parent = false; $this->blocks = array( 'head' => array($this, 'block_head'), 'stylesheets' => array($this, 'block_stylesheets'), 'javascripts' => array($this, 'block_javascripts'), 'header' => array($this, 'block_header'), 'header_navigation' => array($this, 'block_header_navigation'), 'body' => array($this, 'block_body'), 'content' => array($this, 'block_content'), 'footer' => array($this, 'block_footer'), 'bottom' => array($this, 'block_bottom'), ); } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 1 $context["theme_config"] = $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["config"] ?? null), "themes", array()), $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["config"] ?? null), "system", array()), "pages", array()), "theme", array())); // line 2 echo " getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["grav"] ?? null), "language", array()), "getLanguage", array())) ? ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["grav"] ?? null), "language", array()), "getLanguage", array())) : ("fr")); echo "\"> "; // line 5 $this->displayBlock('head', $context, $blocks); // line 34 echo " "; // line 38 $this->displayBlock('header', $context, $blocks); // line 65 echo " "; // line 66 $this->displayBlock('body', $context, $blocks); // line 75 echo " "; // line 76 $this->displayBlock('footer', $context, $blocks); // line 80 echo " "; // line 81 $this->displayBlock('bottom', $context, $blocks); // line 84 echo " "; } // line 5 public function block_head($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 6 echo " "; // line 7 if ($this->getAttribute(($context["header"] ?? null), "title", array())) { echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["header"] ?? null), "title", array()), "html"); echo " | "; } echo $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->translate($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["config"] ?? null), "site", array()), "title", array()), "html"); echo " "; // line 8 $this->loadTemplate("partials/metadata.html.twig", "partials/base.html.twig", 8)->display($context); // line 9 echo " env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->urlFunc("theme://images/favicon.png"); echo "\" /> getAttribute(($context["page"] ?? null), "url", array(0 => true, 1 => true), "method"); echo "\" /> "; // line 15 $this->displayBlock('stylesheets', $context, $blocks); // line 23 echo " "; echo $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "css", array(), "method"); echo " "; // line 25 $this->displayBlock('javascripts', $context, $blocks); // line 32 echo " "; echo $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "js", array(), "method"); echo " "; } // line 15 public function block_stylesheets($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 16 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addCss", array(0 => "theme://css/jquery.bxslider.css", 1 => 101), "method"); // line 17 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addCss", array(0 => "theme://css/style.css", 1 => 101), "method"); // line 18 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addCss", array(0 => "theme://css-compiled/template.css", 1 => 101), "method"); // line 19 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addCss", array(0 => "theme://css/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css", 1 => 101), "method"); // line 20 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addCss", array(0 => "theme://css/media-queries.css", 1 => 101), "method"); // line 21 echo " "; } // line 25 public function block_javascripts($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 26 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addJs", array(0 => "jquery", 1 => 101), "method"); // line 27 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addJs", array(0 => "theme://js/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js"), "method"); // line 28 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addJs", array(0 => "theme://js/jquery.bxslider.min.js"), "method"); // line 29 echo " "; $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "addJs", array(0 => "theme://js/script.js"), "method"); // line 30 echo " "; } // line 38 public function block_header($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 39 echo "

"; echo $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->translate($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["config"] ?? null), "site", array()), "title", array())); echo "

Fr / En
"; // line 54 $this->displayBlock('header_navigation', $context, $blocks); // line 55 echo "
"; } // line 54 public function block_header_navigation($context, array $blocks = array()) { } // line 66 public function block_body($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 67 echo "
"; // line 70 $this->displayBlock('content', $context, $blocks); // line 71 echo "
"; } // line 70 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array()) { } // line 76 public function block_footer($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 77 echo " "; } // line 81 public function block_bottom($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 82 echo " "; echo $this->getAttribute(($context["assets"] ?? null), "js", array(0 => "bottom"), "method"); echo " "; } public function getTemplateName() { return "partials/base.html.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 238 => 82, 235 => 81, 229 => 77, 226 => 76, 221 => 70, 214 => 71, 212 => 70, 207 => 67, 204 => 66, 199 => 54, 186 => 55, 184 => 54, 166 => 41, 162 => 39, 159 => 38, 154 => 30, 151 => 29, 148 => 28, 145 => 27, 142 => 26, 139 => 25, 134 => 21, 131 => 20, 128 => 19, 125 => 18, 122 => 17, 119 => 16, 116 => 15, 109 => 32, 107 => 25, 101 => 23, 99 => 15, 92 => 11, 88 => 10, 85 => 9, 83 => 8, 75 => 7, 72 => 6, 69 => 5, 63 => 84, 61 => 81, 58 => 80, 56 => 76, 53 => 75, 51 => 66, 48 => 65, 46 => 38, 40 => 34, 38 => 5, 33 => 3, 30 => 2, 28 => 1,); } /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */ public function getSource() { @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode(); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Twig_Source("{% set theme_config = attribute(config.themes, config.system.pages.theme) %} {% block head %} {% if header.title %}{{ header.title|e('html') }} | {% endif %}{{|t('html') }} {% include 'partials/metadata.html.twig' %} {% block stylesheets %} {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/jquery.bxslider.css', 101) %} {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/style.css', 101) %} {% do assets.addCss('theme://css-compiled/template.css', 101) %} {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css', 101) %} {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/media-queries.css', 101) %} {% endblock %} {{ assets.css() }} {% block javascripts %} {% do assets.addJs('jquery', 101) %} {% do assets.addJs('theme://js/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js') %} {% do assets.addJs('theme://js/jquery.bxslider.min.js') %} {% do assets.addJs('theme://js/script.js') %} {% endblock %} {{ assets.js() }} {% endblock head %} {% block header %}

{{|t }}

Fr / En
{% block header_navigation %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {% endblock %} {% block bottom %} {{ assets.js('bottom') }} {% endblock %} ", "partials/base.html.twig", "/mnt/data/Sites/"); } }