/** * @file * Backbone View providing the aural view of CKEditor keyboard UX configuration. */ (function($, Drupal, Backbone, _) { Drupal.ckeditor.KeyboardView = Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends Drupal.ckeditor.KeyboardView# */ { /** * Backbone View for CKEditor toolbar configuration; keyboard UX. * * @constructs * * @augments Backbone.View */ initialize() { // Add keyboard arrow support. this.$el.on( 'keydown.ckeditor', '.ckeditor-buttons a, .ckeditor-multiple-buttons a', this.onPressButton.bind(this), ); this.$el.on( 'keydown.ckeditor', '[data-drupal-ckeditor-type="group"]', this.onPressGroup.bind(this), ); }, /** * {@inheritdoc} */ render() {}, /** * Handles keypresses on a CKEditor configuration button. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The keypress event triggered. */ onPressButton(event) { const upDownKeys = [ 38, // Up arrow. 63232, // Safari up arrow. 40, // Down arrow. 63233, // Safari down arrow. ]; const leftRightKeys = [ 37, // Left arrow. 63234, // Safari left arrow. 39, // Right arrow. 63235, // Safari right arrow. ]; // Respond to an enter key press. Prevent the bubbling of the enter key // press to the button group parent element. if (event.keyCode === 13) { event.stopPropagation(); } // Only take action when a direction key is pressed. if (_.indexOf(_.union(upDownKeys, leftRightKeys), event.keyCode) > -1) { let view = this; let $target = $(event.currentTarget); let $button = $target.parent(); const $container = $button.parent(); let $group = $button.closest('.ckeditor-toolbar-group'); let $row; const containerType = $container.data( 'drupal-ckeditor-button-sorting', ); const $availableButtons = this.$el.find( '[data-drupal-ckeditor-button-sorting="source"]', ); const $activeButtons = this.$el.find('.ckeditor-toolbar-active'); // The current location of the button, just in case it needs to be put // back. const $originalGroup = $group; let dir; // Move available buttons between their container and the active // toolbar. if (containerType === 'source') { // Move the button to the active toolbar configuration when the down // or up keys are pressed. if (_.indexOf([40, 63233], event.keyCode) > -1) { // Move the button to the first row, first button group index // position. $activeButtons .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons') .eq(0) .prepend($button); } } else if (containerType === 'target') { // Move buttons between sibling buttons in a group and between groups. if (_.indexOf(leftRightKeys, event.keyCode) > -1) { // Move left. const $siblings = $container.children(); const index = $siblings.index($button); if (_.indexOf([37, 63234], event.keyCode) > -1) { // Move between sibling buttons. if (index > 0) { $button.insertBefore($container.children().eq(index - 1)); } // Move between button groups and rows. else { // Move between button groups. $group = $container.parent().prev(); if ($group.length > 0) { $group .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons') .append($button); } // Wrap between rows. else { $container .closest('.ckeditor-row') .prev() .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group') .not('.placeholder') .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons') .eq(-1) .append($button); } } } // Move right. else if (_.indexOf([39, 63235], event.keyCode) > -1) { // Move between sibling buttons. if (index < $siblings.length - 1) { $button.insertAfter($container.children().eq(index + 1)); } // Move between button groups. Moving right at the end of a row // will create a new group. else { $container .parent() .next() .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons') .prepend($button); } } } // Move buttons between rows and the available button set. else if (_.indexOf(upDownKeys, event.keyCode) > -1) { dir = _.indexOf([38, 63232], event.keyCode) > -1 ? 'prev' : 'next'; $row = $container.closest('.ckeditor-row')[dir](); // Move the button back into the available button set. if (dir === 'prev' && $row.length === 0) { // If this is a divider, just destroy it. if ($button.data('drupal-ckeditor-type') === 'separator') { $button.off().remove(); // Focus on the first button in the active toolbar. $activeButtons .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons') .eq(0) .children() .eq(0) .children() .trigger('focus'); } // Otherwise, move it. else { $availableButtons.prepend($button); } } else { $row .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons') .eq(0) .prepend($button); } } } // Move dividers between their container and the active toolbar. else if (containerType === 'dividers') { // Move the button to the active toolbar configuration when the down // or up keys are pressed. if (_.indexOf([40, 63233], event.keyCode) > -1) { // Move the button to the first row, first button group index // position. $button = $button.clone(true); $activeButtons .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons') .eq(0) .prepend($button); $target = $button.children(); } } view = this; // Attempt to move the button to the new toolbar position. Drupal.ckeditor.registerButtonMove(this, $button, result => { // Put the button back if the registration failed. // If the button was in a row, then it was in the active toolbar // configuration. The button was probably placed in a new group, but // that action was canceled. if (!result && $originalGroup) { $originalGroup.find('.ckeditor-buttons').append($button); } // Refocus the target button so that the user can continue from a // known place. $target.trigger('focus'); }); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, /** * Handles keypresses on a CKEditor configuration group. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The keypress event triggered. */ onPressGroup(event) { const upDownKeys = [ 38, // Up arrow. 63232, // Safari up arrow. 40, // Down arrow. 63233, // Safari down arrow. ]; const leftRightKeys = [ 37, // Left arrow. 63234, // Safari left arrow. 39, // Right arrow. 63235, // Safari right arrow. ]; // Respond to an enter key press. if (event.keyCode === 13) { const view = this; // Open the group renaming dialog in the next evaluation cycle so that // this event can be cancelled and the bubbling wiped out. Otherwise, // Firefox has issues because the page focus is shifted to the dialog // along with the keydown event. window.setTimeout(() => { Drupal.ckeditor.openGroupNameDialog(view, $(event.currentTarget)); }, 0); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } // Respond to direction key presses. if (_.indexOf(_.union(upDownKeys, leftRightKeys), event.keyCode) > -1) { const $group = $(event.currentTarget); const $container = $group.parent(); const $siblings = $container.children(); let index; let dir; // Move groups between sibling groups. if (_.indexOf(leftRightKeys, event.keyCode) > -1) { index = $siblings.index($group); // Move left between sibling groups. if (_.indexOf([37, 63234], event.keyCode) > -1) { if (index > 0) { $group.insertBefore($siblings.eq(index - 1)); } // Wrap between rows. Insert the group before the placeholder group // at the end of the previous row. else { const $rowChildElement = $container .closest('.ckeditor-row') .prev() .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-groups') .children() .eq(-1); $group.insertBefore($rowChildElement); } } // Move right between sibling groups. else if (_.indexOf([39, 63235], event.keyCode) > -1) { // Move to the right if the next group is not a placeholder. if (!$siblings.eq(index + 1).hasClass('placeholder')) { $group.insertAfter($container.children().eq(index + 1)); } // Wrap group between rows. else { $container .closest('.ckeditor-row') .next() .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-groups') .prepend($group); } } } // Move groups between rows. else if (_.indexOf(upDownKeys, event.keyCode) > -1) { dir = _.indexOf([38, 63232], event.keyCode) > -1 ? 'prev' : 'next'; $group .closest('.ckeditor-row') [dir]() .find('.ckeditor-toolbar-groups') .eq(0) .prepend($group); } Drupal.ckeditor.registerGroupMove(this, $group); $group.trigger('focus'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, }, ); })(jQuery, Drupal, Backbone, _);