Browse Source

activated toc villes & theme on transitions projects page

bach 2 months ago

+ 15 - 3

@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ variant_settings:
       items_per_page: none
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       uuid: b12c9988-1636-44e6-8de3-9f1d07a0561e
       id: prog_ressource_link
       id: prog_ressource_link
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ variant_settings:
       provider: popsu_link_block
       provider: popsu_link_block
       context_mapping: {  }
       context_mapping: {  }
       region: first
       region: first
-      weight: -4
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       uuid: 9d776e95-a9c0-4293-a62b-1689df4570cb
       link_title: Ressources
       link_title: Ressources
@@ -286,8 +286,20 @@ variant_settings:
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+    2174709d-ebb6-44b9-a7fc-08f74f00b226:
+      id: 'views_block:programme_toc-block_18'
+      label: ''
+      label_display: '0'
+      provider: views
+      context_mapping: {  }
+      views_label: ''
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   layout: layout_threecol_25_50_25

+ 438 - 0

@@ -1032,6 +1032,7 @@ display:
             5: '5'
             5: '5'
             6: '6'
             6: '6'
             7: '7'
             7: '7'
+            883: '883'
           group: 1
           group: 1
           exposed: false
           exposed: false
@@ -3162,6 +3163,443 @@ display:
         - user.permissions
         - user.permissions
         - ''
         - ''
+  block_18:
+    id: block_18
+    display_title: 'Child Prog TOC Projets/villes Transitions Block'
+    display_plugin: block
+    position: 1
+    display_options:
+      title: 'Child Prog TOC Projets/Villes'
+      fields:
+        field_ville:
+          id: field_ville
+          table: node__field_ville
+          field: field_ville
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          plugin_id: field
+          label: ''
+          exclude: true
+          alter:
+            alter_text: false
+            text: ''
+            make_link: false
+            path: ''
+            absolute: false
+            external: false
+            replace_spaces: false
+            path_case: none
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+            alt: ''
+            rel: ''
+            link_class: ''
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+            suffix: ''
+            target: ''
+            nl2br: false
+            max_length: 0
+            word_boundary: true
+            ellipsis: true
+            more_link: false
+            more_link_text: ''
+            more_link_path: ''
+            strip_tags: false
+            trim: false
+            preserve_tags: ''
+            html: false
+          element_type: ''
+          element_class: ''
+          element_label_type: ''
+          element_label_class: ''
+          element_label_colon: false
+          element_wrapper_type: ''
+          element_wrapper_class: ''
+          element_default_classes: true
+          empty: ''
+          hide_empty: false
+          empty_zero: false
+          hide_alter_empty: true
+          click_sort_column: target_id
+          type: entity_reference_label
+          settings:
+            link: false
+          group_column: target_id
+          group_columns: {  }
+          group_rows: true
+          delta_limit: 0
+          delta_offset: 0
+          delta_reversed: false
+          delta_first_last: false
+          multi_type: separator
+          separator: ', '
+          field_api_classes: false
+        field_region:
+          id: field_region
+          table: node__field_region
+          field: field_region
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          plugin_id: field
+          label: ''
+          exclude: true
+          alter:
+            alter_text: false
+            text: ''
+            make_link: false
+            path: ''
+            absolute: false
+            external: false
+            replace_spaces: false
+            path_case: none
+            trim_whitespace: false
+            alt: ''
+            rel: ''
+            link_class: ''
+            prefix: ''
+            suffix: ''
+            target: ''
+            nl2br: false
+            max_length: 0
+            word_boundary: true
+            ellipsis: true
+            more_link: false
+            more_link_text: ''
+            more_link_path: ''
+            strip_tags: false
+            trim: false
+            preserve_tags: ''
+            html: false
+          element_type: ''
+          element_class: ''
+          element_label_type: ''
+          element_label_class: ''
+          element_label_colon: false
+          element_wrapper_type: ''
+          element_wrapper_class: ''
+          element_default_classes: true
+          empty: ''
+          hide_empty: false
+          empty_zero: false
+          hide_alter_empty: true
+          click_sort_column: target_id
+          type: entity_reference_label
+          settings:
+            link: false
+          group_column: target_id
+          group_columns: {  }
+          group_rows: true
+          delta_limit: 0
+          delta_offset: 0
+          delta_reversed: false
+          delta_first_last: false
+          multi_type: separator
+          separator: ', '
+          field_api_classes: false
+        view_node:
+          id: view_node
+          table: node
+          field: view_node
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          entity_type: node
+          plugin_id: entity_link
+          label: ''
+          exclude: false
+          alter:
+            alter_text: true
+            text: '{{ field_ville }}'
+            make_link: false
+            path: ''
+            absolute: false
+            external: false
+            replace_spaces: false
+            path_case: none
+            trim_whitespace: false
+            alt: ''
+            rel: ''
+            link_class: ''
+            prefix: ''
+            suffix: ''
+            target: ''
+            nl2br: false
+            max_length: 0
+            word_boundary: true
+            ellipsis: true
+            more_link: false
+            more_link_text: ''
+            more_link_path: ''
+            strip_tags: false
+            trim: false
+            preserve_tags: ''
+            html: false
+          element_type: ''
+          element_class: ''
+          element_label_type: ''
+          element_label_class: ''
+          element_label_colon: false
+          element_wrapper_type: ''
+          element_wrapper_class: ''
+          element_default_classes: true
+          empty: ''
+          hide_empty: false
+          empty_zero: false
+          hide_alter_empty: true
+          text: voir
+          output_url_as_text: false
+          absolute: false
+      arguments:
+        field_programme_target_id:
+          id: field_programme_target_id
+          table: node__field_programme
+          field: field_programme_target_id
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          plugin_id: numeric
+          default_action: default
+          exception:
+            value: all
+            title_enable: false
