gdp-entrypoint.sh 1.1 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # todo: run some checks
  3. echo "Creating GDP BaseX db"
  4. basex "db:create('gdp','/srv/basex/src/gdp.tei.xml', (),map {'ftindex': true(),'stemming': true(),'casesens': true(),'diacritics': true(),'language': 'fr','updindex': true(),'autooptimize': true(),'maxlen': 96,'maxcats': 100,'splitsize': 0,'chop': false(),'textindex': true(),'attrindex': true(),'tokenindex': true(), 'xinclude': true()})"
  5. # , 'serializer': 'indent=no'
  6. echo "Creating FullText Index tmp file"
  7. basex "xslt:transform(fn:doc('/srv/basex/src/gdp.tei.xml'), fn:doc('/srv/basex/src/xslt/generateFullTextIndex.xsl'))" > /tmp/gdpFtIndex.xml
  8. echo "Creating FullText Index DB"
  9. basex "db:create('gdpFtIndex', '/tmp/gdpFtIndex.xml', (),map {'ftindex': true(),'stemming': true(),'casesens': true(),'diacritics': true(),'language': 'fr','updindex': true(),'autooptimize': true(),'maxlen': 96,'maxcats': 100,'splitsize': 0,'chop': false(),'textindex': true(),'attrindex': true(),'tokenindex': true(), 'xinclude': true()})"
  10. # , 'serializer': 'indent=no'
  11. # as we override the parent container CMD, we have to launch basexhttp here
  12. echo "Launching basexhttp"
  13. basexhttp