
, , . * But you can add and specify as many tags as you want, for example different headline types. If you want to use different fonts, * you will have to make sure that you embed these fonts in the Flash file. If you don‘t add a Text node, no info text appears. * - 'Hyperlink': An array that contains an #attributes key which holds the attributes URL and Target. * - 'Image': The Flash and Video nodes must have a child array Image, which will also have a Source #attribute key. This will specify the path to a preview image to be loaded before the SWF/Video file is shown. * This preview image might show the first image of the SWF/Video file though, which would cause a smooth transition from the image to the actual SWF/Video. * Please note that this image will still be shown left and right of the video, in case that the video is not as wide as the image. */ function template_preprocess_piecemaker_xml(&$vars) { foreach($vars['Contents'] as $item) { $Contents[] = theme('piecemaker_xml_node', array('item' => $item)); } $vars['ContentNodes'] = $Contents; } /** * Generates the individual nodes for a piecemaker XML file. */ function theme_piecemaker_xml_node(&$vars) { $hook = 'piecemaker_xml_node_' . $vars['item']['#type']; return theme($hook, $vars); }