api_version = 1; $default->name = 'default'; $default->title = t('Default Map'); $default->description = t('This is the default map that will be the basis for all maps, unless you have changed the !settings. This is also a good example of a basic map.', array('!settings' => l(t('OpenLayers main settings'), 'admin/structure/openlayers'))); $default->data = array( 'projection' => '900913', 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => '400px', 'default_layer' => 'mapquest_osm', 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '0,0', 'zoom' => '0' ) ), 'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'maxExtent' => openlayers_get_extent('4326'), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_attribution' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array(), ), 'layers' => array( 'mapquest_osm' => 'mapquest_osm', 'mapquest_openaerial' => 'mapquest_openaerial', ), 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default_select', 'temporary' => 'default', ), ); $items['default'] = $default; // An example Google map $openlayers_maps = new stdClass; $openlayers_maps->disabled = FALSE; $openlayers_maps->api_version = 1; $openlayers_maps->name = 'example_google'; $openlayers_maps->title = t('Example Google Map'); $openlayers_maps->description = t('An example map using Google Maps API layers.'); $openlayers_maps->data = array( 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => '400px', 'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '0, 0', 'zoom' => '2', ), 'restrict' => array( 'restrictextent' => 0, 'restrictedExtent' => '', ), ), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_attribution' => array( 'seperator' => '', ), 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array( 'ascending' => 1, 'roundedCorner' => 1, 'roundedCornerColor' => '#222222', ), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array( 'zoomWheelEnabled' => 1, 'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1, 'documentDrag' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_permalink' => array( 'anchor' => 1, ), 'openlayers_behavior_zoompanel' => array(), ), 'default_layer' => 'google_physical', 'layers' => array( 'google_satellite' => 'google_satellite', 'google_hybrid' => 'google_hybrid', 'google_normal' => 'google_normal', 'google_physical' => 'google_physical', ), 'projection' => '900913', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default_select', 'temporary' => 'default', ), ); $items['default_google'] = $openlayers_maps; // Example map with MapQuest and GeoJSON $openlayers_maps = new stdClass(); $openlayers_maps->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default openlayers_maps disabled initially */ $openlayers_maps->api_version = 1; $openlayers_maps->name = 'example_geojson'; $openlayers_maps->title = 'Example GeoJSON Map'; $openlayers_maps->description = 'A simple map with a custom GeoJSON layer with direct data. Also an example of zooming into a layer.'; $openlayers_maps->data = array( 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => '400px', 'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'proxy_host' => '', 'hide_empty_map' => 0, 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '0,0', 'zoom' => '2', ), 'restrict' => array( 'restrictextent' => 0, 'restrictedExtent' => '', ), ), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array( 'ascending' => 1, 'sortBaseLayer' => '0', 'roundedCorner' => 1, 'roundedCornerColor' => '#222222', 'maximizeDefault' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array( 'zoomWheelEnabled' => 1, 'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1, 'documentDrag' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array( 'zoomWorldIcon' => 0, 'panIcons' => 1, ), 'openlayers_behavior_popup' => array( 'layers' => array( 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this', ), 'panMapIfOutOfView' => 0, 'keepInMap' => 1, ), 'openlayers_behavior_zoomtolayer' => array( 'zoomtolayer' => array( 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this', ), 'point_zoom_level' => '5', 'zoomtolayer_scale' => '1', ), ), 'default_layer' => 'mapquest_openaerial', 'layers' => array( 'mapquest_osm' => 'mapquest_osm', 'mapquest_openaerial' => 'mapquest_openaerial', 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this', ), 'layer_activated' => array( 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this', ), 'projection' => '900913', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default_select', 'temporary' => 'default', ), ); $items['example_geojson'] = $openlayers_maps; // Example map with MapQuest and GeoJSON $openlayers_maps = new stdClass(); $openlayers_maps->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default openlayers_maps disabled initially */ $openlayers_maps->api_version = 1; $openlayers_maps->name = 'example_kml'; $openlayers_maps->title = 'Example KML Map'; $openlayers_maps->description = 'A simple map with a KML layer.'; $openlayers_maps->data = array( 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => '400px', 'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'proxy_host' => '', 'hide_empty_map' => 0, 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '-122.0822035425683, 37.42228990140251', 'zoom' => '6', ), 'restrict' => array( 'restrictextent' => 0, 