1000 ]; /** * @var Form */ protected $form; protected $forms = []; protected $flat_forms = []; protected $json_response = []; protected $recache_forms = false; /** * @return array */ public static function getSubscribedEvents() { return [ 'onPluginsInitialized' => ['onPluginsInitialized', 0], 'onTwigTemplatePaths' => ['onTwigTemplatePaths', 0] ]; } /** * Initialize forms from cache if possible */ public function onPluginsInitialized() { require_once(__DIR__ . '/classes/form.php'); if ($this->isAdmin()) { $this->enable([ 'onPagesInitialized' => ['onPagesInitialized', 0] ]); return; } $this->enable([ 'onPageProcessed' => ['onPageProcessed', 0], 'onPagesInitialized' => ['onPagesInitialized', 0], 'onTwigInitialized' => ['onTwigInitialized', 0], 'onTwigPageVariables' => ['onTwigVariables', 0], 'onTwigSiteVariables' => ['onTwigVariables', 0], 'onFormValidationProcessed' => ['onFormValidationProcessed', 0], ]); } /** * Process forms after page header processing, but before caching * * @param Event $e */ public function onPageProcessed(Event $e) { /** @var Page $page */ $page = $e['page']; $page_route = $page->route(); if ($page->home()) { $page_route = '/'; } $header = $page->header(); //call event to allow filling the page header form dynamically (e.g. use case: Comments plugin) $this->grav->fireEvent('onFormPageHeaderProcessed', new Event(['header' => $header])); if ((isset($header->forms) && is_array($header->forms)) || (isset($header->form) && is_array($header->form))) { $page_forms = []; // Force never_cache_twig if modular form if ($page->modular()) { $header->never_cache_twig = true; } // Get the forms from the page headers if (isset($header->forms)) { $page_forms = $header->forms; } elseif (isset($header->form)) { $page_forms[] = $header->form; } // Store the page forms in the forms instance foreach ($page_forms as $name => $page_form) { $form = new Form($page, $name, $page_form); $this->addForm($page_route, $form); } } } /** * Add a form to the forms plugin * * @param $page_route * @param $form */ public function addForm($page_route, $form) { $form_array = [$form['name'] => $form]; if (array_key_exists($page_route, $this->forms)) { if (!isset($this->form[$page_route][$form['name']])) { $this->forms[$page_route] = array_merge($this->forms[$page_route], $form_array); } } else { $this->forms[$page_route] = $form_array; } $this->flattenForms(); $this->recache_forms = true; } /** * Initialize form if the page has one. Also catches form processing if user posts the form. */ public function onPagesInitialized() { $submitted = false; $this->json_response = []; $cache_id = $this->grav['pages']->getPagesCacheId() . '-form-plugin'; // Get and set the cache of forms if it exists list($forms, $flat_forms) = $this->grav['cache']->fetch($cache_id); // Only store the forms if they are an array if (is_array($forms)) { $this->forms = array_merge($this->forms, $forms); } // Only store the flat_forms if they are an array if (is_array($flat_forms)) { $this->flat_forms = array_merge($this->flat_forms, $flat_forms); } // Save the current state of the forms to cache if ($this->recache_forms) { $this->grav['cache']->save($cache_id, [$this->forms, $this->flat_forms]); } // Enable form events if there's a POST if ($this->shouldProcessForm()) { $this->enable([ 'onFormProcessed' => ['onFormProcessed', 0], 'onFormValidationError' => ['onFormValidationError', 0], 'onFormFieldTypes' => ['onFormFieldTypes', 0], ]); // Post the form if ($this->form()) { if ($this->grav['uri']->extension() === 'json' && isset($_POST['__form-file-uploader__'])) { $this->json_response = $this->form->uploadFiles(); } else { $this->form->post(); $submitted = true; } } // Clear flash objects for previously uploaded files // whenever the user switches page / reloads // ignoring any JSON / extension call if (null === $this->grav['uri']->extension() && !$submitted) { // Discard any previously uploaded files session. // and if there were any uploaded file, remove them from the filesystem if ($flash = $this->grav['session']->getFlashObject('files-upload')) { $flash = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($flash)); foreach ($flash as $key => $value) { if ($key !== 'tmp_name') { continue; } @unlink($value); } } } } } /** * Add simple `forms()` Twig function */ public function onTwigInitialized() { $this->grav['twig']->twig()->addFunction( new \Twig_SimpleFunction('forms', [$this, 'getForm']) ); $this->grav['twig']->twig()->getExtension('Twig_Extension_Core')->setEscaper('yaml', function($twig, $string, $charset) { return Yaml::dump($string); } ); } /** * Add current directory to twig lookup paths. */ public function onTwigTemplatePaths() { $this->grav['twig']->twig_paths[] = __DIR__ . '/templates'; } /** * Make form accessible from twig. * * @param Event $event */ public function onTwigVariables(Event $event = null) { if ($event !