlers->get($id); // Only attach enabled attachments. if ($display_handler->isEnabled()) { $cloned_view = Views::executableFactory()->get($this->storage); $display_handler->attachTo($cloned_view, $this->current_display, $this->element); } } $this->is_attachment = FALSE; } /** * Determines if the given user has access to the view. * * Note that this sets the display handler if it hasn't been set. * * @param string $displays * The machine name of the display. * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account * The user object. * * @return bool * TRUE if the user has access to the view, FALSE otherwise. */ public function access($displays = NULL, $account = NULL) { // No one should have access to disabled views. if (!$this->storage->status()) { return FALSE; } if (!isset($this->current_display)) { $this->initDisplay(); } if (!$account) { $account = $this->user; } // We can't use choose_display() here because that function // calls this one. $displays = (array) $displays; foreach ($displays as $display_id) { if ($this->displayHandlers->has($display_id)) { if (($display = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)) && $display->access($account)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /** * Sets the used response object of the view. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response * The response object which should be set. */ public function setResponse(Response $response) { $this->response = $response; } /** * Gets the response object used by the view. * * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response * The response object of the view. */ public function getResponse() { if (!isset($this->response)) { $this->response = new Response(); } return $this->response; } /** * Sets the request object. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request * The request object. */ public function setRequest(Request $request) { $this->request = $request; } /** * Gets the request object. * * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request * The request object. */ public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } /** * Gets the view's current title. * * This can change depending upon how it was built. * * @return string|false * The view title, FALSE if the display is not set. */ public function getTitle() { if (empty($this->display_handler)) { if (!$this->setDisplay('default')) { return FALSE; } } // During building, we might find a title override. If so, use it. if (!empty($this->build_info['title'])) { $title = $this->build_info['title']; } else { $title = $this->display_handler->getOption('title'); } // Allow substitutions from the first row. if ($this->initStyle()) { $title = $this->style_plugin->tokenizeValue($title, 0); } return $title; } /** * Overrides the view's current title. * * The tokens in the title get's replaced before rendering. * * @return true * Always returns TRUE. */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->build_info['title'] = $title; return TRUE; } /** * Forces the view to build a title. */ public function buildTitle() { $this->initDisplay(); if (empty($this->built)) { $this->initQuery(); } $this->initHandlers(); $this->_buildArguments(); } /** * Determines whether you can link to the view or a particular display. * * Some displays (e.g. block displays) do not have their own route, but may * optionally provide a link to another display that does have a route. * * @param array $args * (optional) The arguments. * @param string $display_id * (optional) The display ID. The current display will be used by default. * * @return bool * TRUE if the current display has a valid route available, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasUrl($args = NULL, $display_id = NULL) { if (!empty($this->override_url)) { return TRUE; } // If the display has a valid route available (either its own or for a // linked display), then we can provide a URL for it. $display_handler = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id ?: $this->current_display)->getRoutedDisplay(); if (!$display_handler instanceof DisplayRouterInterface) { return FALSE; } // Look up the route name to make sure it exists. The name may exist, but // not be available yet in some instances when editing a view and doing // a live preview. $provider = \Drupal::service('router.route_provider'); try { $provider->getRouteByName($display_handler->getRouteName()); } catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Gets the URL for the current view. * * This URL will be adjusted for arguments. * * @param array $args * (optional) Passed in arguments. * @param string $display_id * (optional) Specify the display ID to link to, fallback to the current ID. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Url * The URL of the current view. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * Thrown when the current view doesn't have a route available. */ public function getUrl($args = NULL, $display_id = NULL) { if (!empty($this->override_url)) { return $this->override_url; } $display_handler = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id ?: $this->current_display)->getRoutedDisplay(); if (!