parent = false; $this->blocks = array( 'label' => array($this, 'block_label'), 'field' => array($this, 'block_field'), ); } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 1 $context["value"] = (((null === ($context["value"] ?? null))) ? ($this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "default", array()))) : (($context["value"] ?? null))); // line 2 if ( !($context["codemirrorOptions"] ?? null)) { // line 3 echo " "; $context["codemirrorOptions"] = twig_array_merge(array("mode" => "gfm", "ignore" => array(0 => "code", 1 => "preview")), (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "codemirror", array(), "any", true, true)) ? (_twig_default_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "codemirror", array()), array())) : (array()))); } // line 5 echo " "; // line 6 $this->displayBlock('label', $context, $blocks); // line 12 $this->displayBlock('field', $context, $blocks); } // line 6 public function block_label($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 7 echo " "; if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "label", array())) { // line 8 echo " "; $context["hint"] = (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "help", array())) ? ((("data-hint=\"" . $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "help", array()))) . "\"")) : ("")); // line 9 echo "
env, ($context["hint"] ?? null), "html", null, true); echo ">"; echo $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "label", array())); echo "
"; } } // line 12 public function block_field($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 13 echo "
env, (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "classes", array(), "any", true, true)) ? (_twig_default_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "classes", array()), "")) : ("")), "html", null, true); echo "\">
"; // line 32 if (( !$this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "resizer", array(), "any", true, true) || !twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "resizer", array()), array(0 => "off", 1 => "false", 2 => 0)))) { echo "
"; } // line 33 echo "
"; } public function getTemplateName() { return "forms/fields/editor/editor.html.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 149 => 33, 145 => 32, 138 => 30, 129 => 29, 124 => 28, 119 => 27, 114 => 26, 109 => 25, 102 => 24, 97 => 23, 90 => 22, 83 => 21, 77 => 20, 73 => 19, 68 => 17, 60 => 13, 57 => 12, 47 => 9, 44 => 8, 41 => 7, 38 => 6, 34 => 12, 32 => 6, 29 => 5, 25 => 3, 23 => 2, 21 => 1,); } /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */ public function getSource() { @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode(); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Twig_Source("{% set value = (value is null ? field.default|tu : value) %} {% if not codemirrorOptions %} {% set codemirrorOptions = {'mode': 'gfm', 'ignore': ['code', 'preview']}|merge(field.codemirror|default({})) %} {% endif %} {% block label %} {% if field.label %} {% set hint = ? 'data-hint=\"' ~|tu|raw ~ '\"': '' %}
{{ field.label|tu|raw }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block field %}
{% if field.resizer is not defined or field.resizer not in ['off', 'false', 0] %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} ", "forms/fields/editor/editor.html.twig", "/mnt/data/Sites/"); } }