UPGRADE.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Upgrading from Panels-6.x-3.x to Panels-7.x-3.x
  2. - Style and layout plugins may no longer be registered by a central hook.
  3. Only the plugin directories method may be used.
  4. - Layout 'panels function' is now 'regions function'.
  5. - Layout 'panels' key is now 'regions'.
  6. - panels_get_pane_title() deprecated.
  7. - panels_plugin_get_function() deprecated.
  8. - panels_required_context removed. These were deprecated long ago and
  9. existed only to prevent crashes.
  10. - panels_optional_context removed.
  11. - $renderer->plugins['layout']['panels'] changed to $renderer->plugin['layout']['regions']
  12. - display_renderer class is now in 'renderer', not 'handler'.
  13. Upgrading task handlers from Panels 7.x-3.5 or older to Panels 7.x-3.6 and newer:
  14. - You must specify a storage type for any panels display using your custom task handler.
  15. For examples, see panels_update_7306.
  16. - When creating whatever stores the panel, a storage id and storage type must be defined.
  17. See panels_mini.module for examples inside panels_mini_save and panels_mini_panels_cache_get.
  18. - A display access plugin must be defined.
  19. See panels_mini/plugins/panels_storage/panels_mini.inc for an example plugin.