$display_handler instanceof DisplayRouterInterface) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You cannot create a URL to a display without routes.'); } if (!isset($args)) { $args = $this->args; // Exclude arguments that were computed, not passed on the URL. $position = 0; if (!empty($this->argument)) { foreach ($this->argument as $argument) { if (!empty($argument->is_default) && !empty($argument->options['default_argument_skip_url'])) { unset($args[$position]); } $position++; } } } $path = $this->getPath(); // Don't bother working if there's nothing to do: if (empty($path) || (empty($args) && strpos($path, '%') === FALSE)) { return $display_handler->getUrlInfo(); } $argument_keys = isset($this->argument) ? array_keys($this->argument) : []; $id = current($argument_keys); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Url $url */ $url = $display_handler->getUrlInfo(); $route = $this->routeProvider->getRouteByName($url->getRouteName()); $variables = $route->compile()->getVariables(); $parameters = $url->getRouteParameters(); foreach ($variables as $variable_name) { if (empty($args)) { // Try to never put % in a URL; use the wildcard instead. if ($id && !empty($this->argument[$id]->options['exception']['value'])) { $parameters[$variable_name] = $this->argument[$id]->options['exception']['value']; } else { // Provide some fallback in case no exception value could be found. $parameters[$variable_name] = '*'; } } else { $parameters[$variable_name] = array_shift($args); } if ($id) { $id = next($argument_keys); } } $url->setRouteParameters($parameters); return $url; } /** * Gets the Url object associated with the display handler. * * @param string $display_id * (optional) The display ID (used only to detail an exception). * * @return \Drupal\Core\Url * The display handlers URL object. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * Thrown when the display plugin does not have a URL to return. */ public function getUrlInfo($display_id = '') { $this->initDisplay(); if (!$this->display_handler instanceof DisplayRouterInterface) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("You cannot generate a URL for the display '$display_id'"); } return $this->display_handler->getUrlInfo(); } /** * Gets the base path used for this view. * * @return string|false * The base path used for the view or FALSE if setting the display fails. */ public function getPath() { if (!empty($this->override_path)) { return $this->override_path; } if (empty($this->display_handler)) { if (!$this->setDisplay('default')) { return FALSE; } } return $this->display_handler->getPath(); } /** * Gets the current user. * * Views plugins can receive the current user in order to not need dependency * injection. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface * The current user. */ public function getUser() { return $this->user; } /** * Creates a duplicate ViewExecutable object. * * Makes a copy of this view that has been sanitized of handlers, any runtime * data, ID, and UUID. */ public function createDuplicate() { return $this->storage->createDuplicate()->getExecutable(); } /** * Unsets references so that a $view object may be properly garbage collected. */ public function destroy() { foreach ($this::getHandlerTypes() as $type => $info) { if (isset($this->$type)) { foreach ($this->{$type} as $handler) { $handler->destroy(); } } } if (isset($this->style_plugin)) { $this->style_plugin->destroy(); } $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this); $defaults = $reflection->getDefaultProperties(); // The external dependencies should not be reset. This is not generated by // the execution of a view. unset( $defaults['storage'], $defaults['user'], $defaults['request'], $defaults['routeProvider'], $defaults['viewsData'] ); foreach ($defaults as $property => $default) { $this->{$property} = $default; } } /** * Makes sure the view is completely valid. * * @return array * An array of error strings. This will be empty if there are no validation * errors. */ public function validate() { $errors = []; $this->initDisplay(); $current_display = $this->current_display; foreach ($this->displayHandlers as $id => $display) { if (!empty($display)) { if (!empty($display->display['deleted'])) { continue; } $result = $this->displayHandlers->get($id)->validate(); if (!empty($result) && is_array($result)) { $errors[$id] = $result; } } } $this->setDisplay($current_display); return $errors; } /** * Provides a list of views handler types used in a view. * * This also provides some information about the views handler types. * * @return array * An array of associative arrays containing: * - title: The title of the handler type. * - ltitle: The lowercase title of the handler type. * - stitle: A singular title of the handler type. * - lstitle: A singular lowercase title of the handler type. * - plural: Plural version of the handler type. * - (optional) type: The actual internal used handler type. This key is * just used for header,footer,empty to link to the internal type: area. */ public static function getHandlerTypes() { return Views::getHandlerTypes(); } /** * Returns the valid types of plugins that can be used. * * @return array * An array of plugin type strings. */ public static function getPluginTypes($type = NULL) { return Views::getPluginTypes($type); } /** * Adds an instance of a handler to the view. * * Items may be fields, filters, sort criteria, or arguments. * * @param string $display_id * The machine name of the display. * @param string $type * The type of handler being added. * @param string $table * The name of the table this handler is from. * @param string $field * The name of the field this handler is from. * @param array $options * (optional) Extra options for this instance. Defaults to an empty array. * @param string $id * (optional) A unique ID for this handler instance. Defaults