/** * Legend ============================================================= */ .openlayers-legends { position:absolute; left:5px; bottom:5px; z-index:3000; } .openlayers-legends .legend { background:#fff; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; } .openlayers-legends .swatch { float:left; display:block; width:15px; height:15px; margin-right:5px; } /** * Blockswitcher ====================================================== */ .openlayers-blockswitcher span.key { display:block; float:left; height:20px; width:20px; margin-right:5px; } .openlayers-blockswitcher input.form-radio, .openlayers-blockswitcher input.form-checkbox { margin-right:5px; } div.openlayers-map .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher { position:absolute; z-index:3000; background:#fff; width:auto; } div.openlayers-map .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher.ne { top:0px; right:0px; } div.openlayers-map .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher.nw { top:0px; left:0px; } div.openlayers-map .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher.se { bottom:0px; right:0px; } div.openlayers-map .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher.sw { bottom:0px; left:0px; } .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher h2.block-title { cursor:pointer; } .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher div.block-content { display:none; } .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher div.radio { background: #fff url('inactive.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 3px 0 3px 25px; } .openlayers_plus-blockswitcher div.activated { background: #fff url('active.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 3px 0 3px 25px; } /** * Blocktoggle ======================================================== */ div.openlayers-map .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle { position:absolute; z-index:3001; background:transparent; width:auto; padding: 0; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; } div.openlayers-map .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle.ne { top:0px; right:0px; } div.openlayers-map .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle.nw { top:0px; left:0px; } div.openlayers-map .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle.se { bottom:0px; right:0px; } div.openlayers-map .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle.sw { bottom:0px; left:0px; } .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle h2.block-title { display:none; } .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle .openlayers-blocktoggle-a, .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle .openlayers-blocktoggle-b { float:left; color:#666; background:url('point-button.png') #fff 5px 50% no-repeat; padding:0px 5px 0px 20px; line-height:20px; width:50px; cursor:pointer; } .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle .openlayers-blocktoggle-a { -moz-border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; border-right:1px solid #ccc; } .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle .openlayers-blocktoggle-b { -moz-border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; background-image:url('point-choro.png'); } .block-openlayers_plus-blocktoggle .activated { background-color:#eee; color:#222; } /** * Sample themeregion css. You probably want to override this * */ .openlayers_plus-themeregion { z-index: 1000; /* this is tricky, the layers are 999, the first OpenLayers control is 1001 */ position: absolute; /* We do this in code, too, as some themes position the region by ID, so we lose */ } /* ** For sample purposes, place the selected region at the top of the map ** If you select more regions, that wont work too well. */ .openlayers_plus-themeregion.olControlNoSelect { top:0px; right:0px; }