@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+# Create a dedicated nginx config
+# usage: ynh_add_nginx_config
+ynh_add_nginx_config () {
+ finalnginxconf="/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf"
+ ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$finalnginxconf" 1
+ sudo cp ../conf/nginx.conf "$finalnginxconf"
+ # To avoid a break by set -u, use a void substitution ${var:-}. If the variable is not set, it's simply set with an empty variable.
+ # Substitute in a nginx config file only if the variable is not empty
+ if test -n "${path_url:-}"; then
+ ynh_replace_string "__PATH__" "$path_url" "$finalnginxconf"
+ fi
+ if test -n "${domain:-}"; then
+ ynh_replace_string "__DOMAIN__" "$domain" "$finalnginxconf"
+ fi
+ if test -n "${port:-}"; then
+ ynh_replace_string "__PORT__" "$port" "$finalnginxconf"
+ fi
+ if test -n "${app:-}"; then
+ ynh_replace_string "__NAME__" "$app" "$finalnginxconf"
+ fi
+ if test -n "${final_path:-}"; then
+ ynh_replace_string "__FINALPATH__" "$final_path" "$finalnginxconf"
+ fi
+ ynh_store_checksum_config "$finalnginxconf"
+ sudo systemctl reload nginx
+# Remove the dedicated nginx config
+# usage: ynh_remove_nginx_config
+ynh_remove_nginx_config () {
+ ynh_secure_remove "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf"
+ sudo systemctl reload nginx
+# Create a dedicated php-fpm config
+# usage: ynh_add_fpm_config
+ynh_add_fpm_config () {
+ finalphpconf="/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf"
+ ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$finalphpconf" 1
+ sudo cp ../conf/php-fpm.conf "$finalphpconf"
+ ynh_replace_string "__NAMETOCHANGE__" "$app" "$finalphpconf"
+ ynh_replace_string "__FINALPATH__" "$final_path" "$finalphpconf"
+ ynh_replace_string "__USER__" "$app" "$finalphpconf"
+ sudo chown root: "$finalphpconf"
+ ynh_store_file_checksum "$finalphpconf"
+ if [ -e "../conf/php-fpm.ini" ]
+ then
+ finalphpini="/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-$app.ini"
+ ynh_compare_checksum_config "$finalphpini" 1
+ sudo cp ../conf/php-fpm.ini "$finalphpini"
+ sudo chown root: "$finalphpini"
+ ynh_store_checksum_config "$finalphpini"
+ fi
+ sudo systemctl reload php5-fpm
+# Remove the dedicated php-fpm config
+# usage: ynh_remove_fpm_config
+ynh_remove_fpm_config () {
+ ynh_secure_remove "/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf"
+ ynh_secure_remove "/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-$app.ini" 2>&1
+ sudo systemctl reload php5-fpm
+# Create a dedicated systemd config
+# usage: ynh_add_systemd_config
+ynh_add_systemd_config () {
+ finalsystemdconf="/etc/systemd/system/$app.service"
+ ynh_compare_checksum_config "$finalsystemdconf" 1
+ sudo cp ../conf/systemd.service "$finalsystemdconf"
+ # To avoid a break by set -u, use a void substitution ${var:-}. If the variable is not set, it's simply set with an empty variable.
+ # Substitute in a nginx config file only if the variable is not empty
+ if test -n "${final_path:-}"; then
+ ynh_replace_string "__FINALPATH__" "$final_path" "$finalsystemdconf"
+ fi
+ if test -n "${app:-}"; then
+ ynh_replace_string "__APP__" "$app" "$finalsystemdconf"
+ fi
+ ynh_store_checksum_config "$finalsystemdconf"
+ sudo chown root: "$finalsystemdconf"
+ sudo systemctl enable $app
+ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+# Remove the dedicated systemd config
+# usage: ynh_remove_systemd_config
+ynh_remove_systemd_config () {
+ finalsystemdconf="/etc/systemd/system/$app.service"
+ if [ -e "$finalsystemdconf" ]; then
+ sudo systemctl stop $app
+ sudo systemctl disable $app
+ ynh_secure_remove "$finalsystemdconf"
+ fi