bach 20038b81e6 programme page hide carrousel and carte if empty (exodeurbain) #2004 2 éve
.htaccess 4c9f27bdb5 moved away config folder from public_html 4 éve
README.txt 4c9f27bdb5 moved away config folder from public_html 4 éve
admin_toolbar.settings.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
adminimal_theme.settings.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
administerusersbyrole.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
autologout.role.admin.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
autologout.role.authenticated.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
autologout.role.root.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
autologout.role.user.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
autologout.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_breadcrumbs.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_content.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_help.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_local_actions.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_login.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_messages.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_page_title.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_primary_local_tasks.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.adminimal_theme_secondary_local_tasks.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.contenudelapageprincipale.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.head.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.head_2.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.identitedusite.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.logogouv.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.logogouvcartouche.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.logopuca.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.logosfooter.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.pieddepage.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.retrouveznoussurlesreseauxsociaux.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.views_block__programme_toc_block_7.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.views_block__programmes_block_1.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.views_block__programmes_block_2.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.views_block__programmes_block_2_2.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.views_block__programmes_block_3.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block.block.views_block__programmes_block_3_2.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
block_content.type.custom.yml 863593ab92 added custom block footer social net work 3 éve
block_content.type.logo_block.yml 89b0659240 added logos on header #1293 3 éve
checklistapi.progress.seo_checklist.yml a3c1609485 robots allow sitemap 2 éve
config_devel.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
config_ignore.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
contact.form.personal.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
contact.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
content_lock.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
content_lock_timeout.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.base_field_override.node.actualite.promote.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.evenement.promote.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.programme.promote.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.programme.title.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.projet.promote.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.projet.title.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.ressource.promote.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.static.promote.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.theme.promote.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.base_field_override.node.theme.title.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.date_longue_sans_heure.yml 207e7919e7 date Évênements dans menu et dans page de l'évènement #1915 2 éve
core.date_format.fallback.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.html_date.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.html_datetime.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.html_month.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.html_time.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.html_week.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.html_year.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.html_yearless_date.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.long.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.medium.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.date_format.short.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_form_display.block_content.custom.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.block_content.logo_block.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.node.actualite.default.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.node.evenement.default.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.node.programme.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.node.projet.default.yml 82e0791100 added projet type 'étude' 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.node.ressource.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.node.static.default.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.node.theme.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.doc_and_thumb.default.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.equipes.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.groupe_document.default.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.partenaires.default.yml 3eea2e3e03 removed nested partenaire paragraphes 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.personne.default.yml 2e1b9bc0ee ajouter champs texte dans paragraphe Équipe de page static pour rajouter téléphone et mail 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.sous_partie_programme.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.sous_partie_programme_contents.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.paragraph.textes.default.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_form_display.taxonomy_term.collection.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_display.taxonomy_term.villes.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_form_mode.user.register.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_display.block_content.custom.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_view_display.block_content.logo_block.default.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.actualite.default.