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- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * API documentation for Internationalization module
- *
- * Most i18n hooks can be placed on each module.i18n.inc file but in this case
- * such file must be listed in the module.info file.
- */
- /**
- * Provide information about translation sets and involved objects.
- *
- * @see i18n_translation_set_info()
- *
- * @see hook_i18n_object_info()
- *
- * This feature relies on object information provided by i18n_object_info().
- */
- function hook_i18n_translation_set_info() {
- $info['taxonomy_term'] = array(
- 'title' => t('Taxonomy term'),
- // The class that handles this translation sets
- 'class' => 'i18n_taxonomy_translation_set',
- // Table and field into that table that keeps the translation set id for each item.
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- 'field' => 'i18n_tsid',
- // This is the parent object (i18n object type).
- 'parent' => 'taxonomy_vocabulary',
- // Placeholders and path information for generating translation set pages for administration.
- 'placeholder' => '%i18n_taxonomy_translation_set',
- 'list path' => 'admin/structure/taxonomy/%taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name/list/sets',
- 'edit path' => 'admin/structure/taxonomy/%taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name/list/sets/edit/%i18n_taxonomy_translation_set',
- 'delete path' => 'admin/structure/taxonomy/%taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name/list/sets/delete/%i18n_taxonomy_translation_set',
- 'page callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_term_translation_page',
- );
- return $info;
- }
- /**
- * Alter i18n object information provided by modules with the previous hook
- *
- * @see i18n_translation_set_info()
- */
- function hook_i18n_translation_set_info_alter(&$info) {
- }