parent = $this->loadTemplate("forms/field.html.twig", "forms/fields/list/list.html.twig", 1); $this->blocks = array( 'contents' => array($this, 'block_contents'), 'global_attributes' => array($this, 'block_global_attributes'), '__internal_fa367a566ec58bda83f7abdb372be4a69271c84232c5182b50529b9a3a7d944c' => array($this, 'block___internal_fa367a566ec58bda83f7abdb372be4a69271c84232c5182b50529b9a3a7d944c'), ); } protected function doGetParent(array $context) { return "forms/field.html.twig"; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 3 $context["value"] = (((null === ($context["value"] ?? null))) ? ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "default", array())) : (($context["value"] ?? null))); // line 4 $context["name"] = $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "name", array()); // line 5 $context["btnLabel"] = (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "btnLabel", array(), "any", true, true)) ? ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "btnLabel", array())) : ("PLUGIN_ADMIN.ADD_ITEM")); // line 6 $context["btnSortLabel"] = (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "btnSortLabel", array(), "any", true, true)) ? ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "btnSortLabel", array())) : ("PLUGIN_ADMIN.SORT_BY")); // line 7 $context["fieldControls"] = (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "controls", array(), "any", true, true)) ? (_twig_default_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "controls", array()), "bottom")) : ("bottom")); // line 1 $this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks)); } // line 9 public function block_contents($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 10 echo "
"; // line 11 if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "toggleable", array())) { // line 12 echo " env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->fieldNameFilter((($context["scope"] ?? null) . $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "name", array()))), "html", null, true); echo "\"> env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "name", array()), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; // line 15 if (($context["toggleableChecked"] ?? null)) { echo "value=\"1\""; } // line 16 echo " name=\"toggleable_"; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->fieldNameFilter((($context["scope"] ?? null) . $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "name", array()))), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; // line 17 if (($context["toggleableChecked"] ?? null)) { echo "checked=\"checked\""; } // line 18 echo " > "; } // line 22 echo " getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "toggleable", array())) ? (((" class=\"toggleable\" for=\"toggleable_" . $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "name", array())) . "\"")) : ("")); echo "> "; // line 23 if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "help", array())) { // line 24 echo " env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter(twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "help", array()))), "html", null, true); echo "\">"; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "label", array())), "html", null, true); echo " "; } else { // line 26 echo " "; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "label", array())), "html", null, true); echo " "; } // line 28 echo " "; echo ((twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "required", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) ? ("*") : ("")); echo "
displayBlock('global_attributes', $context, $blocks); // line 37 echo " >
env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "size", array()), "html", null, true); echo "\" data-type=\"collection\" "; // line 40 if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "selectunique", array())) { // line 41 echo " data-select-unique=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_jsonencode_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "selectunique", array())), "html_attr"); echo "\" data-max=\""; // line 42 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_length_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "selectunique", array())), "html", null, true); echo "\" "; } // line 44 echo " "; if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "min", array(), "any", true, true)) { echo "data-min=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "min", array()), "html", null, true); echo "\""; } // line 45 echo " "; if (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "max", array(), "any", true, true) && !$this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "selectunique", array()))) { echo "data-max=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "max", array()), "html", null, true); echo "\""; } // line 46 echo " > "; // line 47 if (twig_in_filter(($context["fieldControls"] ?? null), array(0 => "top", 1 => "both"))) { // line 48 echo "