'restrictedExtent' => '', ), ), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_mouseposition' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array( 'ascending' => 1, 'sortBaseLayer' => '0', 'roundedCorner' => 1, 'roundedCornerColor' => '#222222', 'maximizeDefault' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array( 'zoomWheelEnabled' => 1, 'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1, 'documentDrag' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array( 'zoomWorldIcon' => 0, 'panIcons' => 1, ), 'openlayers_behavior_popup' => array( 'layers' => array( 'openlayers_kml_example' => 'openlayers_kml_example', ), 'panMapIfOutOfView' => 0, 'keepInMap' => 1, ), /* 'openlayers_behavior_zoomtolayer' => array( 'zoomtolayer' => array( 'openlayers_kml_example' => 'openlayers_kml_example', ), 'point_zoom_level' => '5', 'zoomtolayer_scale' => '1', ), */ ), 'default_layer' => 'mapquest_osm', 'layers' => array( 'mapquest_osm' => 'mapquest_osm', 'openlayers_kml_example' => 'openlayers_kml_example', ), 'layer_activated' => array( 'openlayers_kml_example' => 'openlayers_kml_example', ), 'projection' => '900913', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default_select', 'temporary' => 'default', ), ); $items['example_kml'] = $openlayers_maps; // Example Virtual Earth map $openlayers_maps = new stdClass; $openlayers_maps->disabled = FALSE; $openlayers_maps->api_version = 1; $openlayers_maps->name = 'example_bing'; $openlayers_maps->title = t('Example Microsoft Bing Map'); $openlayers_maps->description = t('This map uses the Microsoft Bing map API.'); $openlayers_maps->data = array( 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => '400px', 'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'proxy_host' => '', 'hide_empty_map' => 0, 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '-63.281250000007, -20.46819494553', 'zoom' => '2', ), 'restrict' => array( 'restrictextent' => 0, 'restrictedExtent' => '', ), ), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_attribution' => array( 'seperator' => '', ), 'openlayers_behavior_fullscreen' => array( 'activated' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array( 'ascending' => 1, 'roundedCorner' => 1, 'roundedCornerColor' => '#222222', ), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array( 'zoomWheelEnabled' => 1, 'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1, 'documentDrag' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_panzoom' => array(), ), 'default_layer' => 'bing_road', 'layers' => array( 'bing_road' => 'bing_road', 'bing_hybrid' => 'bing_hybrid', 'bing_aerial' => 'bing_aerial', ), 'projection' => '900913', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default_select', 'temporary' => 'default', ), ); $items['example_bing'] = $openlayers_maps; // Example OpenStreetMap $openlayers_maps = new stdClass; $openlayers_maps->disabled = FALSE; $openlayers_maps->api_version = 1; $openlayers_maps->name = 'example_osm'; $openlayers_maps->title = 'Example OpenStreetMap Map'; $openlayers_maps->description = 'Map to show off the OpenStreetMap layers.'; $openlayers_maps->data = array( 'width' => 'auto', 'height' => '400px', 'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'proxy_host' => '', 'hide_empty_map' => 0, 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '-0.093009923589588, 51.500381463117', 'zoom' => '12', ), 'restrict' => array( 'restrictextent' => 0, 'restrictedExtent' => '', ), ), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_attribution' => array( 'seperator' => '', ), 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_layerswitcher' => array( 'ascending' => 1, 'roundedCorner' => 1, 'roundedCornerColor' => '#222222', ), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array( 'zoomWheelEnabled' => 1, 'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1, 'documentDrag' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_zoompanel' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_scaleline' => array(), ), 'default_layer' => 'osm_mapnik', 'layers' => array( 'osm_mapnik' => 'osm_mapnik', 'osm_cycle' => 'osm_cycle', ), 'projection' => '900913', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default_select', 'temporary' => 'default', ), ); $items["example_osm"] = $openlayers_maps; // Backwards compatibilty for features presets. Since features // no longers cares about the preset hooks, we need to manually include // the preset file that stores the old hooks. $found_features = FALSE; if (module_exists('features')) { $features = features_get_features(); foreach ($features as $feature) { // Only utilize enabled features and look for presets if ($feature->status > 0 && !empty($feature->info['features']['openlayers_map_presets'])) { $found_features = TRUE; // Include the file we need. $presets = $feature->info['features']['openlayers_map_presets']; $module = $feature->name; $inc = module_load_include('inc', $module, $module . '.openlayers_presets'); } } } // If features found, we have to explicilty reset the implement // cache. This could be a significant performance hit on a site // that has a high number of modules installed. if ($found_features) { module_implements('openlayers_presets', FALSE, TRUE); } // Backwards compatibilty for normal presets $data = module_invoke_all('openlayers_presets'); if (count($data) > 0) { $items = $items + $data; } return $items; }