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.actualite.teaser.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.evenement.accroche_ss_image.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.evenement.default.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.evenement.teaser.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.programme.default.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.programme.teaser.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.projet.accroche_ss_image.yml 82e0791100 added projet type 'étude' 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.projet.default.yml 82e0791100 added projet type 'étude' 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.projet.teaser.yml 82e0791100 added projet type 'étude' 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.ressource.default.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.ressource.teaser.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.ressource.third.yml 0f800be899 ressources dans pages projet/ville 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.static.default.yml c0682efb46 fixed ressources liées display in projet thrid column 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.static.full.yml c0682efb46 fixed ressources liées display in projet thrid column 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.static.teaser.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.theme.default.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.node.theme.teaser.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.doc_and_thumb.default.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.equipes.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.groupe_document.default.yml c0682efb46 fixed ressources liées display in projet thrid column 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.groupe_document.preview.yml c0682efb46 fixed ressources liées display in projet thrid column 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.partenaires.admin.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.partenaires.default.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.partenaires.preview.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.personne.default.yml 2e1b9bc0ee ajouter champs texte dans paragraphe Équipe de page static pour rajouter téléphone et mail 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.sous_partie_programme.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.sous_partie_programme_contents.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.textes.accroche.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.textes.default.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.paragraph.textes.preview.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.taxonomy_term.collection.default.yml 6caf928cdf Page d'une ressource ajouter collection a droite 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.taxonomy_term.collection.third_column.yml 6caf928cdf Page d'une ressource ajouter collection a droite 2 éve
core.entity_view_display.taxonomy_term.villes.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
core.entity_view_mode.block.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.block_content.full.yml 6cb89c2af0 started frontend with page manager, pabels, views 3 éve
core.entity_view_mode.contact_message.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.file.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.menu_link_content.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.accroche_ss_image.yml bc281e7e26 removed images from accroche #1531 3 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.full.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.rss.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.search_index.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.search_result.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.third.yml 0f800be899 ressources dans pages projet/ville 2 éve
core.entity_view_mode.node.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.paragraph.accroche.yml 3ddd9d9427 restored qu'est-ce que popsu home #1434 3 éve
core.entity_view_mode.paragraph.admin.yml 2c72987943 popsu_migrate: D7NodeProjet partenaires ok 3 éve
core.entity_view_mode.paragraph.preview.yml a80bd544be enabled paragraphs contrib module 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.path_alias.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.taxonomy_term.full.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.taxonomy_term.third_column.yml 6caf928cdf Page d'une ressource ajouter collection a droite 2 éve
core.entity_view_mode.taxonomy_term.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.user.compact.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.user.full.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.entity_view_mode.user.token.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
core.extension.yml 596b0138b9 seo: hreflang, robotstxt 2 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
dblog.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
devel.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
devel.toolbar.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
editor.editor.wysiwyg.yml 68970c349c fixed wysiwyg video filter 2 éve
email_registration.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
embed.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
extlink.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.block_content.custom.body.yml 863593ab92 added custom block footer social net work 3 éve
field.field.block_content.logo_block.field_link.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.block_content.logo_block.field_logo.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.actualite.body.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_dates_actu.yml c1b92143ef popsu_migrate: D7NodeActu ok 3 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_evenements_lies.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_fichier.yml 5e0e2fc7af field_fichier txt, pdf, doc, docx, obs, xls #2003 2 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_image.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_lien.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_memo.yml c1b92143ef popsu_migrate: D7NodeActu ok 3 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_programme.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_projet.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_promu_en_page_programme.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_ressources_liees.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_sous_titre.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.actualite.field_theme.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.body.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_date.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_evenements_lies.