import $ from 'jquery'; import Dropzone from 'dropzone'; import { config, translations } from 'grav-form'; let request = {}; // translations const Dictionary = { dictCancelUpload: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_CANCEL_UPLOAD, dictCancelUploadConfirmation: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_CANCEL_UPLOAD_CONFIRMATION, dictDefaultMessage: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE, dictFallbackMessage: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_FALLBACK_MESSAGE, dictFallbackText: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_FALLBACK_TEXT, dictFileTooBig: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_FILE_TOO_BIG, dictInvalidFileType: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_INVALID_FILE_TYPE, dictMaxFilesExceeded: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_MAX_FILES_EXCEEDED, dictRemoveFile: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_REMOVE_FILE, dictRemoveFileConfirmation: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_REMOVE_FILE_CONFIRMATION, dictResponseError: translations.PLUGIN_FORM.DROPZONE_RESPONSE_ERROR }; Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; const DropzoneMediaConfig = { createImageThumbnails: { thumbnailWidth: 150 }, addRemoveLinks: false, dictDefaultMessage: Dictionary.dictDefaultMessage, dictRemoveFileConfirmation: Dictionary.dictRemoveFileConfirmation, previewTemplate: `
Check Created with Sketch.
error Created with Sketch.
`.trim() }; export default class FilesField { constructor({ container = '.dropzone.files-upload', options = {} } = {}) { this.container = $(container); if (!this.container.length) { return; } this.urls = {}; this.options = Object.assign({}, Dictionary, DropzoneMediaConfig, { klass: this, url:'file-url-add') || config.current_url, acceptedFiles:'media-types'), init: this.initDropzone },'dropzone-options'), options); this.dropzone = new Dropzone(container, this.options); this.dropzone.on('complete', this.onDropzoneComplete.bind(this)); this.dropzone.on('success', this.onDropzoneSuccess.bind(this)); this.dropzone.on('removedfile', this.onDropzoneRemovedFile.bind(this)); this.dropzone.on('sending', this.onDropzoneSending.bind(this)); this.dropzone.on('error', this.onDropzoneError.bind(this)); } initDropzone() { let files = this.options.klass.container.find('[data-file]'); let dropzone = this; if (!files.length) { return; } files.each((index, file) => { file = $(file); let data ='file'); let mock = { name:, size: data.size, type: data.type, status: Dropzone.ADDED, accepted: true, url: this.options.url, removeUrl: data.remove }; dropzone.files.push(mock);, mock); if (mock.type.match(/^image\//)), mock, data.path); file.remove(); }); } onDropzoneSending(file, xhr, formData) { formData.append('__form-name__', this.container.closest('form').find('[name="__form-name__"]').val()); formData.append('__form-file-uploader__', 1); formData.append('name', this.options.dotNotation); formData.append('form-nonce', config.form_nonce); formData.append('task', 'filesupload'); } onDropzoneSuccess(file, response, xhr) { if (this.options.reloadPage) { global.location.reload(); } // store params for removing file from session before it gets saved if (response.session) { file.sessionParams = response.session; file.removeUrl = this.options.url; // Touch field value to force a mutation detection const input = this.container.find('[name][type="hidden"]'); const value = input.val(); input.val(value + ' '); } return this.handleError({ file, data: response, mode: 'removeFile', msg: `


` }); } onDropzoneComplete(file) { if (!file.accepted && !file.rejected) { let data = { status: 'error', message: `${translations.PLUGIN_FORM.FILE_UNSUPPORTED}: ${\..+/).join('')}` }; return this.handleError({ file, data, mode: 'removeFile', msg: `

${translations.PLUGIN_FORM.FILE_ERROR_ADD} ${}

` }); } if (this.options.reloadPage) { global.location.reload(); } } onDropzoneRemovedFile(file, ...extra) { if (!file.accepted || file.rejected) { return; } let url = file.removeUrl || this.urls.delete; let path = (url || '').match(/path:(.*)\//); let body = { filename: }; if (file.sessionParams) { body.task = 'filessessionremove'; body.session = file.sessionParams; } request(url, { method: 'post', body }, () => { if (!path) { return; } path = global.atob(path[1]); let input = this.container.find('[name][type="hidden"]'); let data = JSON.parse(input.val() || '{}'); delete data[path]; input.val(JSON.stringify(data)); }); } onDropzoneError(file, response, xhr) { let message = xhr && response.error ? response.error.message : response; $(file.previewElement).find('[data-dz-errormessage]').html(message); return this.handleError({ file, data: { status: 'error' }, msg: `
` }); } handleError(options) { return true; /* let { file, data, mode, msg } = options; if (data.status !== 'error' && data.status !== 'unauthorized') { return; } switch (mode) { case 'addBack': if (file instanceof File) {, file); } else { this.dropzone.files.push(file);, file);, file, file.extras.url); } break; case 'removeFile': default: if (~this.dropzone.files.indexOf(file)) { file.rejected = true;, file, { silent: true }); } break; } let modal = $('[data-remodal-id="generic"]'); modal.find('.error-content').html(msg); $.remodal.lookup['remodal')].open(); */ } } export function UriToMarkdown(uri) { uri = uri.replace(/@3x|@2x|@1x/, ''); uri = uri.replace(/\(/g, '%28'); uri = uri.replace(/\)/g, '%29'); return uri.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i) ? `![](${uri})` : `[${decodeURI(uri)}](${uri})`; } let instances = []; let cache = $(); const onAddedNodes = (event, target/* , record, instance */) => { let files = $(target).find('.dropzone.files-upload'); if (!files.length) { return; } files.each((index, file) => { file = $(file); if (!~cache.index(file)) { addNode(file); } }); }; const addNode = (container) => { container = $(container); let input = container.find('input[type="file"]'); let settings ='grav-file-settings') || {}; if (settings.accept && ~settings.accept.indexOf('*')) { settings.accept = ['']; } let options = { url:'file-url-add') || (container.closest('form').attr('action') || config.current_url) + '.json', paramName: settings.paramName || 'file', dotNotation: || 'file', acceptedFiles: settings.accept ? settings.accept.join(',') : input.attr('accept') ||'media-types'), maxFilesize: settings.filesize || 256, maxFiles: settings.limit || null }; cache = cache.add(container); container = container[0]; instances.push(new FilesField({ container, options })); }; export let Instances = (() => { $('.dropzone.files-upload').each((i, container) => addNode(container)); $('body').on('mutation._grav', onAddedNodes); return instances; })();