== null && isset($event['page'])) { $page = $event['page']; } else { $page = $this->grav['page']; } $twig = $this->grav['twig']; if (!isset($twig->twig_vars['form'])) { $twig->twig_vars['form'] = $this->form($page); } if ($this->config->get('plugins.form.built_in_css')) { $this->grav['assets']->addCss('plugin://form/assets/form-styles.css'); } $twig->twig_vars['form_max_filesize'] = Form::getMaxFilesize(); $twig->twig_vars['form_json_response'] = $this->json_response; } /** * Handle form processing instructions. * * @param Event $event * @throws \Exception */ public function onFormProcessed(Event $event) { $form = $event['form']; $action = $event['action']; $params = $event['params']; $this->process($form); switch ($action) { case 'captcha': if (isset($params['recaptcha_secret'])) { $recaptchaSecret = $params['recaptcha_secret']; } elseif (isset($params['recatpcha_secret'])) { // Included for backwards compatibility with typo (issue #51) $recaptchaSecret = $params['recatpcha_secret']; } else { $recaptchaSecret = $this->config->get('plugins.form.recaptcha.secret_key'); } // Validate the captcha $query = http_build_query([ 'secret' => $recaptchaSecret, 'response' => $form->value('g-recaptcha-response', true) ]); $url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?' . $query; $response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true); if (!isset($response['success']) || $response['success'] !== true) { $this->grav->fireEvent('onFormValidationError', new Event([ 'form' => $form, 'message' => $this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.ERROR_VALIDATING_CAPTCHA') ])); $event->stopPropagation(); return; } break; case 'ip': $label = isset($params['label']) ? $params['label'] : 'User IP'; $blueprint = $form->value()->blueprints(); $blueprint->set('form/fields/ip', ['name'=>'ip', 'label'=> $label]); $form->setFields($blueprint->fields()); $form->setData('ip', Uri::ip()); break; case 'message': $translated_string = $this->grav['language']->translate($params); $vars = array( 'form' => $form ); /** @var Twig $twig */ $twig = $this->grav['twig']; $processed_string = $twig->processString($translated_string, $vars); $form->message = $processed_string; break; case 'redirect': $this->grav['session']->setFlashObject('form', $form); $url = ((string)$params); $vars = array( 'form' => $form ); /** @var Twig $twig */ $twig = $this->grav['twig']; $url = $twig->processString($url, $vars); $this->grav->redirect($url); break; case 'reset': if (Utils::isPositive($params)) { $form->reset(); } break; case 'display': $route = (string)$params; if (!$route || $route[0] !== '/') { /** @var Uri $uri */ $uri = $this->grav['uri']; $route = rtrim($uri->route(), '/'). '/' . ($route ?: ''); } /** @var Twig $twig */ $twig = $this->grav['twig']; $twig->twig_vars['form'] = $form; /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; $page = $pages->dispatch($route, true); if (!$page) { throw new \RuntimeException('Display page not found. Please check the page exists.', 400); } unset($this->grav['page']); $this->grav['page'] = $page; break; case 'remember': foreach ($params as $remember_field) { $field_cookie = 'forms-'.$form['name'].'-'.$remember_field; setcookie($field_cookie, $form->value($remember_field), time()+60*60*24*60); } break; case 'save': $prefix = !empty($params['fileprefix']) ? $params['fileprefix'] : ''; $format = !empty($params['dateformat']) ? $params['dateformat'] : 'Ymd-His-u'; $ext = !empty($params['extension']) ? '.' . trim($params['extension'], '.') : '.txt'; $filename = !empty($params['filename']) ? $params['filename'] : ''; $operation = !empty($params['operation']) ? $params['operation'] : 'create'; if (!$filename) { $filename = $prefix . $this->udate($format) . $ext; } /** @var Twig $twig */ $twig = $this->grav['twig']; $vars = [ 'form' => $form ]; // Process with Twig $filename = $twig->processString($filename, $vars); $locator = $this->grav['locator']; $path = $locator->findResource('user://data', true); $dir = $path . DS . $form->name(); $fullFileName = $dir. DS . $filename; $file = File::instance($fullFileName); if ($operation === 'create') { $body = $twig->processString(!empty($params['body']) ? $params['body'] : '{% include "forms/data.txt.twig" %}', $vars); $file->save($body); } elseif ($operation === 'add') { if (!empty($params['body'])) { // use body similar to 'create' action and append to file as a log $body = $twig->processString($params['body'], $vars); // create folder if it doesn't exist if (!file_exists($dir)) { Folder::create($dir); } // append data to existing file file_put_contents($fullFileName, $body, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } else { // serialize YAML out to file for easier parsing as data sets $vars = $vars['form']->value()->toArray(); foreach ($form->fields as $field) { if (!empty($field['process']['ignore'])) { unset($vars[$field['name']]); } } if (file_exists($fullFileName)) { $data = Yaml::parse($file->content()); if (count($data) > 0) { array_unshift($data, $vars); } else { $data[] = $vars; } } else { $data[] = $vars; } $file->save(Yaml::dump($data)); } } break; } } /** * Custom field logic can go in here * * @param Event $event */ public function onFormValidationProcessed(Event $event) { // special check for honeypot field foreach ($event['form']->fields() as $field) { if ($field['type'] === 'honeypot' && !empty($event['form']->value($field['name']))) { throw new ValidationException('Are you a bot?'); } } } /** * Handle form validation error * * @param Event $event An event object * @throws \Exception */ public function