123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483 |
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Provides imagecache style generation of css/js aggregates.
- */
- /**
- * Implements hook_menu().
- */
- function agrcache_menu() {
- $directory_path = variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files');
- foreach (array('css', 'js') as $type) {
- $items[$directory_path . "/$type/%"] = array(
- 'title' => "Generate $type aggregate",
- 'page callback' => 'agrcache_generate_aggregate',
- 'page arguments' => array(count(explode('/', $directory_path)) + 1, $type),
- 'access callback' => TRUE,
- 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
- );
- }
- return $items;
- }
- /**
- * Implements hook_element_info_alter().
- */
- function agrcache_element_info_alter(&$type) {
- // Swap in our own aggregation callback.
- if (isset($type['styles']['#aggregate_callback'])) {
- $type['styles']['#aggregate_callback'] = 'agrcache_aggregate_css';
- }
- }
- /**
- * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
- */
- function agrcache_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
- // For JavaScript there is no nice hook_elements() implementation to hook
- // into, aggregation is done inline in drupal_get_js(). So instead take over
- // template_preprocess_html.
- // @see http://drupal.org/node/330082
- // @see http://drupal.org/node/352951
- $index = array_search('template_process_html', $theme_registry['html']['process functions']);
- $theme_registry['html']['process functions'][$index] = '_agrcache_process_html';
- }
- /**
- * Replacement for template_process_html().
- */
- function _agrcache_process_html(&$variables) {
- // Render page_top and page_bottom into top level variables.
- $variables['page_top'] = drupal_render($variables['page']['page_top']);
- $variables['page_bottom'] = drupal_render($variables['page']['page_bottom']);
- // Place the rendered HTML for the page body into a top level variable.
- $variables['page'] = $variables['page']['#children'];
- $variables['page_bottom'] .= agrcache_get_js('footer');
- $variables['head'] = drupal_get_html_head();
- $variables['css'] = drupal_add_css();
- $variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css();
- $variables['scripts'] = agrcache_get_js();
- }
- /**
- * Replacement for drupal_get_js().
- */
- function agrcache_get_js($scope = 'header', $javascript = NULL, $skip_alter = FALSE) {
- if (!isset($javascript)) {
- $javascript = drupal_add_js();
- }
- if (empty($javascript)) {
- return '';
- }
- // Allow modules to alter the JavaScript.
- if (!$skip_alter) {
- drupal_alter('js', $javascript);
- }
- // Filter out elements of the given scope.
- $items = array();
- foreach ($javascript as $key => $item) {
- if ($item['scope'] == $scope) {
- $items[$key] = $item;
- }
- }
- $output = '';
- // The index counter is used to keep aggregated and non-aggregated files in
- // order by weight.
- $index = 1;
- $processed = array();
- $files = array();
- $preprocess_js = (variable_get('preprocess_js', FALSE) && (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') || MAINTENANCE_MODE != 'update'));
- // A dummy query-string is added to filenames, to gain control over
- // browser-caching. The string changes on every update or full cache
- // flush, forcing browsers to load a new copy of the files, as the
- // URL changed. Files that should not be cached (see drupal_add_js())
- // get REQUEST_TIME as query-string instead, to enforce reload on every
- // page request.
- $default_query_string = variable_get('css_js_query_string', '0');
- // For inline Javascript to validate as XHTML, all Javascript containing
- // XHTML needs to be wrapped in CDATA. To make that backwards compatible
- // with HTML 4, we need to comment out the CDATA-tag.
- $embed_prefix = "\n<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n";
- $embed_suffix = "\n//--><!]]>\n";
- // Since Javascript may look for arguments in the url and act on them, some
- // third-party code might require the use of a different query string.
- $js_version_string = variable_get('drupal_js_version_query_string', 'v=');
- // Sort the JavaScript so that it appears in the correct order.
- uasort($items, 'drupal_sort_css_js');
- // Provide the page with information about the individual JavaScript files
- // used, information not otherwise available when aggregation is enabled.
