123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271 |
- <?php
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard($subtheme, $step = NULL) {
- ctools_include('wizard');
- $info = array(
- 'id' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard',
- 'path' => 'admin/appearance/omega-tools/edit/' . $subtheme->machine_name . '/%step',
- 'free trail' => TRUE,
- 'show trail' => TRUE,
- 'show back' => TRUE,
- 'show cancel' => TRUE,
- 'show return' => FALSE,
- 'next text' => t('Continue'),
- 'next callback' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_next',
- 'finish callback' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finish',
- 'cancel callback' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_cancel',
- 'finish text' => t('Finish'),
- 'order' => array(
- 'info' => t('Step 1: Theme information'),
- 'finalize' => t('Step 2: Finalize'),
- ),
- 'forms' => array(
- 'info' => array(
- 'form id' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_info_form',
- ),
- 'finalize' => array(
- 'form id' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finalize_form',
- ),
- 'finished' => array(
- 'form id' => 'omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finished_form',
- ),
- ),
- );
- $form_state = array('subtheme' => $subtheme);
- return ctools_wizard_multistep_form($info, $step, $form_state);
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_cancel(&$form_state) {
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/appearance';
- omega_tools_cache_clear($subtheme->machine_name);
- file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($subtheme->path);
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_next(&$form_state) {
- omega_tools_cache_set($form_state['subtheme']->machine_name, $form_state['subtheme']);
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finish(&$form_state) {
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- if ($subtheme->automated) {
- omega_tools_write_info_file($subtheme->machine_name, $subtheme->info, $subtheme->path);
- omega_tools_cache_clear($subtheme->machine_name);
- file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($subtheme->destination);
- omega_tools_move($subtheme->path, $subtheme->destination);
- if ((!$subtheme->status || !$subtheme->default) && variable_get('theme_default') == $subtheme->machine_name) {
- $subtheme->default = FALSE;
- theme_enable(array('bartik'));
- variable_set('theme_default', 'bartik');
- drupal_set_message(t('%name is now the default theme.', array('%name' => 'Bartik')));
- }
- omega_tools_subtheme_process($subtheme);
- }
- $form_state['redirect'] = $subtheme->automated ? 'admin/appearance' : 'admin/appearance/omega-tools/edit/' . $subtheme->machine_name . '/finished';
- drupal_set_message(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_info_form($form, &$form_state) {
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- $form['info'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Theme information'),
- );
- $form['info']['name'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Name'),
- '#description' => t('The human-readable name for this theme.'),
- '#default_value' => isset($subtheme->info['name']) ? $subtheme->info['name'] : '',
- '#size' => 30,
- '#required' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['info']['description'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textarea',
- '#title' => t('Description'),
- '#description' => t('The description that will be shown on the theme listing page.'),
- '#default_value' => isset($subtheme->info['description']) ? $subtheme->info['description'] : '',
- );
- $form['info']['version'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Version'),
- '#description' => t('The version of this theme.'),
- '#default_value' => isset($subtheme->info['version']) ? $subtheme->info['version'] : '1.x',
- );
- $form['buttons']['next']['#next'] = $form_state['next'];
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_info_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- $values = &$form_state['values'];
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- $subtheme->info['name'] = $values['name'];
- $subtheme->info['description'] = $values['description'];
- $subtheme->info['version'] = $values['version'];
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finalize_form($form, &$form_state) {
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- $form['finalize'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Finalize'),
- );
- $form['finalize']['description'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#markup' => t('This is the final step for configuring your subtheme. You are now able to alter the final result by changing the <em>Advanced configuration</em>.'),
- );
- $form['finalize']['enable'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Enabled'),
- '#description' => t('Decide wether or not this theme should be enabled.'),
- '#default_value' => $subtheme->status,
- '#access' => $subtheme->automated,
- );
- $form['finalize']['default'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Default theme'),
- '#description' => t('Decide wether or not you want this theme to be your default theme.'),
- '#default_value' => $subtheme->default,
- '#access' => $subtheme->automated,
- '#states' => array(
- 'visible' => array(
- ':input[name="enable"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
- ),
- ),
- );
- $form['finalize']['advanced'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Advanced configuration'),
- '#collapsible' => TRUE,
- '#collapsed' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['finalize']['advanced']['manipulate'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Manipulate the content of %file', array('%file' => $subtheme->machine_name . '.info')),
- '#description' => t('After enabling this option you are able to edit the textarea below.'),
- '#default_value' => FALSE,
- );
- $form['finalize']['advanced']['info'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textarea',
- '#title' => t('Content of %file', array('%file' => $subtheme->machine_name . '.info')),
- '#description' => t('Only change the content of this textarea if you know what you are doing.'),
- '#default_value' => omega_tools_build_info_file($subtheme->info),
- '#rows' => 20,
- '#states' => array(
- 'enabled' => array(
- ':input[name="manipulate"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
- ),
- ),
- );
- unset($form['buttons']['next']);
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finalize_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- $values = $form_state['values'];
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- $subtheme->info = $values['manipulate'] ? drupal_parse_info_format($values['info']) : $subtheme->info;
- $subtheme->status = $values['enable'];
- $subtheme->default = $values['enable'] && $values['default'];
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finished_form($form, &$form_state) {
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- drupal_set_title(t('Your subtheme is ready for download'));
- unset($form['ctools_trail'], $form['buttons']['previous'], $form['buttons']['return']);
- $form['buttons']['cancel']['#value'] = t('Finish');
- $form['buttons']['next']['#value'] = t('Download');
- $form['message']['#markup'] = t('Please press <strong>Download</strong> to save the theme to your local hard disk. After the download has completed you can either <strong>upload the contained folder manually</strong> or install it by using the <strong>Drupal Update Manager</strong>.');
- $form['details'] = array(
- '#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Details'),
- '#collapsible' => TRUE,
- '#collapsed' => TRUE,
- );
- $form['details']['info'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textarea',
- '#title' => t('Content of the .info file'),
- '#default_value' => omega_tools_build_info_file($subtheme->info),
- '#disabled' => TRUE,
- '#rows' => 10,
- );
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * @todo
- */
- function omega_tools_subtheme_wizard_finished_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- $subtheme = &$form_state['subtheme'];
- $temporary = 'temporary://omega-tools/' . $subtheme->name;
- file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($temporary);
- omega_tools_copy_recursive($subtheme->path, $temporary);
- if ($download = omega_tools_write_archive($temporary, $subtheme->name)) {
- file_transfer($download, omega_tools_file_download($download));
- }
- file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($temporary);
- }