627 B

  1. [overview]
  2. title = "Overview"
  3. weight = 0
  4. [syntax]
  5. title = "Syntax"
  6. weight = 1
  7. [css-js]
  8. title = "CSS, Stylesheets & JavaScript"
  9. parent = syntax
  10. weight = 1
  11. [features]
  12. title = "Features"
  13. parent = syntax
  14. weight = 2
  15. [examples]
  16. title = "Examples"
  17. parent = syntax
  18. weight = 6
  19. [rules]
  20. title = "Page Rules"
  21. weight = 2
  22. [inheritance]
  23. title = "Inheriting Skins from Base Themes"
  24. weight = 3
  25. [modules]
  26. title = "Providing skins in a module"
  27. weight = 4
  28. [theme]
  29. title = "Making Skinr work with your theme"
  30. weight = 5
  31. [contrib-themes]
  32. title = "Themes that support Skinr natively"
  33. weight = 6
  34. [contribute]
  35. title = "Contribute"
  36. weight = 7