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- ##### Omega Tools
- ##########################################################################################
- Informational: http://himer.us/omega960
- Project Page: http://drupal.org/project/omega_tools
- Issue Queue: http://drupal.org/project/issues/omega_tools
- Usage Stats: http://drupal.org/project/usage/omega_tools
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Omeglicon
- Maintainer(s):
- Jake Strawn
- http://himerus.com
- http://developmentgeeks.com
- http://facebook.com/developmentgeeks
- http://drupal.org/user/159141
- http://twitter.com/himerus
- Sebastian Siemssen
- http://twitter.com/thefubhy
- http://drupal.org/user/761344
- ##########################################################################################
- Omega Tools Information
- =======================
- The Omega Tools module is a supplemental helper module for the Omega theme. It allows for
- creating subthemes via drush or on the admin UI on the fly, and exporting and reverting theme
- settings that can then be pasted into the .info file for your Omega subtheme.