popsu_structure.layouts.inc 2.8 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * popsu_structure.layouts.inc
  5. */
  6. /**
  7. * Implements hook_default_panels_layout().
  8. */
  9. function popsu_structure_default_panels_layout() {
  10. $export = array();
  11. $layout = new stdClass();
  12. $layout->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default layout disabled initially */
  13. $layout->api_version = 1;
  14. $layout->name = 'popsu_70_30_accordion';
  15. $layout->admin_title = 'POPSU 74/26 accordion';
  16. $layout->admin_description = 'Layout 74/26 avec accordéon';
  17. $layout->category = 'POPSU Layout';
  18. $layout->plugin = 'flexible';
  19. $layout->settings = array(
  20. 'items' => array(
  21. 'canvas' => array(
  22. 'type' => 'row',
  23. 'contains' => 'column',
  24. 'children' => array(
  25. 0 => 1,
  26. 1 => 2,
  27. ),
  28. 'parent' => NULL,
  29. 'class' => 'accordion-h2-layout',
  30. 'column_class' => '',
  31. 'row_class' => '',
  32. 'region_class' => '',
  33. 'no_scale' => FALSE,
  34. 'fixed_width' => '',
  35. 'column_separation' => '0',
  36. 'region_separation' => '0',
  37. 'row_separation' => '0',
  38. ),
  39. 1 => array(
  40. 'type' => 'column',
  41. 'width' => '74.05175820679584',
  42. 'width_type' => '%',
  43. 'parent' => 'canvas',
  44. 'children' => array(
  45. 0 => 3,
  46. 1 => 4,
  47. ),
  48. 'class' => '',
  49. ),
  50. 2 => array(
  51. 'type' => 'column',
  52. 'width' => '25.94824179320417',
  53. 'width_type' => '%',
  54. 'parent' => 'canvas',
  55. 'children' => array(
  56. 0 => 5,
  57. ),
  58. 'class' => 'accordion-content',
  59. ),
  60. 3 => array(
  61. 'type' => 'row',
  62. 'contains' => 'region',
  63. 'children' => array(
  64. 0 => 'title',
  65. ),
  66. 'parent' => '1',
  67. 'class' => 'accordion-trigger layout-88p',
  68. ),
  69. 'title' => array(
  70. 'type' => 'region',
  71. 'title' => 'title',
  72. 'width' => 100,
  73. 'width_type' => '%',
  74. 'parent' => '3',
  75. 'class' => '',
  76. ),
  77. 4 => array(
  78. 'type' => 'row',
  79. 'contains' => 'region',
  80. 'children' => array(
  81. 0 => 'left',
  82. ),
  83. 'parent' => '1',
  84. 'class' => 'accordion-content layout-88p',
  85. ),
  86. 'left' => array(
  87. 'type' => 'region',
  88. 'title' => 'left',
  89. 'width' => 100,
  90. 'width_type' => '%',
  91. 'parent' => '4',
  92. 'class' => '',
  93. ),
  94. 5 => array(
  95. 'type' => 'row',
  96. 'contains' => 'region',
  97. 'children' => array(
  98. 0 => 'right',
  99. ),
  100. 'parent' => '2',
  101. 'class' => '',
  102. ),
  103. 'right' => array(
  104. 'type' => 'region',
  105. 'title' => 'right',
  106. 'width' => 100,
  107. 'width_type' => '%',
  108. 'parent' => '5',
  109. 'class' => '',
  110. ),
  111. ),
  112. );
  113. $export['popsu_70_30_accordion'] = $layout;
  114. return $export;
  115. }