parent = false; $this->blocks = array( 'content' => array($this, 'block_content'), ); } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 2 echo " "; // line 3 $this->displayBlock('content', $context, $blocks); } public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 4 echo "

"; // line 5 echo $this->getAttribute(($context["header"] ?? null), "title", array()); echo "

"; // line 7 echo $this->getAttribute(($context["page"] ?? null), "content", array()); echo " "; // line 8 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable($this->getAttribute(($context["page"] ?? null), "collection", array(), "method")); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["module"]) { // line 9 echo "
getAttribute($this, "pageLinkName", array(0 => $this->getAttribute($context["module"], "folder", array())), "method"); echo "\" class=\"column\"> "; // line 11 echo $this->getAttribute($context["module"], "content", array()); echo "
"; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['module'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 14 echo " "; } // line 1 public function getpageLinkName($__text__ = null, ...$__varargs__) { $context = $this->env->mergeGlobals(array( "text" => $__text__, "varargs" => $__varargs__, )); $blocks = array(); ob_start(); try { echo twig_replace_filter(twig_lower_filter($this->env, ($context["text"] ?? null)), array("01._" => "", "02._" => "", "03._" => "", "04._" => "", "05._" => "", "06._" => "", "07._" => "", "08._" => "", "09._" => "")); } catch (Exception $e) { ob_end_clean(); throw $e; } catch (Throwable $e) { ob_end_clean(); throw $e; } return ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Twig_Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset()); } public function getTemplateName() { return "modular/contenu.html.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 65 => 1, 61 => 14, 52 => 11, 48 => 10, 45 => 9, 41 => 8, 37 => 7, 32 => 5, 29 => 4, 23 => 3, 20 => 2,); } /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */ public function getSource() { @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode(); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Twig_Source("{% macro pageLinkName(text) %}{{ text|lower|replace({'01._':'','02._':'','03._':'','04._':'','05._':'','06._':'','07._':'','08._':'','09._':''}) }}{% endmacro %} {% block content %}

{{ header.title }}

{{ page.content }} {% for module in page.collection() %}
{{ module.content }}
{% endfor %} {% endblock %} ", "modular/contenu.html.twig", "/home/kevin/Sites/"); } }