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_fichier.yml 5e0e2fc7af field_fichier txt, pdf, doc, docx, obs, xls #2003 2 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_image.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_intro.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_lien.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_memo.yml 96e48681e0 admin vues imporved 3 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_organisateur.yml 2f01cce34e #1573 3 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_partenaires.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_programme.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_projet.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_promu_en_page_programme.yml fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_ressources_liees.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_sous_titre.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_theme.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.evenement.field_type_evenement.yml 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve
field.field.node.programme.body.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_actif.yml 95710036c1 started burger menu 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_diaporama.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_document.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_fichier.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_logo.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_partenaires.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_poid.yml 6cb89c2af0 started frontend with page manager, pabels, views 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_sous_parties.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.programme.field_textes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.body.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_actif.yml 2dd3adf351 added actif to project to hide villes in popsu europe 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_adresse.yml 25dffc6fa3 fixe #1297 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_comparatifs_associes.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_diaporama.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_document.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_equipes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_evenements_lies.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_ge.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_map_marker.yml e9e0ff0e49 created a map of projects 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_memo.yml 2d890bae99 popsu_migrate: D7TaxoTermVille ok, D7NodeProjet links, ville, programme ok, memo 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_partenaires.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_programme.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_projets_lies.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_ressources_liees.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_textes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_themes_lies.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_type_de_projet.yml 82e0791100 added projet type 'étude' 2 éve
field.field.node.projet.field_ville.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.body.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_auteurs.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_collections.yml 3f2b74db2a created taxo collection 3 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_date_de_parution.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_edition.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_evenements_lies.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_fichier.yml 5e0e2fc7af field_fichier txt, pdf, doc, docx, obs, xls #2003 2 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_image.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_lien.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_memo.yml e9710fd8b1 popsu_migrate: D7NodeRessource title, programme, projet, theme, poid ok 3 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_poid.yml e9710fd8b1 popsu_migrate: D7NodeRessource title, programme, projet, theme, poid ok 3 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_programme.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_projet.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_ressources_liees.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_sous_titre.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_theme.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_type_de_ressource.yml c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve
field.field.node.ressource.field_videos.yml ab7bd24e74 #1570 updated jquery_ui_touch_punch, added dailymotion videos to ressources 2 éve
field.field.node.static.body.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
field.field.node.static.field_equipes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.static.field_groupe_documents.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
field.field.node.static.field_lien.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.static.field_memo.yml 5deb4ffd5b CT static, admin view statics, editors_menus 3 éve
field.field.node.static.field_page_statique_liees.yml 5deb4ffd5b CT static, admin view statics, editors_menus 3 éve
field.field.node.static.field_partenaires.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.static.field_pieces_jointes.yml 5e0e2fc7af field_fichier txt, pdf, doc, docx, obs, xls #2003 2 éve
field.field.node.static.field_poid.yml 5deb4ffd5b CT static, admin view statics, editors_menus 3 éve
field.field.node.static.field_textes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.theme.body.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_diaporama.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_equipes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_evenements_lies.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_image.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_memo.yml eac183cb9a popsu_migrate: D7NodeTheme equipe ok +memo 3 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_partenaires.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_programme.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_projets_lies.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_ressources_liees.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_textes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_themes_lies.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_type_de_theme.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.node.theme.field_ville.yml 5cc16044ca addes field ville to themes, display projects and themes by villes in popsu 1 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.doc_and_thumb.field_document.yml 7f72f6dfb2 added doc extension to espace presse 2 éve
