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##### Omega Theme
Informational: http://himer.us/omega960
Documentation: http://himer.us/omega-docs
Project Page: http://drupal.org/project/omega
Issue Queue: http://drupal.org/project/issues/omega
Usage Stats: http://drupal.org/project/usage/omega
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Omeglicon
##### Process Hooks
Any custom process functionality can (rather than directly in template.php) be placed
in this process folder in a file named as such:
TEMPLATE_process_html() = process-html.inc
TEMPLATE_process_page() = process-page.inc
TEMPLATE_process_node() = process-node.inc
TEMPLATE_process_comment() = process-comment.inc
TEMPLATE_process_region() = process-region.inc
Inside of your process-HOOK.inc files, you can either directly dump the PHP code as it
would normally appear INSIDE of a process function, or you can optionally (recommended)
wrap the code in a custom hook for Alpha/Omega as such:
function THEMENAME_alpha_process_HOOK(&$vars) {
// custom functionality here