123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283 |
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Hooks provided by the OpenLayers suite of modules. This file allows
- * hooks to be documented automatically with Doxygen, like on api.drupal.org.
- *
- * @ingroup openlayers
- */
- /**
- * OpenLayers Map Preprocess Alter
- *
- * Map array alter. Fired before processing the array, and
- * before checking for errors. The whole array is passed
- * along and will allow you to alter it in any way. This
- * is a good place to alter the map, if the other hooks
- * do not provide the functionality you need.
- *
- * @param $map
- * Map array
- */
- function hook_openlayers_map_preprocess_alter(&$map = array()) {
- // Do something to the $map
- }
- /**
- * OpenLayers Map Alter
- *
- * Post-processing Map array alter. Fired after processing the array, and
- * before checking for errors. The whole array is passed
- * along and will allow you to alter it in any way. Adding behaviors,
- * pre-defined layers here will not work. This is good for minor tweaks
- * after the map has been processed.
- *
- * @param $map
- * Map array
- */
- function hook_openlayers_map_alter(&$map = array()) {
- // Do something to the $map
- }
- /**
- * OpenLayers Layer Types
- *
- * Provides information on layer types. This is a CTools plugin. Please
- * see LAYER_TYPES.txt in the module for more information.
- *
- * @return
- * Return a nested associative array with the top level
- * being a unique string identifier key which corresponds to the
- * layers' types. The next level being an array of key/value
- * pairs:
- * - "description":
- * - "layer_type":
- */
- function hook_openlayers_layer_types() {
- // Take from openlayers.layer_types.inc
- return array(
- 'openlayers_layer_type_google' => array(
- 'title' => t('Google'),
- 'description' => t('Google Maps API Map'),
- 'layer_type' => array(
- 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') .'/includes/layer_types',
- 'file' => 'google.inc',
- 'class' => 'openlayers_layer_type_google',
- 'parent' => 'openlayers_layer_type',
- ),
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * CTools Registration Hook
- *
- *
- * In order to support styles, maps, and layers in an external module,
- * one must notify the CTools module that that module provides implementations
- * of the hooks for styles, maps, and/or layers.
- *
- * This function is just an example implementation of
- * hook_ctools_plugin_api() and should be alter according to
- * your module's name.
- *
- * @param $module
- * Name of a module that supports CTools exportables.
- * @param $api
- * Name of the kind of exportable supported.
- * @return
- * If $module is 'openlayers', and $api is a type of exportable that
- * your module provides, and you are using Openlayers 2.x, then
- * return array with the following values:
- * - version => 1
- */
- function openlayers_example_ctools_plugin_api($module, $api) {
- if ($module == "openlayers") {
- switch ($api) {
- case 'openlayers_maps':
- return array('version' => 1);
- case 'openlayers_layers':
- return array('version' => 1);
- case 'openlayers_styles':
- return array('version' => 1);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * OpenLayers Layers
- *
- * This hook tells OpenLayers about the available layers
- * that can be used by name in maps.
- *
- * Ensure that you are telling CTools about this as well.
- * @see openlayers_example_ctools_plugin_api().
- *
- * Please note, that to support translation for exportable
- * code for potx extraction, you should include separate code
- * of translatable string.
- *
- * @return
- * Return an associative array with index being a unique string
- * identifier, and simple objects with the following properties:
- * - "api_version":
- * - "name":
- * - "title":
- * - "data":
- */
- function hook_openlayers_layers() {
- // Taken from openlayers.layers.inc
- $layers = array();
- $layer = new stdClass();
- $layer->api_version = 1;
- $layer->name = 'google_satellite';
- $layer->title = 'Google Maps Satellite';
- $layer->description = 'Google Maps Satellite Imagery.';
- $layer->data = array(
- 'isBaseLayer' => TRUE,
- 'type' => 'satellite',
- 'projection' => array('900913'),
- 'layer_type' => 'openlayers_layer_type_google',
- );
- $layers[$layer->name] = $layer;
- return $layers;
- // Extra code to support potx extractors
- $potx = array(
- t('Google Maps Satellite'),
- t('Google Maps Satellite Imagery.'),
- );
- }
- /**
- * OpenLayers Behaviors
- *
- * This hook tells OpenLayers about the available behaviors
- * that can be used in maps.
- *
- * Ensure that you are telling CTools about this as well.
- * @see openlayers_example_ctools_plugin_api().
- *
- * @return
- * Return a nested associative array with the top level
- * being a unique string identifier, and the nested array
- * containing the following key/pairs:
- * - "title":
- * - "description":
- * - "file":
- * - "type":
- * - "behavior":
- */
- function hook_openlayers_behaviors() {
- // Taken from openlayers.behaviors.inc
- return array(
- 'openlayers_behavior_attribution' => array(
- 'title' => t('Attribution'),
- 'description' => t('Allows layers to provide attribution to the map if it exists.'),
- 'type' => 'layer',
- 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') .'/includes/behaviors',
- 'file' => 'openlayers_behavior_attribution.inc',
- 'behavior' => array(
- 'class' => 'openlayers_behavior_attribution',
- 'parent' => 'openlayers_behavior',
- ),
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * OpenLayers Styles
- *
- * This hook tells OpenLayers about the available styles
- * that can be used in maps.
- *
- * Ensure that you are telling CTools about this as well.
- * @see openlayers_example_ctools_plugin_api().
- *
- * @return
- * Return an associative array with index being a unique string
- * identifier, and simple objects with the following properties:
- * - "api_version":
- * - "name":
- * - "title":
- * - "data":
- */
- function hook_openlayers_styles() {
- // Taken from openlayers.styles.inc
- $styles = array();
- $style = new stdClass();
- $style->api_version = 1;
- $style->name = 'default';
- $style->title = t('Default style');
- $style->description = t('Basic default style.');
- $style->data = array(
- 'pointRadius' => '5',
- 'fillColor' => '#FFCC66',
- 'strokeColor' => '#FF9933',
- 'strokeWidth' => '4',
- 'fillOpacity' => '0.5'
- );
- $styles[$style->name] = $style;
- return $styles;
- }
- /**
- * OpenLayers maps
- *
- * Define map objects.
- *
- * @return
- * Return an associative array with index being a unique string
- * identifier, and simple objects with the following properties:
- * - "api_version":
- * - "name":
- * - "title":
- * - "data":
- */
- function hook_openlayers_maps() {
- // Taken from openlayers.maps.inc
- $default = new stdClass();
- $default->api_version = 1;
- $default->name = 'default';
- $default->title = t('Default Map');
- $default->description = t('This is the default map that comes with the OpenLayers module.');
- $default->data = array(
- 'projection' => '900913',
- 'width' => 'auto',
- 'default_layer' => 'osm_mapnik',
- 'height' => '400px',
- 'center' => array(
- 'initial' => array(
- 'centerpoint' => '0,0',
- 'zoom' => '2'
- )
- ),
- 'options' => array(
- 'displayProjection' => '4326',
- 'maxExtent' => openlayers_get_extent('4326'),
- ),
- 'behaviors' => array(
- 'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array(),
- 'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array(),
- 'openlayers_behavior_attribution' => array(),
- 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(),
- 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array(),
- ),
- 'layers' => array(
- 'osm_mapnik' => 'osm_mapnik',
- )
- );
- return array('default' => $default);
- }