env, ($context["value"] ?? null))) ? (" hidden") : ("")); echo "\"> "; // line 53 if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "sortby", array())) { // line 54 echo " "; } // line 57 echo "
"; } // line 61 echo " "; // line 114 if (twig_in_filter(($context["fieldControls"] ?? null), array(0 => "bottom", 1 => "both"))) { // line 115 echo "
"; // line 116 if (( !$this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "collapsible", array(), "any", true, true) || $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "collapsible", array()))) { // line 117 echo " "; } // line 122 echo " "; if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "sortby", array())) { // line 123 echo " "; } // line 126 echo "
"; } // line 131 $context["itemName"] = ((($context["name"] ?? null)) ? ((($context["name"] ?? null) . ".*")) : ("*")); // line 132 echo "
env, twig_replace_filter( $this->renderBlock("__internal_fa367a566ec58bda83f7abdb372be4a69271c84232c5182b50529b9a3a7d944c", $context, $blocks), array(" " => " ", " " => " ")), "html_attr"); // line 178 echo "\">
env, ($context["name"] ?? null), "html", null, true); echo "\">
"; } // line 32 public function block_global_attributes($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 33 echo " data-grav-field=\""; echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "type", array()), "html", null, true); echo "\" data-grav-disabled=\""; // line 34 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["toggleableChecked"] ?? null), "html", null, true); echo "\" data-grav-default=\""; // line 35 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, twig_jsonencode_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "default", array())), "html_attr"); echo "\" "; } // line 132 public function block___internal_fa367a566ec58bda83f7abdb372be4a69271c84232c5182b50529b9a3a7d944c($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 133 echo "
  • env, ($context["itemName"] ?? null), "html", null, true); echo "\"> "; // line 134 if ( !($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "sort", array()) === false)) { // line 135 echo "
    "; } // line 137 if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "fields", array())) { // line 138 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "fields", array())); $context['loop'] = array( 'parent' => $context['_parent'], 'index0' => 0, 'index' => 1, 'first' => true, ); if (is_array($context['_seq']) || (is_object($context['_seq']) && $context['_seq'] instanceof Countable)) { $length = count($context['_seq']); $context['loop']['revindex0'] = $length - 1; $context['loop']['revindex'] = $length; $context['loop']['length'] = $length; $context['loop']['last'] = 1 === $length; } foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["childName"] => $context["child"]) { // line 139 if ((is_string($__internal_852c17c1704693e7c6e9af566f2e623f6796c522f1770732de468704aafec224 = $context["childName"]) && is_string($__internal_1fd3117e41976d0a6cfeb2f5794dd66c10aba38cd2269d0a81184a3af2dfa5f6 = ".") && ('' === $__internal_1fd3117e41976d0a6cfeb2f5794dd66c10aba38cd2269d0a81184a3af2dfa5f6 || 0 === strpos($__internal_852c17c1704693e7c6e9af566f2e623f6796c522f1770732de468704aafec224, $__internal_1fd3117e41976d0a6cfeb2f5794dd66c10aba38cd2269d0a81184a3af2dfa5f6)))) { // line 140 $context["childKey"] = twig_trim_filter($context["childName"], "."); // line 141 $context["childName"] = (($context["itemName"] ?? null) . $context["childName"]); } else { // line 143 $context["childKey"] = $context["childName"]; // line 144 $context["childName"] = twig_replace_filter($context["childName"], array("*" => ($context["key"] ?? null))); } // line 146 $context["child"] = twig_array_merge($context["child"], array("name" => $context["childName"])); // line 148 if (($this->getAttribute($context["child"], "type", array()) == "key")) { // line 150 $this->loadTemplate("forms/fields/key/key.html.twig", "forms/fields/list/list.html.twig", 150)->display(array_merge($context, array("field" => // line 151 $context["child"], "value" => null))); } elseif (($this->getAttribute( // line 153 $context["child"], "key", array()) == true)) { // line 155 $this->loadTemplate(array(0 => (((("forms/fields/" . $this->getAttribute( // line 156 $context["child"], "type", array())) . "/") . $this->getAttribute($context["child"], "type", array())) . ".html.twig"), 1 => "forms/fields/key/key.html.twig"), "forms/fields/list/list.html.twig", 155)->display(array_merge($context, array("field" => // line 158 $context["child"], "value" => null))); } elseif ($this->getAttribute( // line 160 $context["child"], "type", array())) { // line 162 $this->loadTemplate(array(0 => (((("forms/fields/" . $this->getAttribute( // line 163 $context["child"], "type", array())) . "/") . $this->getAttribute($context["child"], "type", array())) . ".html.twig"), 1 => "forms/fields/text/text.html.twig"), "forms/fields/list/list.html.twig", 162)->display(array_merge($context, array("field" => // line 165 $context["child"], "value" => null))); } ++$context['loop']['index0']; ++$context['loop']['index']; $context['loop']['first'] = false; if (isset($context['loop']['length'])) { --$context['loop']['revindex0']; --$context['loop']['revindex']; $context['loop']['last'] = 0 === $context['loop']['revindex0']; } } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['childName'], $context['child'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 169 echo "
