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- The <strong>node</strong> row style will display each item of the view through Drupal's standard <em>node_view()</em> function. Views has very little control over this output, except for the options you see. You can choose from different <strong>Build modes</strong>. By default there are "Teaser" and "Full node". You can also decide if you want to "Display links" and/or "Display node comments".
- Because the output is run through the standard node template mechanism (typically <strong>node.tpl.php</strong> or a variant thereof), any decisions about what is output may be done there.
- Views does add an extra 'suggestion' to the list of possible node templates: <strong>node--view--VIEWNAME.tpl.php</strong> -- you may use this to theme a node specifically for the view. This can be handy for creating very small teasers and the like.
- You may opt to display the full node body or the node teaser, and you may add the node links (such as the 'comment' links that appear after a node) or not.
- Because of this behavior, <strong>the node row style does not utilize fields</strong> and the Fields section will not be displayed.
- <strong>Please note that this row style performs a node_load() for every row, and as such can produce a lot of extra queries.</strong> Sometimes this is necessary, but it can have a negative impact on your site's performance!