- $setting['ajaxPageState']['js'] = array_fill_keys(array_keys($items), 1);
- unset($setting['ajaxPageState']['js']['settings']);
- drupal_add_js($setting, 'setting');
- // If we're outputting the header scope, then this might be the final time
- // that drupal_get_js() is running, so add the setting to this output as well
- // as to the drupal_add_js() cache. If $items['settings'] doesn't exist, it's
- // because drupal_get_js() was intentionally passed a $javascript argument
- // stripped off settings, potentially in order to override how settings get
- // output, so in this case, do not add the setting to this output.
- if ($scope == 'header' && isset($items['settings'])) {
- $items['settings']['data'][] = $setting;
- }
- // Loop through the JavaScript to construct the rendered output.
- $element = array(
- '#tag' => 'script',
- '#value' => '',
- '#attributes' => array(
- 'type' => 'text/javascript',
- ),
- );
- foreach ($items as $item) {
- $query_string = empty($item['version']) ? $default_query_string : $js_version_string . $item['version'];
- switch ($item['type']) {
- case 'setting':
- $js_element = $element;
- $js_element['#value_prefix'] = $embed_prefix;
- $js_element['#value'] = 'jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, ' . drupal_json_encode(drupal_array_merge_deep_array($item['data'])) . ");";
- $js_element['#value_suffix'] = $embed_suffix;
- $output .= theme('html_tag', array('element' => $js_element));
- break;
- case 'inline':
- $js_element = $element;
- if ($item['defer']) {
- $js_element['#attributes']['defer'] = 'defer';
- }
- $js_element['#value_prefix'] = $embed_prefix;
- $js_element['#value'] = $item['data'];
- $js_element['#value_suffix'] = $embed_suffix;
- $processed[$index++] = theme('html_tag', array('element' => $js_element));
- break;
- case 'file':
- $js_element = $element;
- if (!$item['preprocess'] || !$preprocess_js) {
- if ($item['defer']) {
- $js_element['#attributes']['defer'] = 'defer';
- }
- $query_string_separator = (strpos($item['data'], '?') !== FALSE) ? '&' : '?';
- $js_element['#attributes']['src'] = file_create_url($item['data']) . $query_string_separator . ($item['cache'] ? $query_string : REQUEST_TIME);
- $processed[$index++] = theme('html_tag', array('element' => $js_element));
- }
- else {
- // By increasing the index for each aggregated file, we maintain
- // the relative ordering of JS by weight. We also set the key such
- // that groups are split by items sharing the same 'group' value and
- // 'every_page' flag. While this potentially results in more aggregate
- // files, it helps make each one more reusable across a site visit,
- // leading to better front-end performance of a website as a whole.
- // See drupal_add_js() for details.
- $key = 'aggregate_' . $item['group'] . '_' . $item['every_page'] . '_' . $index;
- $processed[$key] = '';
- $files[$key][$item['data']] = $item;
- }
- break;
- case 'external':
- $js_element = $element;
- // Preprocessing for external JavaScript files is ignored.
- if ($item['defer']) {
- $js_element['#attributes']['defer'] = 'defer';
- }
- $js_element['#attributes']['src'] = $item['data'];
- $processed[$index++] = theme('html_tag', array('element' => $js_element));
- break;
- }
- }
- // Aggregate any remaining JS files that haven't already been output.
- // This is the only hunk of code change from drupal_get_js().
- if ($preprocess_js && count($files) > 0) {
- $map = array();
- foreach ($files as $key => $file_set) {
- $data = agrcache_build_aggregate_cache($file_set, 'js');
- $uri = $data['uri'];
- if (!empty($data['#write_cache'])) {
- $map['files'][$data['key']] = $data['uri'];
- $map['callbacks'][$data['uri']] = $file_set;
- }
- // Only include the file if was written successfully. Errors are logged
- // using watchdog.
- if ($uri) {
- $preprocess_file = file_create_url($uri);
- $js_element = $element;
- $js_element['#attributes']['src'] = $preprocess_file;
- $processed[$key] = theme('html_tag', array('element' => $js_element));
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($map)) {
- agrcache_add_to_variable('agrcache_js_cache_files', $map);
- }
- // Keep the order of JS files consistent as some are preprocessed and others are not.
- // Make sure any inline or JS setting variables appear last after libraries have loaded.
- return implode('', $processed) . $output;
- }
- /**
- * Replacement for drupal_aggregate_css().
