t('Language'), 'summary callback' => 'locale_language_name', 'default' => language_default('language'), ); return $context; } /** * Implements hook_xmlsitemap_context(). */ function xmlsitemap_i18n_xmlsitemap_context() { $context['language'] = $GLOBALS['language']->language; return $context; } /** * Implements xmlsitemap_context_url_options(). */ function xmlsitemap_i18n_xmlsitemap_context_url_options(array $context) { $options = array(); if (isset($context['language'])) { $options['language'] = xmlsitemap_language_load($context['language']); } return $options; } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function xmlsitemap_i18n_form_xmlsitemap_sitemap_edit_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) { $form['context']['language'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Language'), '#options' => locale_language_list(), '#default_value' => isset($form['#sitemap']->context['language']) ? $form['#sitemap']->context['language'] : LANGUAGE_NONE, ); } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). * * Set the regeneration needed flag if settings are changed. */ function xmlsitemap_form_locale_languages_overview_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) { array_unshift($form['#submit'], 'xmlsitemap_form_submit_flag_regenerate'); } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). * * Set the regeneration needed flag if multilingual settings are changed. */ function xmlsitemap_i18n_form_i18n_admin_settings_alter(&$form, $form_state) { array_unshift($form['#submit'], 'xmlsitemap_form_submit_flag_regenerate'); } /** * Implements hook_query_TAG_alter(). * * @see i18n_db_rewrite_where() */ function xmlsitemap_i18n_query_xmlsitemap_generate_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) { $mode = variable_get('i18n_selection_mode', 'simple'); $sitemap = $query->getMetaData('sitemap'); if (!isset($sitemap->context['language']) || $mode == 'off') { return; } // Get languages to simplify query building. $current = $sitemap->context['language']; $default = language_default(); if ($mode == 'mixed' && $current == $default) { // If mode is mixed but current = default, is the same as 'simple'. $mode = 'simple'; } switch ($mode) { case 'simple': // Current language and language neutral. $query->condition('x.language', array($current, LANGUAGE_NONE)); break; case 'mixed': // Mixed current language (if available) or default language (if not) and // language neutral. $query->condition('x.language', array($current, $default, LANGUAGE_NONE)); break; case 'default': // Only default language and language neutral. $query->condition('x.language', array($default, LANGUAGE_NONE)); break; case 'strict': // Only current language (for nodes), simple for all other types. $node_condition = db_and(); $node_condition->condition('x.type', 'node'); $node_condition->condition('x.language', $current); $normal_condition = db_and(); $normal_condition->condition('x.type', 'node', '<>'); $normal_condition->condition('x.language', array($current, LANGUAGE_NONE)); $condition = db_or(); $condition->condition($node_condition); $condition->condition($normal_condition); $query->condition($condition); break; case 'off': // All content. No language conditions apply. break; } }