to NULL, in * which case one will be generated. * * @return string * The unique ID for this handler instance. */ public function addHandler($display_id, $type, $table, $field, $options = [], $id = NULL) { $types = $this::getHandlerTypes(); $this->setDisplay($display_id); $data = $this->viewsData->get($table); $fields = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->getOption($types[$type]['plural']); if (empty($id)) { $id = $this->generateHandlerId($field, $fields); } // If the desired type is not found, use the original value directly. $handler_type = !empty($types[$type]['type']) ? $types[$type]['type'] : $type; $fields[$id] = [ 'id' => $id, 'table' => $table, 'field' => $field, ] + $options; if (isset($data['table']['entity type'])) { $fields[$id]['entity_type'] = $data['table']['entity type']; } if (isset($data[$field]['entity field'])) { $fields[$id]['entity_field'] = $data[$field]['entity field']; } // Load the plugin ID if available. if (isset($data[$field][$handler_type]['id'])) { $fields[$id]['plugin_id'] = $data[$field][$handler_type]['id']; } $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->setOption($types[$type]['plural'], $fields); return $id; } /** * Generates a unique ID for an handler instance. * * These handler instances are typically fields, filters, sort criteria, or * arguments. * * @param string $requested_id * The requested ID for the handler instance. * @param array $existing_items * An array of existing handler instances, keyed by their IDs. * * @return string * A unique ID. This will be equal to $requested_id if no handler instance * with that ID already exists. Otherwise, it will be appended with an * integer to make it unique, e.g., "{$requested_id}_1", * "{$requested_id}_2", etc. */ public static function generateHandlerId($requested_id, $existing_items) { $count = 0; $id = $requested_id; while (!empty($existing_items[$id])) { $id = $requested_id . '_' . ++$count; } return $id; } /** * Gets an array of handler instances for the current display. * * @param string $type * The type of handlers to retrieve. * @param string $display_id * (optional) A specific display machine name to use. If NULL, the current * display will be used. * * @return array * An array of handler instances of a given type for this display. */ public function getHandlers($type, $display_id = NULL) { $old_display_id = !empty($this->current_display) ? $this->current_display : 'default'; $this->setDisplay($display_id); if (!isset($display_id)) { $display_id = $this->current_display; } // Get info about the types so we can get the right data. $types = static::getHandlerTypes(); $handlers = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->getOption($types[$type]['plural']); // Restore initial display id (if any) or set to 'default'. if ($display_id != $old_display_id) { $this->setDisplay($old_display_id); } return $handlers; } /** * Gets the configuration of a handler instance on a given display. * * @param string $display_id * The machine name of the display. * @param string $type * The type of handler to retrieve. * @param string $id * The ID of the handler to retrieve. * * @return array|null * Either the handler instance's configuration, or NULL if the handler is * not used on the display. */ public function getHandler($display_id, $type, $id) { // Get info about the types so we can get the right data. $types = static::getHandlerTypes(); // Initialize the display $this->setDisplay($display_id); // Get the existing configuration $fields = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->getOption($types[$type]['plural']); return isset($fields[$id]) ? $fields[$id] : NULL; } /** * Sets the configuration of a handler instance on a given display. * * @param string $display_id * The machine name of the display. * @param string $type * The type of handler being set. * @param string $id * The ID of the handler being set. * @param array|null $item * An array of configuration for a handler, or NULL to remove this instance. * * @see set_item_option() */ public function setHandler($display_id, $type, $id, $item) { // Get info about the types so we can get the right data. $types = static::getHandlerTypes(); // Initialize the display. $this->setDisplay($display_id); // Get the existing configuration. $fields = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->getOption($types[$type]['plural']); if (isset($item)) { $fields[$id] = $item; } // Store. $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->setOption($types[$type]['plural'], $fields); } /** * Removes configuration for a handler instance on a given display. * * @param string $display_id * The machine name of the display. * @param string $type * The type of handler being removed. * @param string $id * The ID of the handler being removed. */ public function removeHandler($display_id, $type, $id) { // Get info about the types so we can get the right data. $types = static::getHandlerTypes(); // Initialize the display. $this->setDisplay($display_id); // Get the existing configuration. $fields = $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->getOption($types[$type]['plural']); // Unset the item. unset($fields[$id]); // Store. $this->displayHandlers->get($display_id)->setOption($types[$type]['plural'], $fields); } /** * Sets an option on a handler instance. * * Use this only if you have just 1 or 2 options to set; if you have many, * consider getting the handler instance, adding the options and using * set_item() directly. * * @param