- */
- function agrcache_aggregate_css(&$css_groups) {
- $preprocess_css = (variable_get('preprocess_css', FALSE) && (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') || MAINTENANCE_MODE != 'update'));
- $map = array();
- // For each group that needs aggregation, aggregate its items.
- foreach ($css_groups as $key => $group) {
- switch ($group['type']) {
- // If a file group can be aggregated into a single file, do so, and set
- // the group's data property to the file path of the aggregate file.
- case 'file':
- if ($group['preprocess'] && $preprocess_css) {
- $data = agrcache_build_aggregate_cache($group['items'], 'css');
- if ($data) {
- $css_groups[$key]['data'] = $data['uri'];
- if (!empty($data['#write_cache'])) {
- $map['files'][$data['key']] = $data['uri'];
- $map['callbacks'][$data['uri']] = $group['items'];
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- // Aggregate all inline CSS content into the group's data property.
- case 'inline':
- $css_groups[$key]['data'] = '';
- foreach ($group['items'] as $item) {
- $css_groups[$key]['data'] .= drupal_load_stylesheet_content($item['data'], $item['preprocess']);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!empty($map)) {
- agrcache_add_to_variable('agrcache_css_cache_files', $map);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Replacement for drupal_build_css_cache() and drupal_build_js_cache().
- */
- function agrcache_build_aggregate_cache($files, $type) {
- $data = '';
- $uri = '';
- $map = variable_get('agrcache_' . $type . '_cache_files', array());
- $key = hash('sha256', serialize($files));
- if (isset($map['files'][$key])) {
- return array('uri' => $map['files'][$key]);
- }
- else {
- // To ensure a new filenames are created only when the contents of the
- // hashed files changes, use a hash of the contents for the filename.
- $function = 'agrcache_collect_' . $type . '_group';
- $data = $function($files);
- if ($data) {
- // Prefix filename to prevent blocking by firewalls which reject files
- // starting with "ad*".
- $filename = $type . '_' . drupal_hash_base64($data) . ".$type";
- // Create the aggregate directory within the files folder.
- $path = "public://$type";
- $uri = $path . '/' . $filename;
- return array(
- 'key' => $key,
- 'uri' => $uri,
- '#write_cache' => TRUE,
- );
- }
- else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Collect javascript files.
- */
- function agrcache_collect_js_group($js) {
- // JavaScript aggregation currently only collects the files together, so
- // re-use agrcache_process_js_group();
- return agrcache_process_js_group($js);
- }
- /**
- * College CSS files.
- */
- function agrcache_collect_css_group($css) {
- $contents = '';
- foreach ($css as $stylesheet) {
- if ($stylesheet['type'] == 'file' && file_exists($stylesheet['data'])) {
- $contents .= file_get_contents($stylesheet['data']);
- }
- }
- return $contents;
- }
- /**
- * Process a js group for aggregation.
- */
- function agrcache_process_js_group($js) {
- $data = '';
- foreach ($js as $path => $info) {
- if ($info['preprocess']) {
- // Append a ';' and a newline after each JS file to prevent them from running together.
- $data .= file_get_contents($path) . ";\n";
- }
- }
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * Aggregate and compress css groups.
- */
- function agrcache_process_css_group($css) {
- // Build aggregate CSS file.
- $data = '';
- foreach ($css as $stylesheet) {
- // Only 'file' stylesheets can be aggregated.
- if ($stylesheet['type'] == 'file') {
- $contents = drupal_load_stylesheet($stylesheet['data'], TRUE);
- // Build the base URL of this CSS file: start with the full URL.
- $css_base_url = file_create_url($stylesheet['data']);
- // Move to the parent.
- $css_base_url = substr($css_base_url, 0, strrpos($css_base_url, '/'));
- // Simplify to a relative URL if the stylesheet URL starts with the
- // base URL of the website.
- if (substr($css_base_url, 0, strlen($GLOBALS['base_root'])) == $GLOBALS['base_root']) {
- $css_base_url = substr($css_base_url, strlen($GLOBALS['base_root']));
- }
- _drupal_build_css_path(NULL, $css_base_url . '/');
- // Anchor all paths in the CSS with its base URL, ignoring external and absolute paths.
