Procházet zdrojové kódy

added last ressources to centre de ressources page #1279

bach před 3 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 90 přidání a 0 odebrání
  1. 90 0

+ 90 - 0

@@ -1240,6 +1240,82 @@ display:
         - ''
         - ''
         - ''
+  embed_1:
+    display_plugin: embed
+    id: embed_1
+    display_title: 'Last ressources Intégré'
+    position: 3
+    display_options:
+      display_extenders:
+        views_ef_fieldset: {  }
+      display_description: ''
+      title: 'Last ressources'
+      defaults:
+        title: false
+        pager: false
+        filters: false
+        filter_groups: false
+        style: false
+        row: false
+      pager:
+        type: some
+        options:
+          items_per_page: 5
+          offset: 0
+      filters:
+        status:
+          value: '1'
+          table: node_field_data
+          field: status
+          plugin_id: boolean
+          entity_type: node
+          entity_field: status
+          id: status
+          expose:
+            operator: ''
+            operator_limit_selection: false
+            operator_list: {  }
+          group: 1
+        type:
+          id: type
+          table: node_field_data
+          field: type
+          value:
+            ressource: ressource
+          entity_type: node
+          entity_field: type
+          plugin_id: bundle
+          expose:
+            operator_limit_selection: false
+            operator_list: {  }
+          group: 1
+      filter_groups:
+        operator: AND
+        groups:
+          1: AND
+      style:
+        type: default
+        options:
+          grouping: {  }
+          row_class: ''
+          default_row_class: true
+      row:
+        type: fields
+        options: {  }
+    cache_metadata:
+      max-age: -1
+      contexts:
+        - 'languages:language_content'
+        - 'languages:language_interface'
+        - 'user.node_grants:view'
+        - user.permissions
+      tags:
+        - ''
+        - ''
+        - ''
+        - ''
+        - ''
+        - ''
     display_plugin: page
     id: page_1
@@ -1304,6 +1380,20 @@ display:
         weight: -47
         context: '0'
         menu_name: head
+      header:
+        view:
+          id: view
+          table: views
+          field: view
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          empty: true
+          view_to_insert: 'centre_de_ressources:embed_1'
+          inherit_arguments: false
+          plugin_id: view
+      defaults:
+        header: false
       max-age: -1