Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 1bc61b12ad first import 9 rokov pred
README.txt 1bc61b12ad first import 9 rokov pred
grid800x600.png 1bc61b12ad first import 9 rokov pred 1bc61b12ad first import 9 rokov pred 1bc61b12ad first import 9 rokov pred
image_effects_text_test.module 1bc61b12ad first import 9 rokov pred
lhandw.ttf 1bc61b12ad first import 9 rokov pred


README for the Image effect text test module.

This module contains 2 image styles to test text effects. It uses an image
containing a grid and a font which are included in the install package as well.

Hard Dependencies
Hard dependencies:
- Imagecache actions.
- Image (Drupal core).
- Features
- System stream wrapper (

Soft Dependencies
- Imagemagick (preferred toolkit,