string $display_id * The machine name of the display. * @param string $type * The type of handler being set. * @param string $id * The ID of the handler being set. * @param string $option * The configuration key for the value being set. * @param mixed $value * The value being set. * * @see set_item() */ public function setHandlerOption($display_id, $type, $id, $option, $value) { $item = $this->getHandler($display_id, $type, $id); $item[$option] = $value; $this->setHandler($display_id, $type, $id, $item); } /** * Enables admin links on the rendered view. * * @param bool $show_admin_links * TRUE if the admin links should be shown. */ public function setShowAdminLinks($show_admin_links) { $this->showAdminLinks = (bool) $show_admin_links; } /** * Returns whether admin links should be rendered on the view. * * @return bool * TRUE if admin links should be rendered, else FALSE. */ public function getShowAdminLinks() { if (!isset($this->showAdminLinks)) { return $this->getDisplay()->getOption('show_admin_links'); } return $this->showAdminLinks; } /** * Merges all plugin default values for each display. */ public function mergeDefaults() { $this->initDisplay(); // Initialize displays and merge all plugin defaults. foreach ($this->displayHandlers as $display) { $display->mergeDefaults(); } } /** * Provides a full array of possible theme functions to try for a given hook. * * @param string $hook * The hook to use. This is the base theme/template name. * * @return array * An array of theme hook suggestions. */ public function buildThemeFunctions($hook) { $themes = []; $display = isset($this->display_handler) ? $this->display_handler->display : NULL; $id = $this->storage->id(); if ($display) { $themes[] = $hook . '__' . $id . '__' . $display['id']; $themes[] = $hook . '__' . $display['id']; // Add theme suggestions for each single tag. foreach (Tags::explode($this->storage->get('tag')) as $tag) { $themes[] = $hook . '__' . preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '_', strtolower($tag)); } if ($display['id'] != $display['display_plugin']) { $themes[] = $hook . '__' . $id . '__' . $display['display_plugin']; $themes[] = $hook . '__' . $display['display_plugin']; } } $themes[] = $hook . '__' . $id; $themes[] = $hook; return $themes; } /** * Determines if this view has form elements. * * @return bool * TRUE if this view contains handlers with views form implementations, * FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasFormElements() { foreach ($this->field as $field) { if (property_exists($field, 'views_form_callback') || method_exists($field, 'viewsForm')) { return TRUE; } } $area_handlers = array_merge(array_values($this->header), array_values($this->footer)); $empty = empty($this->result); foreach ($area_handlers as $area) { if (method_exists($area, 'viewsForm') && !$area->viewsFormEmpty($empty)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Gets dependencies for the view. * * @see \Drupal\views\Entity\View::calculateDependencies() * @see \Drupal\views\Entity\View::getDependencies() * * @return array * An array of dependencies grouped by type (module, theme, entity). */ public function getDependencies() { return $this->storage->calculateDependencies()->getDependencies(); } /** * Magic method implementation to serialize the view executable. * * @return array * The names of all variables that should be serialized. */ public function __sleep() { // Limit to only the required data which is needed to properly restore the // state during unserialization. $this->serializationData = [ 'storage' => $this->storage->id(), 'views_data' => $this->viewsData->_serviceId, 'route_provider' => $this->routeProvider->_serviceId, 'current_display' => $this->current_display, 'args' => $this->args, 'current_page' => $this->current_page, 'exposed_input' => $this->exposed_input, 'exposed_raw_input' => $this->exposed_raw_input, 'exposed_data' => $this->exposed_data, 'dom_id' => $this->dom_id, 'executed' => $this->executed, ]; return ['serializationData']; } /** * Magic method implementation to unserialize the view executable. */ public function __wakeup() { // There are cases, like in testing where we don't have a container // available. if (\Drupal::hasContainer() && !empty($this->serializationData)) { // Load and reference the storage. $this->storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('view') ->load($this->serializationData['storage']); $this->storage->set('executable', $this); // Attach all necessary services. $this->user = \Drupal::currentUser(); $this->viewsData = \Drupal::service($this->serializationData['views_data']); $this->routeProvider = \Drupal::service($this->serializationData['route_provider']); // Restore the state of this executable. if ($request = \Drupal::request()) { $this->setRequest($request); } $this->setDisplay($this->serializationData['current_display']); $this->setArguments($this->serializationData['args']); $this->setCurrentPage($this->serializationData['current_page']); $this->setExposedInput($this->serializationData['exposed_input']); $this->exposed_data = $this->serializationData['exposed_data']; $this->exposed_raw_input = $this->serializationData['exposed_raw_input']; $this->dom_id = $this->serializationData['dom_id']; $this->initHandlers(); // If the display was previously executed, execute it now. if ($this->serializationData['executed']) { $this->execute($this->current_display); } } // Unset serializationData since it serves no further purpose. unset($this->serializationData); } }