SWFUpload v2.as3proj 2.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <project>
  3. <!-- Output SWF options -->
  4. <output>
  5. <movie disabled="False" />
  6. <movie input="" />
  7. <movie path="swfupload.swf" />
  8. <movie fps="15" />
  9. <movie width="300" />
  10. <movie height="300" />
  11. <movie version="9" />
  12. <movie background="#FFFFFF" />
  13. </output>
  14. <!-- Other classes to be compiled into your SWF -->
  15. <classpaths>
  16. <class path="." />
  17. </classpaths>
  18. <!-- Build options -->
  19. <build>
  20. <option accessible="False" />
  21. <option allowSourcePathOverlap="False" />
  22. <option benchmark="False" />
  23. <option es="False" />
  24. <option loadConfig="" />
  25. <option optimize="True" />
  26. <option showActionScriptWarnings="True" />
  27. <option showBindingWarnings="True" />
  28. <option showDeprecationWarnings="True" />
  29. <option showUnusedTypeSelectorWarnings="True" />
  30. <option strict="True" />
  31. <option useNetwork="True" />
  32. <option useResourceBundleMetadata="True" />
  33. <option warnings="True" />
  34. <option verboseStackTraces="False" />
  35. <option additional="" />
  36. <option customSDK="" />
  37. </build>
  38. <!-- SWC Include Libraries -->
  39. <includeLibraries>
  40. <!-- example: <element path="..." /> -->
  41. </includeLibraries>
  42. <!-- SWC Libraries -->
  43. <libraryPaths>
  44. <!-- example: <element path="..." /> -->
  45. </libraryPaths>
  46. <!-- External Libraries -->
  47. <externalLibraryPaths>
  48. <!-- example: <element path="..." /> -->
  49. </externalLibraryPaths>
  50. <!-- Runtime Shared Libraries -->
  51. <rslPaths>
  52. <!-- example: <element path="..." /> -->
  53. </rslPaths>
  54. <!-- Intrinsic Libraries -->
  55. <intrinsics>
  56. <!-- example: <element path="..." /> -->
  57. </intrinsics>
  58. <!-- Assets to embed into the output SWF -->
  59. <library>
  60. <!-- example: <asset path="..." id="..." update="..." glyphs="..." mode="..." place="..." sharepoint="..." /> -->
  61. </library>
  62. <!-- Class files to compile (other referenced classes will automatically be included) -->
  63. <compileTargets>
  64. <compile path="SWFUpload.as" />
  65. </compileTargets>
  66. <!-- Paths to exclude from the Project Explorer tree -->
  67. <hiddenPaths>
  68. <!-- example: <hidden path="..." /> -->
  69. </hiddenPaths>
  70. <!-- Executed before build -->
  71. <preBuildCommand />
  72. <!-- Executed after build -->
  73. <postBuildCommand alwaysRun="True">deploy.bat</postBuildCommand>
  74. <!-- Other project options -->
  75. <options>
  76. <option showHiddenPaths="False" />
  77. <option testMovie="NewWindow" />
  78. </options>
  79. </project>