+            title: All
+          title_enable: false
+          title: ''
+          default_argument_type: token
+          default_argument_options:
+            argument: '[node:field_programme]'
+            process: '1'
+            and_or: ','
+            all_option: '1'
+            debug: 0
+          default_argument_skip_url: false
+          summary_options:
+            base_path: ''
+            count: true
+            override: false
+            items_per_page: 25
+          summary:
+            sort_order: asc
+            number_of_records: 0
+            format: default_summary
+          specify_validation: false
+          validate:
+            type: none
+            fail: 'not found'
+          validate_options: {  }
+          break_phrase: false
+          not: false
+      filters:
+        status:
+          id: status
+          table: node_field_data
+          field: status
+          entity_type: node
+          entity_field: status
+          plugin_id: boolean
+          value: '1'
+          group: 1
+          expose:
+            operator: ''
+            operator_limit_selection: false
+            operator_list: {  }
+        type:
+          id: type
+          table: node_field_data
+          field: type
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          entity_type: node
+          entity_field: type
+          plugin_id: bundle
+          operator: in
+          value:
+            projet: projet
+          group: 1
+          exposed: false
+          expose:
+            operator_id: ''
+            label: ''
+            description: ''
+            use_operator: false
+            operator: ''
+            operator_limit_selection: false
+            operator_list: {  }
+            identifier: ''
+            required: false
+            remember: false
+            multiple: false
+            remember_roles:
+              authenticated: authenticated
+            reduce: false
+          is_grouped: false
+          group_info:
+            label: ''
+            description: ''
+            identifier: ''
+            optional: true
+            widget: select
+            multiple: false
+            remember: false
+            default_group: All
+            default_group_multiple: {  }
+            group_items: {  }
+        field_programme_target_id:
+          id: field_programme_target_id
+          table: node__field_programme
+          field: field_programme_target_id
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          plugin_id: entity_reference
+          operator: or
+          value:
+            883: '883'
+          group: 1
+          exposed: false
+          expose:
+            operator_id: ''
+            label: ''
+            description: ''
+            use_operator: false
+            operator: ''
+            operator_limit_selection: false
+            operator_list: {  }
+            identifier: ''
+            required: false
+            remember: false
+            multiple: false
+            remember_roles:
+              authenticated: authenticated
+            reduce: false
+          is_grouped: false
+          group_info:
+            label: ''
+            description: ''
+            identifier: ''
+            optional: true
+            widget: select
+            multiple: false
+            remember: false
+            default_group: All
+            default_group_multiple: {  }
+            group_items: {  }
+          reduce_duplicates: false
+          handler: 'default:node'
+          widget: select
+          handler_settings:
+            target_bundles:
+              programme: programme
+            sort:
+              field: _none
+              direction: ASC
+            auto_create: false
+            auto_create_bundle: ''
+        field_type_de_projet_value:
+          id: field_type_de_projet_value
+          table: node__field_type_de_projet
+          field: field_type_de_projet_value
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          plugin_id: list_field
+          operator: not
+          value:
+            2: '2'
+          group: 1
+          exposed: false
+          expose:
+            operator_id: ''
+            label: ''
+            description: ''
+            use_operator: false
+            operator: ''
+            operator_limit_selection: false
+            operator_list: {  }
+            identifier: ''
+            required: false
+            remember: false
+            multiple: false
+            remember_roles:
+              authenticated: authenticated
+            reduce: false
+          is_grouped: false
+          group_info:
+            label: ''
+            description: ''
+            identifier: ''
+            optional: true
+            widget: select
+            multiple: false
+            remember: false
+            default_group: All
+            default_group_multiple: {  }
+            group_items: {  }
+          reduce_duplicates: false
+      filter_groups:
+        operator: AND
+        groups:
+          1: AND
+      style:
+        type: default
+        options:
+          grouping: {  }
+          row_class: ''
+          default_row_class: true
+      row:
+        type: fields
+        options:
+          default_field_elements: true
+          inline: {  }
+          separator: ''
+          hide_empty: true
+      defaults:
+        title: false
+        style: false
+        row: false
+        relationships: false
+        fields: false
+        arguments: false
+        filters: false
+        filter_groups: false
+        header: false
+      relationships: {  }
+      display_description: ''
+      header:
+        result:
+          id: result
+          table: views
+          field: result
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          plugin_id: result
+          empty: false
+          content: '@total systèmes territoriaux'
+      display_extenders:
+        views_ef_fieldset: {  }
+      block_category: 'Prog TOC (Views)'
+      allow:
+        items_per_page: false
+        offset: '0'
+        pager: '0'
+        hide_fields: '0'
+        sort_fields: '0'
+        disable_filters: '0'
+        configure_sorts: configure_sorts
+    cache_metadata:
+      max-age: -1
+      contexts:
+        - 'languages:language_content'
+        - 'languages:language_interface'
+        - url
+        - 'user.node_grants:view'
+        - user.permissions
+      tags:
+        - ''
+        - ''
     id: block_2
     id: block_2
     display_title: 'Prog TOC Evenements Block'
     display_title: 'Prog TOC Evenements Block'

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 2 - 1

@@ -320,11 +320,12 @@ if($(".page-node-type-programme").length > 0 || $(".page-node-type-projet").leng
 	//page projet
 	//page projet
-	$("#programme_toc-block_10 h3").on('click', function(){
+	$("#programme_toc-block_10 h3, #programme_toc-block_18 h3").on('click', function(){
 		// pour territoire
 		// pour territoire
 	//page programme
 	//page programme
 	// pour territoire (h3 are regions)
 	// pour territoire (h3 are regions)
 	$("#programme_toc-block_4 h3").on('click', function(){
 	$("#programme_toc-block_4 h3").on('click', function(){

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff