less_demo.info 970 B

  1. name = "LESS CSS Preprocessor - DEMO"
  2. description = "Demonstrate LESS module functionality and implementation examples."
  3. core = 7.x
  4. dependencies[] = less
  5. configure = admin/config/development/less/demo
  6. ; Sheets with .less extension will automatically receive variables below.
  7. stylesheets[all][] = styles/less_demo.info.css.less
  8. ; Variables defined here will automatically be available inside sheets
  9. ; registered to this module.
  10. ; Variables are lazy evaluated, so they don't have to be defined in order.
  11. less[vars][@gradient_end] = darken(@gradient_start, 10%);
  12. less[vars][@gradient_start] = #0779bf;
  13. less[vars][@text_glow] = lighten(@gradient_start, 10%);
  14. ; Register non-global sheets to automatically receive variables associated with
  15. ; this module.
  16. less[sheets][] = styles/less_demo.drupal_add_css.css.less
  17. ; Information added by Drupal.org packaging script on 2015-02-04
  18. version = "7.x-4.0+2-dev"
  19. core = "7.x"
  20. project = "less"
  21. datestamp = "1423078338"