parent = $this->loadTemplate("forms/field.html.twig", "forms/fields/textarea/textarea.html.twig", 1);
$this->blocks = array(
'input' => array($this, 'block_input'),
'input_attributes' => array($this, 'block_input_attributes'),
protected function doGetParent(array $context)
return "forms/field.html.twig";
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
$this->parent->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
// line 3
public function block_input($context, array $blocks = array())
// line 4
echo "
env, ((($context["form_field_wrapper_classes"] ?? null)) ? (($context["form_field_wrapper_classes"] ?? null)) : ("form-textarea-wrapper")), "html", null, true);
echo " ";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "size", array()), "html", null, true);
echo " ";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "wrapper_classes", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\">
// line 9
public function block_input_attributes($context, array $blocks = array())
// line 10
echo " class=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["form_field_textarea_classes"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo " ";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "classes", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\"
// line 11
if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "id", array(), "any", true, true)) {
echo "id=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "id", array()));
echo "\" ";
// line 12
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "style", array(), "any", true, true)) {
echo "style=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "style", array()));
echo "\" ";
// line 13
echo " ";
if (($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "disabled", array()) || ($context["isDisabledToggleable"] ?? null))) {
echo "disabled=\"disabled\"";
// line 14
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "placeholder", array())) {
echo "placeholder=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->translate($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "placeholder", array())), "html", null, true);
echo "\"";
// line 15
echo " ";
if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "autofocus", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
echo "autofocus=\"autofocus\"";
// line 16
echo " ";
if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "novalidate", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
echo "novalidate=\"novalidate\"";
// line 17
echo " ";
if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "readonly", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
echo "readonly=\"readonly\"";
// line 18
echo " ";
if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "autocomplete", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "off"))) {
echo "autocomplete=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "autocomplete", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\"";
// line 19
echo " ";
if (twig_in_filter($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "required", array()), array(0 => "on", 1 => "true", 2 => 1))) {
echo "required=\"required\"";
// line 20
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "pattern", array())) {
echo "pattern=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "pattern", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\"";
// line 21
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "message", array())) {
echo "title=\"";
if ($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["grav"] ?? null), "twig", array(), "any", false, true), "twig", array(), "any", false, true), "filters", array(), "any", false, true), "tu", array(), "array", true, true)) {
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Plugin\Admin\AdminTwigExtension')->tuFilter($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "message", array())));
} else {
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->env->getExtension('Grav\Common\Twig\TwigExtension')->translate($this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "validate", array()), "message", array())));
echo "\"";
// line 22
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "rows", array(), "any", true, true)) {
echo "rows=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "rows", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\"";
// line 23
echo " ";
if ($this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "cols", array(), "any", true, true)) {
echo "cols=\"";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(($context["field"] ?? null), "cols", array()), "html", null, true);
echo "\"";
// line 24
echo " ";
public function getTemplateName()
return "forms/fields/textarea/textarea.html.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
public function getDebugInfo()
return array ( 152 => 24, 145 => 23, 138 => 22, 127 => 21, 120 => 20, 115 => 19, 108 => 18, 103 => 17, 98 => 16, 93 => 15, 86 => 14, 81 => 13, 74 => 12, 68 => 11, 61 => 10, 58 => 9, 50 => 25, 47 => 9, 42 => 7, 32 => 4, 29 => 3, 11 => 1,);
/** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
public function getSource()
@trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();
public function getSourceContext()
return new Twig_Source("{% extends \"forms/field.html.twig\" %}
{% block input %}
{% endblock %}
", "forms/fields/textarea/textarea.html.twig", "/home/kevin/Sites/");