chunks > 1) { return 'index'; } else { return 1; } } else { return (int) $_GET['page']; } } /** * Output a sitemap page. * * @see xmlsitemap_sitemap_load_by_context() * @see xmlsitemap_get_current_chunk() * @see xmlsitemap_sitemap_get_file() * @see xmlsitemap_output_file() */ function xmlsitemap_output_chunk() { $sitemap = xmlsitemap_sitemap_load_by_context(); if (!$sitemap) { return MENU_NOT_FOUND; } $chunk = xmlsitemap_get_current_chunk($sitemap); $file = xmlsitemap_sitemap_get_file($sitemap, $chunk); // Provide debugging information if enabled. if (variable_get('xmlsitemap_developer_mode', 0) && isset($_GET['debug'])) { $output = array(); $context = xmlsitemap_get_current_context(); $output[] = "Current context: " . print_r($context, TRUE); $output[] = "Sitemap: " . print_r($sitemap, TRUE); $output[] = "Chunk: $chunk"; $output[] = "Cache file location: $file"; $output[] = "Cache file exists: " . (file_exists($file) ? 'Yes' : 'No'); return implode('
', $output); } return xmlsitemap_output_file($file); } /** * Output the contents of a file to the browser and check caching headers. */ function xmlsitemap_output_file($file, array $headers = array()) { if (!file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file)) { return MENU_NOT_FOUND; } $mtime = filemtime($file); $last_modified = gmdate(DATE_RFC1123, $mtime); $etag = '"' . md5($last_modified) . '"'; // See if the client has provided the required HTTP headers. $if_modified_since = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ? stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) : FALSE; $if_none_match = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ? stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) : FALSE; if ($if_modified_since && $if_none_match && $if_none_match == $etag && $if_modified_since == $last_modified) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); // All 304 responses must send an etag if the 200 response for the same // object contained an etag. header('Etag: ' . $etag); exit; } $headers += array( 'Content-type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'Last-modified' => $last_modified, 'Etag' => $etag, 'Expires' => gmdate(DATE_RFC1123, $mtime + variable_get('xmlsitemap_minimum_lifetime', 0)), 'Cache-Control' => 'must-revalidate', 'X-Robots-Tag' => 'noindex, follow', ); // Transfer the file as output. xmlsitemap_file_transfer($file, $headers); } /** * Modified version of file_transfer() that invokes hook_exit()s afterwards. * * @see file_transfer() */ function xmlsitemap_file_transfer($uri, $headers) { if (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { drupal_add_http_header($name, $value); } drupal_send_headers(); // Attempt to increase time to transfer file. drupal_set_time_limit(240); $scheme = variable_get('file_default_scheme', 'public'); // Transfer file in 16 KB chunks to save memory usage. if ($scheme && file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme($scheme) && $fd = fopen($uri, 'rb')) { while (!feof($fd)) { print fread($fd, 1024 * 16); } fclose($fd); // Disable session manipulation if PHP transferred a file. drupal_save_session(FALSE); } else { drupal_not_found(); } drupal_exit(); } /** * Output an XML transformation file for the sitemap XML. */ function xmlsitemap_output_xsl() { // Read the XSL content from the file. $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'xmlsitemap'); $xsl_content = file_get_contents($module_path . '/xsl/xmlsitemap.xsl'); // Make sure the strings in the XSL content are translated properly. $replacements = array( 'Sitemap file' => t('Sitemap file'), 'Generated by the Drupal XML sitemap.' => t('Generated by the Drupal XML sitemap.', array('@link-xmlsitemap' => '')), 'Number of sitemaps in this index' => t('Number of sitemaps in this index'), 'Click on the table headers to change sorting.' => t('Click on the table headers to change sorting.'), 'Sitemap URL' => t('Sitemap URL'), 'Last modification date' => t('Last modification date'), 'Number of URLs in this sitemap' => t('Number of URLs in this sitemap'), 'URL location' => t('URL location'), 'Change frequency' => t('Change frequency'), 'Priority' => t('Priority'), '[jquery]' => base_path() . 'misc/jquery.js', '[jquery-tablesort]' => base_path() . $module_path . '/xsl/jquery.tablesorter.min.js', '[xsl-js]' => base_path() . $module_path . '/xsl/xmlsitemap.xsl.js', '[xsl-css]' => base_path() . $module_path . '/xsl/xmlsitemap.xsl.css', ); $xsl_content = strtr($xsl_content, $replacements); // Output the XSL content. drupal_add_http_header('Content-type', 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'); drupal_add_http_header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, follow'); print $xsl_content; }