field.field.paragraph.doc_and_thumb.field_texte.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
field.field.paragraph.doc_and_thumb.field_titre.yml 0f9e983403 added new paragraphe 'Doc & thumb' field to programme #1456 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.doc_and_thumb.field_vignette.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.equipes.field_membres.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.equipes.field_texte_intro.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.equipes.field_type_equipe.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.groupe_document.field_documents.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
field.field.paragraph.groupe_document.field_titre.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
field.field.paragraph.partenaires.field_fichiers.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.partenaires.field_lien.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.partenaires.field_logo_partenaire.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.partenaires.field_nom_partenaire.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.partenaires.field_presentation.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.personne.field_courriel.yml 2e1b9bc0ee ajouter champs texte dans paragraphe Équipe de page static pour rajouter téléphone et mail 2 éve
field.field.paragraph.personne.field_fonction.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.personne.field_nom.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.personne.field_photo.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.personne.field_prenom.yml 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.personne.field_telephone.yml 2e1b9bc0ee ajouter champs texte dans paragraphe Équipe de page static pour rajouter téléphone et mail 2 éve
field.field.paragraph.sous_partie_programme.field_sous_partie_contenus.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.sous_partie_programme.field_titre.yml e3935aaaf0 CT programme done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.sous_partie_programme_contents.field_liste_contenus.yml 3f2b74db2a created taxo collection 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.sous_partie_programme_contents.field_texte.yml e3935aaaf0 CT programme done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.sous_partie_programme_contents.field_titre.yml e3935aaaf0 CT programme done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.textes.field_document.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
field.field.paragraph.textes.field_photo.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.paragraph.textes.field_texte.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.paragraph.textes.field_titre.yml 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve
field.field.taxonomy_term.collection.field_image.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.field.taxonomy_term.collection.field_programmes.yml fe77998fa3 #1165 3 éve
field.field.taxonomy_term.villes.field_adresse.yml 73ad1e0871 added address, geoloc, map of villes 3 éve
field.field.taxonomy_term.villes.field_geofield.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
field.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 6cb89c2af0 started frontend with page manager, pabels, views 3 éve 89b0659240 added logos on header #1293 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve 95710036c1 started burger menu 3 éve e9e0ff0e49 created a map of projects 3 éve c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve 3f2b74db2a created taxo collection 3 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 84a4bef634 actus link 3 éve 2b316877af date field for ressource only date 3 éve c1b92143ef popsu_migrate: D7NodeActu ok 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 0f9e983403 added new paragraphe 'Doc & thumb' field to programme #1456 3 éve c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve e9e0ff0e49 created a map of projects 3 éve 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve 32c6c8db59 links and files in actus & events #1288 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve e9e0ff0e49 created a map of projects 3 éve 2d890bae99 popsu_migrate: D7TaxoTermVille ok, D7NodeProjet links, ville, programme ok, memo 3 éve 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve 5deb4ffd5b CT static, admin view statics, editors_menus 3 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 5deb4ffd5b CT static, admin view statics, editors_menus 3 éve 3a524d3eea field_programme is multiple 3 éve 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve fdea36a88f Carrousel des Actus dans page accueil Programme, boolean promu 2 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve e3935aaaf0 CT programme done 4 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 82e0791100 added projet type 'étude' 2 éve c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve 70d9eeb44c CT evenement done 4 éve c7b8f51940 CT ressource done 4 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 2e1b9bc0ee ajouter champs texte dans paragraphe Équipe de page static pour rajouter téléphone et mail 2 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve e3935aaaf0 CT programme done 4 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve e3935aaaf0 CT programme done 4 éve 2e1b9bc0ee ajouter champs texte dans paragraphe Équipe de page static pour rajouter téléphone et mail 2 éve 812433fdb4 CT theme done 4 éve 7d5b684169 CT projet done 4 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 73ad1e0871 added address, geoloc, map of villes 3 éve 73ad1e0871 added address, geoloc, map of villes 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve fe77998fa3 #1165 3 éve
field_ui.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
file.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
filter.format.plain_text.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
filter.format.wysiwyg.yml 68970c349c fixed wysiwyg video filter 2 éve
filter.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
geocoder.geocoder_provider.mapquest.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
geocoder.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
honeypot.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
hreflang.settings.yml 596b0138b9 seo: hreflang, robotstxt 2 éve
image.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve acb2c32957 programme actus distinct 3 éve 4b97d6cd1a started programme page 3 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
imce.profile.admin.yml 74318f4211 allowed media fields in ressources to target referenced files 3 éve
imce.profile.editor.yml 74318f4211 allowed media fields in ressources to target referenced files 3 éve