onFormValidationError(Event $event) { $form = $event['form']; if (isset($event['message'])) { $form->status = 'error'; $form->message = $event['message']; $form->messages = $event['messages']; } $uri = $this->grav['uri']; $route = $uri->route(); /** @var Twig $twig */ $twig = $this->grav['twig']; $twig->twig_vars['form'] = $form; /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; $page = $pages->dispatch($route, true); if ($page) { unset($this->grav['page']); $this->grav['page'] = $page; } $event->stopPropagation(); } /** * Get list of form field types specified in this plugin. Only special types needs to be listed. * * @return array */ public function getFormFieldTypes() { return [ 'column' => [ 'input@' => false ], 'columns' => [ 'input@' => false ], 'fieldset' => [ 'input@' => false ], 'conditional' => [ 'input@' => false ], 'display' => [ 'input@' => false ], 'spacer' => [ 'input@' => false ], 'captcha' => [ 'input@' => false ] ]; } /** * Process a form * * Currently available processing tasks: * * - fillWithCurrentDateTime * * @param Form $form */ protected function process($form) { foreach ($form->fields as $field) { if (!empty($field['process']['fillWithCurrentDateTime'])) { $form->setData($field['name'], gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time())); } } } /** * Create unix timestamp for storing the data into the filesystem. * * @param string $format * @param int $utimestamp * * @return string */ private function udate($format = 'u', $utimestamp = null) { if (null === $utimestamp) { $utimestamp = microtime(true); } $timestamp = floor($utimestamp); $milliseconds = round(($utimestamp - $timestamp) * 1000000); return date(preg_replace('`(?slug(); } return $name; } /** * function to get a specific form * * @param null|array|string $data optional form `name` * * @return null|Form */ public function getForm($data = null) { $page_route = null; $form_name = null; if (is_array($data)) { if (isset($data['name'])) { $form_name = $data['name']; } if (isset($data['route'])) { $page_route = $data['route']; } } elseif (is_string($data)) { $form_name = $data; } // if no form name, use the first form found in the page if (!$form_name) { // If page route not provided, use the current page if (!$page_route) { // Get page route $page_route = $this->grav['page']->route(); // fallback using current URI if page not initialized yet if (!$page_route) { $page_route = $this->getCurrentPageRoute(); } } if (isset($this->forms[$page_route])) { $forms = $this->forms[$page_route]; $first_form = array_shift($forms); $form_name = $first_form['name']; } else { //No form on this route. Try looking up in the current page first return new Form($this->grav['page']); } } // return the form you are looking for if available return $this->getFormByName($form_name); } /** * Get current page's route * * @return mixed */ protected function getCurrentPageRoute() { $path = $this->grav['uri']->route(); $path = $path ?: '/'; return $path; } /** * Retrieve a form based on the form name * * @param $form_name * @return mixed */ protected function getFormByName($form_name) { if (array_key_exists($form_name, $this->flat_forms)) { return $this->flat_forms[$form_name]; } return null; } /** * Determine if the page has a form submission that should be processed * * @return bool */ protected function shouldProcessForm() { $status = isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['form-nonce']); $refresh_prevention = null; if ($status && $this->form()) { // Set page template if passed by form if (isset($this->form->template)) { $this->grav['page']->template($this->form->template); } if (!is_null($this->form->refresh_prevention)) { $refresh_prevention = (bool) $this->form->refresh_prevention; } else { $refresh_prevention = $this->config->get('plugins.form.refresh_prevention', false); } $unique_form_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, '__unique_form_id__', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if ($refresh_prevention && $unique_form_id) { if (($this->grav['session']->unique_form_id != $unique_form_id)) { $this->grav['session']->unique_form_id = $unique_form_id; } else { $status = false; $this->form->message = $this->grav['language']->translate('PLUGIN_FORM.FORM_ALREADY_SUBMITTED'); $this->form->status = 'error'; } } } return $status; } /** * Flatten the forms array into something that can be more easily searched */ protected function flattenForms() { $this->flat_forms = Utils::arrayFlatten($this->forms); } /** * Get the current form, should already be processed but can get it directly from the page if necessary * * @param null $page * @return Form|mixed */ protected function form($page = null) { // Regenerate list of flat_forms if not already populated if (empty($this->flat_forms)) { $this->flattenForms(); } if (null === $this->form) { $current_form_name = $this->getFormName($this->grav['page']); $this->form = $this->getFormByName($current_form_name); } // last attempt using current page's form if (null == $this->form) { // try to get the page if possible if ($page == null) { $page = $this->grav['page']; } if ($page) { $header = $page->header(); if (isset($header->form)) { $this->form = new Form($page); } } } return $this->form; } }