1. COMMANDS (perhaps keep these notes in $command definition?)
  2. ------------
  3. pm-download: GOOD.
  4. pm-updatecode: GOOD.
  5. pm-update
  6. pm-releasenotes
  7. pm-releases
  8. pm-enable: GOOD. testEnDisUnList().
  9. pm-disable: GOOD. testEnDisUnList().
  10. pm-uninstall: GOOD. testEnDisUnList().
  11. pm-list: GOOD. testEnDisUnList().
  12. pm-info:
  13. pm-refresh
  14. version-control: FAIR. See updatecode. To be deprecated all git workflow after
  15. package-hander:
  16. sql-cli:
  17. sql-connect:
  18. sql-query:
  19. sql-dump: FAIR. Implicitly tested by siteUpgradeTest.
  20. sql-sync: FAIR. Implicitly tested by siteUpgradeTest.
  21. sql-drop:
  22. updatedb: GOOD. Implicitly tested siteUpgradeTest.
  23. archive-dump: GOOD
  24. archive-restore:
  25. help
  26. version: Good. Implicit by testStandaloneScript()
  27. self-update
  28. php-eval: GOOD. Implicitly tested by many tests (e.g. siteUpgradeTest).
  29. php-script: GOOD.
  30. drupal-directory: GOOD
  31. core-cli: FAIR
  32. cache-clear
  33. core-cron
  34. core-status: FAIR: Implicit test by contextTest.
  35. docs
  36. image
  37. core-rsync
  38. search-*
  39. site-install: FAIR. Implicit test by setUpDrupal().
  40. site-upgrade: GOOD.
  41. test-*
  42. topic
  43. variable-*: GOOD.
  44. watchdog-*
  45. user-*: GOOD.
  46. field-*: GOOD.
  48. ------------
  49. backend: GOOD
  50. batch: FAIR. Implicit by siteUpgradeTest.
  51. command: FAIR
  52. context: FAIR
  53. drush: NONE.
  54. environment
  55. sitealias. FAIR. Explicit test for alias lists. Single aliases implicitly tested by contextTest.
  56. dbtng: Good. Implicit by variable-*.
  57. drupal
  58. exec: GOOD: Implicitly tested all over.
  59. filesystem
  60. output
  61. ROOT
  62. -------------
  63. drush
  64. drush.php
  65. drush.bat