imce.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
language.content_settings.block_content.custom.yml 863593ab92 added custom block footer social net work 3 éve
language.content_settings.block_content.logo_block.yml 89b0659240 added logos on header #1293 3 éve
language.content_settings.node.actualite.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.node.evenement.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.node.programme.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.node.projet.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.node.ressource.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.node.static.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.node.theme.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.path_alias.path_alias.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.redirect.redirect.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.taxonomy_term.collection.yml 3f2b74db2a created taxo collection 3 éve
language.content_settings.taxonomy_term.equipes.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.taxonomy_term.types_d_evenement.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.taxonomy_term.types_de_document.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.taxonomy_term.types_de_theme.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.content_settings.taxonomy_term.villes.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.entity.und.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.entity.zxx.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
language.mappings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
language.negotiation.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
language.types.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
leaflet_more_maps.settings.yml e9e0ff0e49 created a map of projects 3 éve
linked_field.config.yml 89b0659240 added logos on header #1293 3 éve
linkit.linkit_profile.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
locale.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
maillog.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
mailsystem.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
matomo.settings.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
menu_ui.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
metatag.metatag_defaults.403.yml eb48cfa2bf fixed home metatags #1903 2 éve
metatag.metatag_defaults.404.yml eb48cfa2bf fixed home metatags #1903 2 éve
metatag.metatag_defaults.front.yml eb48cfa2bf fixed home metatags #1903 2 éve 2feb8b5aeb added google-site-verification 2 éve
metatag.metatag_defaults.node.yml eb48cfa2bf fixed home metatags #1903 2 éve
metatag.metatag_defaults.taxonomy_term.yml eb48cfa2bf fixed home metatags #1903 2 éve
metatag.metatag_defaults.user.yml eb48cfa2bf fixed home metatags #1903 2 éve
node.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
node.type.actualite.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
node.type.evenement.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
node.type.programme.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
node.type.projet.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
node.type.ressource.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
node.type.static.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
node.type.theme.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve a58f46970e pages actus & events 3 éve 6cb89c2af0 started frontend with page manager, pabels, views 3 éve 0f800be899 ressources dans pages projet/ville 2 éve
page_manager.page_variant.actualites-panels_variant-0.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
page_manager.page_variant.home-panels_variant-0.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
page_manager.page_variant.home-panels_variant-1.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
page_manager.page_variant.node-panels_variant-0.yml d970fd5907 remove 'N events' block #1968 2 éve
page_manager.page_variant.node-panels_variant-1.yml c0682efb46 fixed ressources liées display in projet thrid column 2 éve
page_manager.page_variant.node-panels_variant-2.yml ca240db095 #1931 2 éve
page_manager.page_variant.node-panels_variant-3.yml 349a938b53 #1852 2 éve
page_manager.page_variant.node-panels_variant-4.yml 82e0791100 added projet type 'étude' 2 éve
page_manager.page_variant.node-panels_variant-5.yml 1942bccd8f #1965 2 éve
pagerer.preset.default.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
pagerer.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.doc_and_thumb.yml 0f9e983403 added new paragraphe 'Doc & thumb' field to programme #1456 3 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.equipes.yml 8b01ed0f6b fixed empty paragraphes display #1334 3 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.groupe_document.yml 39c011aac7 espace presse archi de contenu 2 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.partenaires.yml 8b01ed0f6b fixed empty paragraphes display #1334 3 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.personne.yml 8b01ed0f6b fixed empty paragraphes display #1334 3 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.sous_partie_programme.yml 8b01ed0f6b fixed empty paragraphes display #1334 3 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.sous_partie_programme_contents.yml 8b01ed0f6b fixed empty paragraphes display #1334 3 éve
paragraphs.paragraphs_type.textes.yml 8b01ed0f6b fixed empty paragraphes display #1334 3 éve
paragraphs.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
path_alias_xt.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
pathauto.pattern.actus.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.collections.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.equipes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.programmes.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.projets.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.ressources.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.static.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.themes.yml f48d0c55cc composer update drupal/* -W 2 éve
pathauto.pattern.villes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
pathauto.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
pathologic.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
perimeter.settings.yml aa1f43a183 removed bafishop from perimeter module 2 éve
persistent_login.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
popsu.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
redirect.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
robotstxt.settings.yml aa1f43a183 removed bafishop from perimeter module 2 éve
search_api.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
search_api_db.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
smart_date.smart_date_format.compact.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