- $data .= preg_replace_callback('/url\(\s*[\'"]?(?![a-z]+:|\/+)([^\'")]+)[\'"]?\s*\)/i', '_drupal_build_css_path', $contents);
- }
- }
- // Per the W3C specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/cascade.html#at-import,
- // @import rules must proceed any other style, so we move those to the top.
- $regexp = '/@import[^;]+;/i';
- preg_match_all($regexp, $data, $matches);
- $data = preg_replace($regexp, '', $data);
- $data = implode('', $matches[0]) . $data;
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * Menu callback to generate a css aggregate.
- */
- function agrcache_generate_aggregate($filename, $type) {
- // Recreate the full uri from the filename.
- $path = "public://$type";
- $uri = $path . '/' . $filename;
- $map = variable_get('agrcache_' . $type . '_cache_files', array());
- $compression = variable_get($type . '_gzip_compression', TRUE) && variable_get('clean_url', 0) && extension_loaded('zlib');
- // This callback should only be called if the file does not already exist on
- // disk since the webserver will serve the file directly, bypassing PHP when it does.
- // However it is possible that the file was created during bootstrap by another request.
- if (file_exists($uri)) {
- $data = file_get_contents($uri);
- if ($compression) {
- $compressed = gzencode($data, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
- }
- }
- elseif (isset($map['callbacks'][$uri])) {
- // @todo: consider adding locking here.
- // @see drupal.org/node/886488
- $function = 'agrcache_process_' . $type . '_group';
- $data = $function($map['callbacks'][$uri]);
- // Check file_exists() again, in case the file was built during processing.
- if (!file_exists($uri)) {
- // Create the file.
- file_prepare_directory($path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
- if (!file_exists($uri) && !file_unmanaged_save_data($data, $uri, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
- drupal_add_http_header('Status', '503 Service Unavailable');
- print t('Error generating aggregate');
- drupal_exit();
- }
- // If gzip compression is enabled, clean URLs are enabled (which means
- // that rewrite rules are working) and the zlib extension is available then
- // create a gzipped version of this file. This file is served conditionally
- // to browsers that accept gzip using .htaccess rules.
- if ($compression) {
- $compressed = gzencode($data, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
- if (!file_exists($uri . '.gz') && !file_unmanaged_save_data($compressed, $uri . '.gz', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
- drupal_add_http_header('Status', '503 Service Unavailable');
- print t('Error generating aggregate');
- drupal_exit();
- }
- }
- }
- $content_type = $type == 'css' ? 'text/css' : 'application/javascript';
- $headers = array();
- $headers['Content-Type'] = $content_type;
- // Ensure this file can be cached by browsers and reverse proxies.
- $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=1209600';
- // Since the file name is based on a hash of file contents, there is no
- // problem allowing the browser to cache it for as long as possible.
- // Set this to two weeks since that's what .htaccess does if mod_expires
- // is enabled.
- $headers['Expires'] = gmdate(DATE_RFC1123, REQUEST_TIME + 1209600);
- // When possible, serve the gzip version of the file via PHP.
- if (!empty($compressed) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== FALSE) {
- $headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip';
- $data = $compressed;
- ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0');
- }
- foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
- drupal_add_http_header($key, $value);
- }
- print $data;
- drupal_exit();
- }
- else {
- watchdog('agrcache', 'Received request for a non-existent css aggregate @uri', array('@uri' => $uri));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Merge the existing value of a variable from the database with new values.
- *
- * @param $name
- * The name of the variable.
- * @param $values
- * An array of values to add.
- * @param $default
- * The default value of the variable, as passed to variable_get().
- * This defaults to an empty array().
- */
- function agrcache_add_to_variable($name, $values, $default = array()) {
- // This function bypasses variable_get() on purpose. Since when dealing with
- // 'volatile' variables such as css and javascript maps that may be updated
- // by multiple threads, it is necessary to minimize the potential race
- // condition where threads may overwrite the value of the variable with a
- // version missing values that were just added by a previous process.
- // This approach lowers the window for that race condition to the time
- // between the database query and variable_set(), which should be only a
- // couple of milliseconds compared to up to over a second between
- // variable_initialize() and reaching this function.
- $original = $default;
- $result = db_query('SELECT value FROM {variable} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $name))->fetchField();
- if ($result) {
- $original = unserialize($result);
- }
- variable_set($name, array_merge_recursive($original, $values));
- }