    "; // line 170 if (( !$this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "collapsible", array(), "any", true, true) || $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "collapsible", array()))) { // line 171 echo "
    "; } // line 174 echo "
    "; } // line 177 echo "
  • "; } public function getTemplateName() { return "forms/fields/list/list.html.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 597 => 177, 593 => 174, 588 => 171, 586 => 170, 583 => 169, 568 => 165, 567 => 163, 566 => 162, 564 => 160, 562 => 158, 561 => 156, 560 => 155, 558 => 153, 556 => 151, 555 => 150, 553 => 148, 551 => 146, 548 => 144, 546 => 143, 543 => 141, 541 => 140, 539 => 139, 522 => 138, 520 => 137, 516 => 135, 514 => 134, 509 => 133, 506 => 132, 500 => 35, 496 => 34, 491 => 33, 488 => 32, 480 => 180, 476 => 178, 472 => 132, 470 => 131, 460 => 127, 457 => 126, 444 => 124, 435 => 123, 432 => 122, 423 => 120, 414 => 118, 411 => 117, 409 => 116, 406 => 115, 404 => 114, 401 => 113, 398 => 112, 381 => 108, 372 => 105, 370 => 104, 367 => 103, 353 => 102, 350 => 101, 348 => 99, 347 => 97, 346 => 96, 344 => 95, 341 => 94, 338 => 93, 336 => 91, 335 => 89, 333 => 88, 330 => 87, 328 => 85, 327 => 84, 325 => 83, 323 => 82, 320 => 81, 317 => 80, 314 => 79, 311 => 78, 308 => 77, 305 => 76, 302 => 75, 299 => 74, 296 => 73, 293 => 72, 290 => 71, 273 => 70, 263 => 68, 260 => 67, 242 => 66, 240 => 65, 237 => 64, 233 => 63, 231 => 62, 220 => 61, 210 => 58, 207 => 57, 194 => 55, 185 => 54, 183 => 53, 175 => 52, 166 => 50, 160 => 48, 158 => 47, 155 => 46, 148 => 45, 141 => 44, 136 => 42, 131 => 41, 129 => 40, 125 => 39, 121 => 37, 119 => 32, 113 => 31, 106 => 28, 100 => 26, 92 => 24, 90 => 23, 85 => 22, 79 => 19, 76 => 18, 72 => 17, 67 => 16, 63 => 15, 59 => 14, 53 => 12, 51 => 11, 44 => 10, 41 => 9, 37 => 1, 35 => 7, 33 => 6, 31 => 5, 29 => 4, 27 => 3, 11 => 1,); } /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */ public function getSource() { @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode(); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Twig_Source("{% extends \"forms/field.html.twig\" %} {% set value = (value is null ? field.default : value) %} {% set name = %} {% set btnLabel = field.btnLabel is defined ? field.btnLabel : \"PLUGIN_ADMIN.ADD_ITEM\" %} {% set btnSortLabel = field.btnSortLabel is defined ? field.btnSortLabel : \"PLUGIN_ADMIN.SORT_BY\" %} {% set fieldControls = field.controls|default('bottom') %} {% block contents %}
    {% if field.toggleable %} {% endif %} {% if %} {{ field.label|tu }} {% else %} {{ field.label|tu }} {% endif %} {{ field.validate.required in ['on', 'true', 1] ? '*' }}
    {% if fieldControls in ['top', 'both'] %}
    {% if field.sortby %} {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if fieldControls in ['bottom', 'both'] %}
    {% if field.collapsible is not defined or field.collapsible %} {% endif %} {% if field.sortby %} {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {%- set itemName = name ? name ~ '.*' : '*' -%}
    {% if field.sort is not same as(false) %}
    {% endif %} {%- if field.fields -%} {%- for childName, child in field.fields -%} {%- if childName starts with '.' -%} {%- set childKey = childName|trim('.') -%} {%- set childName = itemName ~ childName -%} {%- else %} {%- set childKey = childName -%} {%- set childName = childName|replace({'*': key}) -%} {%- endif %} {%- set child = child|merge({ name: childName }) -%} {%- if child.type == 'key' -%} {%- include 'forms/fields/key/key.html.twig' with { field: child, value: null } -%} {%- elseif child.key == true -%} {%- include [ \"forms/fields/#{child.type}/#{child.type}.html.twig\", 'forms/fields/key/key.html.twig' ] with { field: child, value: null } -%} {%- elseif child.type -%} {%- include [ \"forms/fields/#{child.type}/#{child.type}.html.twig\", 'forms/fields/text/text.html.twig' ] with { field: child, value: null } -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor %}
    {% if field.collapsible is not defined or field.collapsible %}
    {% endif %}
    {%- endif -%} {%- endfilter -%}\">
    {% endblock %} ", "forms/fields/list/list.html.twig", "/home/kevin/Sites/"); } }