Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 1bc61b12ad first import il y a 9 ans
image_effects_text_test 1bc61b12ad first import il y a 9 ans
README.txt 1bc61b12ad first import il y a 9 ans 1bc61b12ad first import il y a 9 ans 1bc61b12ad first import il y a 9 ans
image_effects_text.install 1bc61b12ad first import il y a 9 ans
image_effects_text.module 1bc61b12ad first import il y a 9 ans


README for the Image effect text module.

Author Erwin Derksen (fietserwin:

Hard dependencies:
- Imagecache actions.
- Image (Drupal core).

Soft dependencies/recommended modules:
- Imagemagick (preferred toolkit,
- PHP filter (Drupal core, if yuo want to use PHP to create the text to render).
- System stream wrapper (
- Remote stream wrapper (
The latter 2 provide additional stream wrappers. Especially the system stream
wrapper is very handy as it provides, among others, a module:// and theme://

Personally, I prefer the imagemagick toolkit:
- It is better in anti-aliasing, try to rotate an image using both toolkits and
you will see what I mean.
- It does not execute in the PHP memory space, so is not restricted by the
memory_limit PHP setting.
- The GD toolkit will, at least on my Windows configuration, keep the font file
open after a text operation, so you cannot delete, move or rename it anymore.
- This module does a better job with Imagemagick (see below).

As usual. After enabling the module you can add texts to images. This image
effect works with both the GD and imagemagick toolkit, though results differ
depending on the toolkit you use.

More information about the effect data options

You have to supply the font file to use. The font type supported depend on the
toolkit in use, but at least ttf files will always work. This option accepts
- 1 of the (enabled) scheme's:
* public://
* private:// Preferred for site specific masks, overlays, etc, that do not
need to be shared publicly.
* temporary:// Unlikely to be useful, but supported anyway as all schemes are
* module:// Introduced by the system stream wrapper module and preferred for
module provided resources.
* theme:// idem.
* profile:// idem.
* library:// idem.
- A relative (to the current directory, probably Drupal root) or absolute path.

Text position
The text position defines the point in the image where you want to place (align)
your text. It starts at the top left corner of the image with postion 0,0 and
the positive directions are to the right and down.

The definition of the vertical position differs per toolkit. For GD it is the
position of the font baseline, while for Imagemagick it is the bottom of the
bounding box, i.e the descender or beard line in typography terminology.

Text alignment
You can align your text with regard to the text position. Possible horizontal
alignments are left (default), center and right. Vertical alignments are top,
center and bottom (default).

Note: Given
- the way that GD uses the vertical text position (as baseline),
- and the way this module implements (vertical) alignment (translating the
(vertical) position using the calculated bounding box),
vertical alignment with the GD toolkit is a bit off. You will have to compensate
for this yourself.

The text can be rotated before being overlaid on the image. The vlaue is in
degrees, so 90 degrees is straight down. Positive values are rotated clockwise,
negative values counter clockwise.

In Imagemagick the text is rotated around the text position. Thus centered text
is rotated around its own center. GD, on the other hand, always rotates around
the left bottom (baseline) position, regardless the text alignment. Using
rotation with a non default alignment (left bottom) will give surprising

Text source
Note: this module is not build to handle multi line texts. Not when the text
contains new lines and/or carriage returns, and not to split a given text over
multiple lines given an available width. Using "\n" in GD seems to work though.

The text to place on the image may come from different sources:
- Static: the text to place on the image is static and is defined in the image
effect data. Use this e.g. for a fixed copyright notice.
- PHP: the text to place on the image comes from a piece of PHP code that should
return the text to place on the image. Only users with the 'use PHP for
settings' permission are allowed to use this source. This permission and the
evaluation of the PHP code come from the PHP filter module which is part of
Drupal core and thus needs to be enabled, also during image generation.
- To alleviate the need to enable the PHP filter module, 2 commonly used sources
for dynamic texts are directly available without any coding, namely the alt
and title properties of the image field linked to the image at hand. Note that
multiple image fields, possibly in different languages, may be referring to
the image that is being processed. This module will take the first image field
it finds to extract the alt and title. If the field in itself is multi
lingual, thus not a synced field, the current language will be taken, which is
the language of the user that happens to request this styled image first.

PHP snippets to determine the text
Given the correct permission, you can write your own PHP snippet to compute the
text to display. To ease this task, this module makes some information regarding
the image being processed available in 2 variables: $image and $image_context.
These variables are readily available in your snippet.

$image is an associative array containing:
- source: string, the source of the image, e.g. public://photo.jpg
- info: array, example data:
- width (int) 180
- height (int) 180
- extension (string) png
- mime_type (string) image/png
- file_size (int) 4417
- toolkit: string, imagemagick or GD

$image_context is an associative array containing:
- effect_data: array, the data of this image effect, example data for the text
- size (string) 12
- xpos (string) center
- ypos (string) center
- halign (string) left
- valign (string) bottom
- RGB Array [1]
- HEX (string) 000000
- alpha (string) 100
- angle (string) 0
- fontfile (string:10) lhandw.ttf
- text_source (string) text
- text (string) Hello World!
- php (string) return 'Hello World!'
- managed_file: object|null. A managed file object containing these properties:
- fid (string) 2
- uid (string) 1
- filename (string) photo.jpg
- uri (string) public://photo.jpg
- filemime (string) image/jpeg
- filesize (string) 445751
- status (string) 1
- timestamp (string) 1327525851
- metatags Array [0]
- rdf_mapping Array [0]
- referring_entities: array|null. A nested array with (fully loaded) entities
referring to the current image. The 1st level of entries is keyed by the field
name, the 2nd by entity type, and the 3rd by entity id. Example data:
- field_photo Array [1]
- node Array [1]
- 12 Object of: stdClass
- nid (string) 12
- vid (string) 12
- type (string) page
- author ...
- timestamp ...
- ...
- entity: object|null, the 1st entity in referring_entities. This is for easy
access to the referring entity if it may be assumed that only 1 entity is
referring to the current image.
- image_field: array|null, the 1st image field in entity that is referring to
the current image. This is for easy access to the image field data if it may
be assumed that only 1 image field is referring to the current image. Example
- fid (int) 2
- alt (string) ...
- title (string) ...
- ...

Of course there are many other possible useful globals. Think of:
- base_url
- base_path
- base_root
- is_https
- user
- language
and of course $_SERVER and $_GET.

Using these information you can access entity data as follows:

Specific case (1 entity, of known entity_type, referring to the image):
$entity_type = 'node';
$field_name = 'my_field';
$entity = $image_context['entity'];
$field = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name);

Or the more general case (not knowing the referring type, or multiple entities
that may be referring to the image):
$referring_entities = $image_context['referring_entities'];
foreach ($referring_entities as $field_name => $field_referring_entities) {
foreach ($field_referring_entities as $entity_type => $entities) {
foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $entity) {
$field = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name);

- Vertical alignment: add baseline as vertical alignment and make both toolkits
behave the same for any given vertical alignment.
- Rotation and alignment. Imagemagick seems to be more correct. Can GD made to
do the same?
- Language and alt/title: what if the first user to pass by and that generates
the image is in a language that has no alt/title?
- Newlines: seem to work in GD, not in Imagemagick.

To quote
As of IM version 6.2.4, the "-draw text" operation no longer understands the use
of '\n' as meaning newline, or the use of percent '%' image information escapes.
(See Drawing a Percent Bug). These abilities, and problems, however remain
available in the new IM v6 operator "-annotate". See the Annotate Text Drawing
Operator below.