/** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/2815083 * @preserve **/ (function ($, Drupal) { Drupal.quickedit.util = Drupal.quickedit.util || {}; Drupal.quickedit.util.constants = {}; Drupal.quickedit.util.constants.transitionEnd = 'transitionEnd.quickedit webkitTransitionEnd.quickedit transitionend.quickedit msTransitionEnd.quickedit oTransitionEnd.quickedit'; Drupal.quickedit.util.buildUrl = function (id, urlFormat) { var parts = id.split('/'); return Drupal.formatString(decodeURIComponent(urlFormat), { '!entity_type': parts[0], '!id': parts[1], '!field_name': parts[2], '!langcode': parts[3], '!view_mode': parts[4] }); }; Drupal.quickedit.util.networkErrorModal = function (title, message) { var $message = $('
' + message + '
'); var networkErrorModal = Drupal.dialog($message.get(0), { title: title, dialogClass: 'quickedit-network-error', buttons: [{ text: Drupal.t('OK'), click: function click() { networkErrorModal.close(); }, primary: true }], create: function create() { $(this).parent().find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').remove(); }, close: function close(event) { $(event.target).remove(); } }); networkErrorModal.showModal(); }; Drupal.quickedit.util.form = { load: function load(options, callback) { var fieldID = options.fieldID; var formLoaderAjax = Drupal.ajax({ url: Drupal.quickedit.util.buildUrl(fieldID, Drupal.url('quickedit/form/!entity_type/!id/!field_name/!langcode/!view_mode')), submit: { nocssjs: options.nocssjs, reset: options.reset }, error: function error(xhr, url) { var fieldLabel = Drupal.quickedit.metadata.get(fieldID, 'label'); var message = Drupal.t('Could not load the form for @field-label, either due to a website problem or a network connection problem.
Please try again.', { '@field-label': fieldLabel }); Drupal.quickedit.util.networkErrorModal(Drupal.t('Network problem!'), message); var fieldModel = Drupal.quickedit.app.model.get('activeField'); fieldModel.set('state', 'candidate'); } }); formLoaderAjax.commands.quickeditFieldForm = function (ajax, response, status) { callback(response.data, ajax); Drupal.ajax.instances[this.instanceIndex] = null; }; formLoaderAjax.execute(); }, ajaxifySaving: function ajaxifySaving(options, $submit) { var settings = { url: $submit.closest('form').attr('action'), setClick: true, event: 'click.quickedit', progress: false, submit: { nocssjs: options.nocssjs, other_view_modes: options.other_view_modes }, success: function success(response, status) { var _this = this; Object.keys(response || {}).forEach(function (i) { if (response[i].command && _this.commands[response[i].command]) { _this.commands[response[i].command](_this, response[i], status); } }); }, base: $submit.attr('id'), element: $submit[0] }; return Drupal.ajax(settings); }, unajaxifySaving: function unajaxifySaving(ajax) { $(ajax.element).off('click.quickedit'); } }; })(jQuery, Drupal);