@@ -57,20 +57,25 @@ nginx_conf_path=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$old_domain.d/$app.conf
# Change the path in the nginx config file
if [ $change_path -eq 1 ]
+ # Make a backup of the original nginx config file if modified
ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$nginx_conf_path"
# Replace locations starting with old_path
# Look for every location possible patterns (see https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#location)
ynh_replace_string "location\( \(=\|~\|~\*\|\^~\)\)\? $old_path" "location\1 $new_path" "$nginx_conf_path"
# Replace path in "return" directives
ynh_replace_string "return \([[:digit:]]\{3\}\) $old_path" "return \1 $new_path" "$nginx_conf_path"
+ # Calculate and store the nginx config file checksum
ynh_store_file_checksum "$nginx_conf_path"
# Change the domain for nginx
if [ $change_domain -eq 1 ]
+ # Delete file checksum for the old conf file location
+ ynh_delete_file_checksum "$nginx_conf_path"
mv $nginx_conf_path /etc/nginx/conf.d/$new_domain.d/$app.conf
- ynh_store_file_checksum "$nginx_conf_path"
+ # Store file checksum for the new config file location
+ ynh_store_file_checksum "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$new_domain.d/$app.conf"