smart_date.smart_date_format.date_only.yml 6eee829b51 fixed last news display on home #1335 3 éve
smart_date.smart_date_format.default.yml 89b0659240 added logos on header #1293 3 éve
smart_date.smart_date_format.full_date_only.yml e52501e62d date Évênements dans menu et dans page de l'évènement #1915 2 éve
smart_date.smart_date_format.moi_annee.yml 4fe9b518c7 ressources format date #1866 2 éve
smart_date.smart_date_format.time_only.yml 99adadd384 CT actu done 4 éve
smtp.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve ed69067d2f #1616 3 éve
system.action.file_break_lock_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_break_lock_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_delete_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_edit_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_make_sticky_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_make_unsticky_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_promote_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_publish_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_save_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_unpromote_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.node_unpublish_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.pathauto_update_alias_node.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.action.pathauto_update_alias_user.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.action.redirect_delete_action.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.action.taxonomy_term_break_lock_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.taxonomy_term_edit_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.taxonomy_term_publish_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.taxonomy_term_unpublish_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_add_role_action.admin.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_add_role_action.editeur.yml 47ebfaf3a0 credted editeur role 4 éve
system.action.user_add_role_action.root.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_add_role_action.user.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_block_user_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_cancel_user_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_edit_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_remove_role_action.admin.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_remove_role_action.editeur.yml 47ebfaf3a0 credted editeur role 4 éve
system.action.user_remove_role_action.root.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_remove_role_action.user.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.action.user_unblock_user_action.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.advisories.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve
system.cron.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.diff.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.file.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.image.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.logging.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.mail.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.maintenance.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve 5deb4ffd5b CT static, admin view statics, editors_menus 3 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve c4256af5ed centre de ressource (patched core 3 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
system.performance.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.rss.yml c92c32e232 forgot config files from last core update 2 éve 1b15433bae added site solgan 2 éve 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
system.theme.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
taxonomy.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
taxonomy.vocabulary.collection.yml 3f2b74db2a created taxo collection 3 éve
taxonomy.vocabulary.equipes.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
taxonomy.vocabulary.types_d_evenement.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
taxonomy.vocabulary.types_de_document.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
taxonomy.vocabulary.types_de_theme.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
taxonomy.vocabulary.villes.yml f73b902785 created all empty content types and taxonomy vocs, exported all config files 4 éve
text.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
update.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.flood.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.mail.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.role.admin.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.role.anonymous.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.role.authenticated.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.role.editeur.yml 28f3e6e171 Back Office, Autorisation de supprimer des ressources 2 éve
user.role.root.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.role.user.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
user.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
views.settings.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
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views.view.projets.yml 20038b81e6 programme page hide carrousel and carte if empty (exodeurbain) #2004 2 éve
views.view.redirect.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
views.view.ressources.yml c0682efb46 fixed ressources liées display in projet thrid column 2 éve
views.view.static.yml c0682efb46 fixed ressources liées display in projet thrid column 2 éve
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views.view.user_admin_people.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
views.view.villes.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
views.view.villes_map.yml 022d283b18 updated core 3 éve
views.view.watchdog.yml eb48cfa2bf fixed home metatags #1903 2 éve
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xmlsitemap.settings.node.actualite.yml 60ecc3f860 added xmlsitemap #1903 2 éve
xmlsitemap.settings.node.evenement.yml 60ecc3f860 added xmlsitemap #1903 2 éve
xmlsitemap.settings.node.programme.yml 60ecc3f860 added xmlsitemap #1903 2 éve
xmlsitemap.settings.node.projet.yml 60ecc3f860 added xmlsitemap #1903 2 éve
xmlsitemap.settings.node.ressource.yml 60ecc3f860 added xmlsitemap #1903 2 éve
xmlsitemap.settings.node.static.yml 60ecc3f860 added xmlsitemap #1903 2 éve
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xmlsitemap.settings.yml 60ecc3f860 added xmlsitemap #1903 2 éve
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This directory contains configuration to be imported into your Drupal site. To make this configuration active, visit admin/config/development/configuration/sync. For information about deploying configuration between servers, see